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johnfelstead 10 January 2005 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by scoobfan
It's all the start of Armageddon !!!!!

And maybe something to do with our changing global climate.

Mother Earth has decided it's payback.

Its got nothing to do with climate change, it was a result of plate tectonics where two plates of the earths crust meet up, with one submeging under the other, the movement of which caused an earthquake with the sea bed in the localised area moving both horizonatlly and vertically generating the energy transmited into the water to create the shock wave, which grew into a Tsunami.

Tsunami's have been hapening on this planet since water formed on its surface, well before any lifeform arived to try and rationalise it in a religious context. It will happen again, and again, and again.................

Freak 10 January 2005 08:51 PM

Its the plot from bruce almighty..... (there is a tsunami bit in it when he moves the moon if i remember correctly...)
its real i tell you- gods on vacation, and his holiday cover has pushed the wrong button.

Or its a totally natural event, that has been happening for millions of years and will continue to do so until this measly planet is dead in X years time

Fuzz 10 January 2005 10:51 PM

x = 6 million ish

Fuzz 10 January 2005 10:51 PM

but the sun will have consumed it by then anyway. :(

Stiff 10 January 2005 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Fuzz
x = 6 million ish

That's not what the Romans said. :)

johnfelstead 10 January 2005 11:28 PM

the earth is aprox 4.55 billion years old, based on the age of some of the rock found on its surface, it is constantly regenerating its surface via plate tectonics and has completely regenerated its entire surface every 500 million years or so. It has a lot more time ahead of it than 6 million years Fuzz.

ALi-B 11 January 2005 12:02 AM

God is an Alien...we are his school science project in a little petri dish. The universe in Alien time is only 2 months old ;)

MJW 11 January 2005 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by johnfelstead
the earth is aprox 4.55 billion years old, based on the age of some of the rock found on its surface, it is constantly regenerating its surface via plate tectonics and has completely regenerated its entire surface every 500 million years or so. It has a lot more time ahead of it than 6 million years Fuzz.

It's a bit of a shame mankind won't last that long !

wez_sti 11 January 2005 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
God is an Alien...we are his school science project in a little petri dish. The universe in Alien time is only 2 months old ;)

who created the Alien? ;)

this could go on a while!

Brit_in_Japan 11 January 2005 12:28 AM

I demand we bring back CWE !! ;)

markr1963 11 January 2005 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
God is an Alien...we are his school science project in a little petri dish. The universe in Alien time is only 2 months old ;)

Best answer yet :D:D

But seriously, folks, the tsunami was bad, real bad but as John has said it's what this planet we live on does. It's not some benign lump of rock, it's a very violent place and once in a while humanity suffers. In the grand scheme of things humans are pretty insignificant and I reckon it's naive to think we have any great influence over what happens on a global scale. Sure, we're pretty good at killing others humans but what's the main cause of that? Religion. Has been for thousands of years, will be for thousands more - probably.

Take global warming. At best (or worst?) we're helping things along a bit. The planet is warming up. That's what it does preceding an Ice Age.

All of this is IMO, the Bible was written by Enid Blyton and to quote Ferris Bueller quoting John Lennon "I don't believe in Beatles, I just be believe in me"


Bravo2zero_sps 11 January 2005 01:09 AM

So how do we know the sun wont burn itself out or hasn't already, we're well and truly fooked if that happens. Perhaps thats 'Gods' science lab light bulb and when he has finished his experiments he will turn the light off and go and do something a little more interesting instead :D

All I know is there bloody well better be a God and Heaven as after the **** i've experienced on this fooked up planet i'm owed one hell of a paradise waiting for me up there :D

fast bloke 11 January 2005 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by what would scooby do
can your gods create a rock so heavy that they can't lift them ?

ya bollix - that was my question :D

I really really can't understand why educated people believe in god. ( I was educated by priests, and before you ask, no - they didn't 'get' me)

There are billions of galaxies - every galaxy has billions of stars - many stars have a handful of planets. Why does it not say - on the third day (guess BTW) , god created day and night, seventynine squiliion times over.

IMHO religion is a way of controlling people and nothing else.

