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DJ73 23 April 2005 06:42 AM

we need the birch and death sentence , i agree with the "eye for a eye" stabbing's seem too common now , what about the guy shot over his car then they left it ,
with SCUM like these we should get a large tree and a short rope, hang em high !!

David Lock 23 April 2005 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by warrenm2
Its all about lies and statistics... check this out...

We lock up more people per head of population, but we lock up less people per 1000 crimes committed..... ie we are more lenient to a criminals but we have more criminals per head of population. Hope this helps!

Bit of reading here as well

P.S. Thought sweden was a high tax, high benefits wonder country? check the crime figures....

Thanks for the links - as you say it's lies and statistics!

According to the first link it is 7 times safer living in Eire than it is in Sweden? I wonder in the UK what the stats would be if you took out all drink and drug related crime. DL

Leslie 24 April 2005 12:02 PM


If you look up the full meaning of the word "fundamentalism" you will find that my first point in my original post is not an oxymoron. I implied that fact in my second post.

I still find it strange that you should jump up and down because her religion was mentioned when her parents, who are devout Catholics as she is, asked for prayers on her behalf. That will be why it was mentioned.

Your rather indignant reaction, which seems pointless anyway, spells an unreasonable lack of tolerance towards those who believe in the good which is associated with religious beliefs.

I would defend your right to be irreligious if that is what you believe just as much as I respect the rights of those who follow a religion. I don't it was fair to complain because the Catholic religion got mentioned in this context however.


Bravo2zero_sps 24 April 2005 02:04 PM

I have to agree with Les on this one, I am not religious and often get annoyed by religious importance in this country. However if this family find it comforting and a help to ask for other members of their religion to pray for their daughter then so be it. This is a horrendous crime and anyway that helps cope with it should not be condemned.

moses 24 April 2005 02:06 PM

its time the good people who are the majority take the law into their own hands and get the scum out of our neighbourhoods

its sad thugs used to get beaten up by all communities getting together to sort em out not the majority are scared of the minority

its sick actually
people are only gangsters coz we let them be in our patches

Leslie 25 April 2005 12:19 PM

Good point Moses.

Punishment has to be unpleasant to have any effect.


DrEvil 25 April 2005 12:36 PM

I just hope she recovers.

They should bring back the death penalty (for murders - which this could have ended up as).

dpb 25 April 2005 01:01 PM

So if this turns out to be a total lunatic we should just lynch him/her ,yes..?

Drunken Bungle Whore 25 April 2005 01:14 PM

How did this end up as a pollitical/ religious debate?? This poor woman was violently assualted and left for dead - it's tragic and impossible to imagine happening - be mad at the people who did it, not at each other for having different religious/ pollitical views!

daiscooby 25 April 2005 02:35 PM

Sorry we are breeding a ghetto mentality here. Good and bad areas are not giographically certainties because people can freely move about. Accept the fact that 'it can happen where you life'. More so because of the perception of material worth in a good area will attract crime. And you cannot put up physical barriers around either.

Also capital punishment doesn't work IMHO. Only one innocent person needs to be executed then the system is wrong. and many, many have.

Please dont bring religion into this, the statement was made by the press to show how the family were coping with the grief. They sought comfort in their faith. I have seen many devout atheists pray to God when they thought the time was right.

But I do think that sentences are to short, not enough deterent for my liking. And this care in the community for obviously violent and disturbed individuals is wrong. If an animal is a danger to man they cage it, and then they dont think ' oh hes been ok for 2 years lets let him out again '. Bad choice of words but you get my drift

Standards are dropping in this country true, but in Victorian times violent crime was accepted as part of life. Doesn't make it right, but we have always had it there. In the first half of the 20th century we have 2 very violent wars that left a void in the sensitivities of society as well as its population. Also respect is a word much lacking in todays Britain, even since my generation and I am only 43 ;).

But hey folks you have the chance next week to say what you think, May 5th.

