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gso 17 March 2005 12:15 PM

Well done Andy!!!

Do you notice any difference in your breathing etc? I do... and I've only been stopped 9 Days!!!

Keep it up!

Andy Tang 17 March 2005 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by SJ_Skyline
:thumb: WTG mate :thumb:

I knew I should have got you a flat cap for your birthday! ;)

Cheers Rich! Shame you didn't!! :eek:

I could wear it when I see my grandchildren grow up! In what... 20-30 years time!! :D

Andy Tang 17 March 2005 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by gso
Well done Andy!!!

Do you notice any difference in your breathing etc? I do... and I've only been stopped 9 Days!!!

Keep it up!

Good on you mate! :)

No changes to breathing, but I've had a bit of a cold the last few days as well.

My sense of smell and taste have returned though! :)

Andy Tang 18 March 2005 12:21 PM

It will be exactly a week come 2pm.

That said, just a moment ago I was ready to start again, while punching a work colleagues face in! :mad:

Maybe I need anger management classes! :o

eClaire 18 March 2005 12:35 PM


I don't understand why you are so grumpy! I am supposed to be a hormonal wreck and managed it without being a mardy bum! :p

Andy Tang 18 March 2005 01:20 PM

I think I have unresolved anger issues!!! :o

I think it happens when people ask me to do some work!!! ;)

SiPie 18 March 2005 01:24 PM

I don't understand why you are so grumpy! I am supposed to be a hormonal wreck and managed it without being a mardy bum!
Simple...Because you have a very strong focus rather than upon yourself, presuming you are a caring sort ;)

PS My mother stopped when she was pregnant with me and the first thing she asked for after giving birth... (apart from a gun to shoot me with) was a pack of cigarettes. 36 years later she is on 80 a day....

So....beware. Once the focus is gone you may struggle.

Andy Tang 18 March 2005 03:03 PM

Some would think that while breatfeeding, you shouldn't smoke.

Others may take the tact that they shouldn't smoke around their children! Although it didn't stop my dad!! :o

I still remember as a child flying to Hong Kong and being sat near the back of the plane so my dad could have a smoking seat! :o

eClaire 18 March 2005 04:20 PM

Of course I am the caring type :p How do you think I got in this mess ;)

I really don't miss it, I forget I even smoked in the first place! I don't think I will have a problem! :)

Andy, was passive smoking a big thing when you were younger? Maybe if he was in that situ today he may have reacted differently.... (I'm not saying you are old :p)

philc 20 March 2005 02:05 AM

Originally Posted by Andy Tang
It will be exactly a week come 2pm.

that should be the worst part over with; now you can say, "I didn't smoke last Sunday, so I don't need to smoke this Sunday"

Smoking is no longer part of your routine.

And the reason to stay off the smokes, is that if you start again you'll have to go through this whole withdrawal agony another time; an awful prospect.

So stick at it !!!

Leslie 20 March 2005 08:05 AM

You've done good!

Les :)

Andy Tang 20 March 2005 09:26 AM

Cheers guys... I spent the whole day yesterday at a rolling road meet where about a third of the people who turned up smoked.

It was tough in the morning, but by about 11am, the craving turned to disgust!

I've now been to a pub, and been surrounded by smokers and seem to have coped. The next test will be when I next have a drinking session!! :o

scoob_babe 20 March 2005 09:43 AM

nice one Andy....Caroline did it so can you :D
Rich fell off the wagon quite spectacularly last Friday night though so he can't talk!!!!!!!!!!

rmn 20 March 2005 02:01 PM

Well done for giveing up smoking.

Andy Tang 22 March 2005 09:14 AM

Coming up to day 11 and it seems to be getting tougher!! :(

OllyK 22 March 2005 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by Andy Tang
Coming up to day 11 and it seems to be getting tougher!! :(

Stick it out, I am sure it will get easier with time!

Danbo 22 March 2005 09:29 AM

month and a half for me now.... I still sometimes feel like I want to smoke, but just remember back to the other times when i tried to give up and when you give in and have one you just feel gutted for doing it.

It never makes you feel better. Its this thought that has kept me going and it really is getting much easier. I only really miss it when drunk... but even that is getting easier to cope with now.

Good luck mate.

Patriot 22 March 2005 09:37 AM

Thirty years smoking and I gave up two days ago...using patches and chewing gum. Tried a few times before but been told by the doctor this is a must for me now so I am going to really try this time, I feel better already and dont have a cough anymore even after two days. Just figuring how I am going to reward myself with the £50 a week I will save keeps me smiling.


eClaire 22 March 2005 12:13 PM

Well done! Keep going, it DOES get easier! :)

Leslie 22 March 2005 12:25 PM

Its a lot more difficult to put up with lung cancer or serious angina.


03-CTR 22 March 2005 12:59 PM

i started smoking when i was 13 and gave up 7 years ago (i'm now 31). don't miss it a bit tbh. best thing i found was not to count the days you've given up as it only serves to keep you focused on the fags. sure its nice to celebrate milestones but just forget about the bloody things and focus on something else.

also give the gum/patches a wide berth as you don't need them. biggest load of ****e going imo as you still need the all important will power which the fookers don't supply in the pack ;)

SiPie 22 March 2005 01:23 PM


<stuck record mode on>

Read The Easyway to Stop Smoking


Allen Carr

Andy Tang 22 March 2005 01:32 PM

I feel like a tw@t.... I just had a cigarette. :( :mad:

I don't know why, it tasted horrid and throw most of it away.

I feel like a failure, but I guess I have to set my mind to why I don't need cigarettes in my life, to save being tempted into it again!

Time to re-read Allen Carr!

SiPie 22 March 2005 01:37 PM

Time to re-read Allen Carr!
Go and buy

The easyway to stop smoking 'permanently' rather than the smaller book (it has around 479 pages)

Lots more info in it and worked well with me

Don't be put off by one took me around 20 failed attempts before I made it stick

Andy Tang 22 March 2005 01:40 PM

Thanks for the support and advice Si.

I'll have a look for the book on Amazon later.

Trashman 22 March 2005 02:59 PM

Go and have a good sniff of someone who still smokes....seriously do it. The weak moments for me were always quelled when someone came back in after a fag. 13 months now and could still happily light up (you wont lose that feeling so don't expect to) but don't want to mainly coz of that smell!

Don't let anyone tell you it's easy, it aint but keep at it - another day or two and you really are over the worst. What worked for me this time round was I told nobody that I was giving up so didn't get idiots pushing a fag on me or hassling me. Keeping it low key may help you too..Good luck :thumb:

Brendan Hughes 22 March 2005 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Andy Tang
I feel like a tw@t.... I just had a cigarette. :( :mad:

I don't know why, it tasted horrid and throw most of it away.

First sentence - baaaad :mad:

Second sentence - goooooood :)

eClaire 22 March 2005 03:47 PM

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

You were doing so well :rolleyes: Where did you get it from? Did someone at work give you it?

I bet you smell really nice now! Did you get a headrush?

eClaire 22 March 2005 03:48 PM


Danbo 22 March 2005 03:49 PM


And I bet it didnt suddenly make you feel better either..

you just need to remember this moment for next time you want another cigarette.

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