BTW - Sith - there was no 'before the universe' - The universe constists of at the very least 4 dimensions, one of which is time. 'Before' the universe, this dimension didn't exist, so there was no before. It helps if you twist the dimensions. Imagine time as a pencil line. Look at the start of the line. Look at the bit before that - what do you see - nothing. You don't see no line. You don't see a line shaped dimension. If you can make sense of that, it becomes straightforward to apply it to the question of what hapened before time existed. As 'before' is generally considered to be a measure of time, then 'before time' is like one of those recursive references you get in excel when you click the wrong cell.

Godfearers - if god did all that stuff just to create us in his own image, why did he bother with stuff like white dwarfs, red giants, supernovas, light that can't decide if it is a particle or a wave. More importantly, why did he give us a foodway that crossed our airway, appendix, tonsils and suceptibility to bacteria. Was he trying to kill us off? Why did he not just make us sharks, which don't have any of these potentially fatal issues. And finally, erm - why have sharks been about soooooooo long - 265 million years basically unchanged iirc. Man in his present form probably hasn't been about for more than 10000 years. If god is that clever how come it has only been in the last 0.0000001% of 'our' universe that he created for us when we suddenly become aware of his existence? - and more importantly, our own?????

Lum 11 January 2005 01:43 AM

It's strenghened some people's beliefs, but I doubt this lot speak for the majority of religious types (at least I hope not)
This is not a satire site, is extremist christian fundamentalists.

fast bloke 11 January 2005 01:46 AM

Originally Posted by **************
So how do we know the sun wont burn itself out or hasn't already, we're well and truly fooked if that happens.

mainly cos the light from the sun reaches us about 6 and a half minutes after it happens. We have a fair understanding of the chemistry and physics of the sun, so we can work out what will likely happen for the next couple of billion years - which is fine, except that we can't work out what will happen to the earth over the same time. The tsunami causing quake made the earth jump marginally. A tiny bit of a bigger jump could throw the earth off its axis relating to the moon and give the earth the equivalent of a badly balance wheel followed by a speed wobble. The likley outcome would be that one of Venus, Mercury, Earth or the moon would fall out of equilibrium and go zinging off into outer space or into the sun. The change of gravitational relationship between whatever is left behind would ensure that we would all freeze to death or get cooked in a week.

Our solar system is a really small place, so we can be sure this hasn't happened. Even more frightening is when two stars pass close to each other, and the massive gravity causes them to collide. We can detect gamma radiation from times when this happened near the beginning of the universe, but at such a distance that the gamma ratiation travelling at the speed of light is only reaching us now. Nothing travels faster than light, so if two stars within maybe 200 light years decided to collide, the first thing we would know about is would be eggs hard boiled, still in the chicken, followed closely by humans hard boiled, mostly with no skin. On the bright side, the limited fossil record shows that the vast majority of life gets wiped out every 15 million years, but the last one was at the KT boundary, around 65 million years ago. That means we are due 4 and a bit wipeouts. Also, the beggest animal that seems to survive these natural disasters seem to be sharks...... did I mention that already?

Bravo2zero_sps 11 January 2005 02:03 AM

Well you learn something everyday, bloody clever cloggs :p :D Seriously though I thought the light from the sun took some ridiculously long time to reach us :rolleyes: not 6 and a half minutes lol must have been something else I was thinking about, like a star?

fast bloke 11 January 2005 02:17 AM

Proxima Centauri?? - Our nearest star at a mere 4.2 light years. I think the faintest one is 3 billion light years away, but there will be loads of other that have been so far away since the beginning of time thet the light from them might not ever reach us, well - at least not for a couple of weeks anyway :D

Bravo2zero_sps 11 January 2005 02:22 AM

Yeah thats the one I was thinking of, obviously :D didn't realise they taught you all this stuff in the FSA manuals :D

The Zohan 11 January 2005 08:52 AM

I am impressed by the religious spin doctors (sorry vicars, clerics, etc) who state that God (of whatever religion) was there and saved many people or God can be seen helping the survivors. Or 'they' have gone to a better place. Well if they have gone to a better place then perhaps we should all go right now or never be born in the first place and go straight to heaven.