P.S. If only HM prisons were like Colchester there would be far fewer re-offenders. Never been, never wated to, RP's was enough for me ;)

Bravo2zero_sps 26 April 2005 12:41 PM,00.html

Having now heard what happened to her how can anyone say the sick fcuk that did this does not deserve to hang for it? :mad: :mad: :mad:

I really hope they catch this animal quickly before he strikes again :mad:

Jap2Scrap 26 April 2005 01:12 PM

I'm afraid to say I don't think they'll catch this guy. It seems too random for any clues to be linked together to form a thread back to him from her. Now she's conscious and talking (sort of), and if the Sky news report is as good as the info gets, I don't hold out much hope :(

khany 26 April 2005 02:22 PM

Its fairly simple, in order to reduce crime you need to make the criminal think twice before he/she intends to carry out a crime. The only way to do this in my opinion is to have much harsher punishents, for example thiefs/bugglers loose one of their hands when caught, harsh yes but it will certainly reduce theft. One example of this is in Saudi.....where theft is almost non exsistant.

OllyK 26 April 2005 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by khany
Its fairly simple, in order to reduce crime you need to make the criminal think twice before he/she intends to carry out a crime. The only way to do this in my opinion is to have much harsher punishents, for example thiefs/bugglers loose one of their hands when caught, harsh yes but it will certainly reduce theft. One example of this is in Saudi.....where theft is almost non exsistant.

And Iceland has even lower figures but don't seem to need to resorting to limb removal either:

While I am all for more severe sentencing and a deterant, I'm not sure we need to resort to the middle ages to achieve it.

(Mind you look at unpaid diplomatic parking fees - Saudi are the worst in the world for that, maybe we should blow their cars up? ) :D

khany 26 April 2005 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK
And Iceland has even lower figures but don't seem to need to resorting to limb removal either:

While I am all for more severe sentencing and a deterant, I'm not sure we need to resort to the middle ages to achieve it.

(Mind you look at unpaid diplomatic parking fees - Saudi are the worst in the world for that, maybe we should blow their cars up? ) :D

Probably bcos they got too much money!!!!!!

Depends if you look at total or per capita where saudi compares to Iceland.

So what are Iceland doing that we here in the Uk arent?

Bravo2zero_sps 26 April 2005 02:40 PM

So what are Iceland doing that we here in the Uk arent?
Bringing their kids up properly I should imagine!

OllyK 26 April 2005 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by khany
Probably bcos they got too much money!!!!!!

Depends if you look at total or per capita where saudi compares to Iceland.

So what are Iceland doing that we here in the Uk arent?

You mean apart from having a population of about 30 people compared to the UK's 70 odd million? :D

In short I think it is a reasonably afluent (if boring) country, communities know the people within, so crime us unlikely as you are likely to be know by the people around and about. But that's just a guess on my part.

khany 26 April 2005 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK
You mean apart from having a population of about 30 people compared to the UK's 70 odd million? :D

In short I think it is a reasonably afluent (if boring) country, communities know the people within, so crime us unlikely as you are likely to be know by the people around and about. But that's just a guess on my part.

I'm sure poverty has a lot to do with it.....????

khany 26 April 2005 02:53 PM

On another note Iceland spends the least infact $0 on military expenditure....sounds like a wonderful peaceful country to live in.


OllyK 26 April 2005 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by khany
I'm sure poverty has a lot to do with it.....????

Hence at the start of my response I said "In short I think it is a reasonably afluent ..."

If you look at GDP per capita

Iceland = 8
UK = 24
Saudi = 63

So on that basis, you would expect Saudi to be far worse, when they are not. I suspect the fear of Allah and limb removal may well have a significant impact. However, I am not suggesting we be come an islamic state nor revert to limb removal to improve our crime figures, looking at Iceland as an example however, may be more palletable.

OllyK 26 April 2005 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by khany
On another note Iceland spends the least infact $0 on military expenditure....sounds like a wonderful peaceful country to live in.


Well who is going to invade an active volcano? :D

warrenm2 26 April 2005 11:39 PM

"we need to secure the lava supplies for the free world - we believe the icelandic people are able to lauch salted herrings of mass destruction within 45 minutes..."

Leslie 28 April 2005 02:03 PM


If you read OllyK's and my earlier posts you will see exactly how we both feel about the crime that was committed.


DrEvil 28 April 2005 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by **************
Bringing their kids up properly I should imagine!

And thats a whole other thread we could start... ;)

DJ73 29 April 2005 07:09 AM

i like the "limb removal" bit :D

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