With the concentration camps or wars then the religious types say it is 'mans inhumanity to man' well in the case of disasters like this they do struggle with a good answer.

I saw kids being washed away (on the news) never to be seen again - Where exactly was God?


IMHO Religion is a means of control of the masses.
It gives people something to believe in
It makes them accountable - do not do God's will or break his laws then you will be punished in the afterlife.
God is there to guide you - more control

This may have been fine 100's of years ago but is looking a bit dated and full of holes since Darwin.

Heh if some people need to believe in a God then fine.

It just does not wash for me.

Saying that i am more of an Agnostic than a non beliver and if there is a God then i would like to see it proved but THB i will not hold my breath.

Maybe God should be a bit more proactive!

This is not meant to offend just IMHO

Dream Weaver 11 January 2005 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by fast bloke
ya bollix - that was my question :D

I really really can't understand why educated people believe in god. ( I was educated by priests, and before you ask, no - they didn't 'get' me)

There are billions of galaxies - every galaxy has billions of stars - many stars have a handful of planets. Why does it not say - on the third day (guess BTW) , god created day and night, seventynine squiliion times over.

IMHO religion is a way of controlling people and nothing else.

BTW - Sith - there was no 'before the universe' - The universe constists of at the very least 4 dimensions, one of which is time. 'Before' the universe, this dimension didn't exist, so there was no before. It helps if you twist the dimensions. Imagine time as a pencil line. Look at the start of the line. Look at the bit before that - what do you see - nothing. You don't see no line. You don't see a line shaped dimension. If you can make sense of that, it becomes straightforward to apply it to the question of what hapened before time existed. As 'before' is generally considered to be a measure of time, then 'before time' is like one of those recursive references you get in excel when you click the wrong cell.

Godfearers - if god did all that stuff just to create us in his own image, why did he bother with stuff like white dwarfs, red giants, supernovas, light that can't decide if it is a particle or a wave. More importantly, why did he give us a foodway that crossed our airway, appendix, tonsils and suceptibility to bacteria. Was he trying to kill us off? Why did he not just make us sharks, which don't have any of these potentially fatal issues. And finally, erm - why have sharks been about soooooooo long - 265 million years basically unchanged iirc. Man in his present form probably hasn't been about for more than 10000 years. If god is that clever how come it has only been in the last 0.0000001% of 'our' universe that he created for us when we suddenly become aware of his existence? - and more importantly, our own?????

Well said, i'm not religious at all, it would be nice if God existed and we all went to heaven, but i never understand why grown people think there is a man/woman/thing that sits up in the clouds and "watches" over us.

For those that believe in God, and honestly think there is some chap somewhere with a white beard, where does he live, what does he eat???

I get forced to go to church every now and then (dad in law is choir master) and it scares me when everyone starts chanting prayers. Obviously I dont join in as that would be hypocritical.

Each to their own, and if religion helps some people then great, but i'm afraid I go with the Evolution theory everytime - its actually very interesting when you read into it.

CoobyS 11 January 2005 08:54 AM


We are net nothing. Anti-matter guys. No need for a creator/god/superman etc.

We only observe the matter around us, but to think the entire universe is matter is the mistake you are making. Add the anti-matter and then zilch.

I know there are a few class physicists on here who have more time on their hands to explain to those with difficulty.

Geezer 11 January 2005 08:56 AM

It's an utterly pointless exercise to discuss whether it was an act of God with believers, or to discuss whether there is a God or not.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of planet and star creation, evolution etc., and the glaring absence of any evidence whatsoever about the existence of such a being, they always fall back on the old faith thing.

They will believe, the non believers will not. And never the twain shall meet. They know you cannot disprove something like this, so they just keep on with their smarmy little 'ah, but he moves in mysterious ways' or 'it's his grand design' rubbish.

Let them get on with it, it brings them comfort, which is no bad thing. Just don't push that crap on the rest of us.


TelBoy 11 January 2005 09:07 AM

It was certainly a bit ironic that this God decided to "allow" this to happen on the day after his "son's" birthday... ;)

I've heard all the reasons and justifications for why a God wouldn't/couldn't/shouldn't prevent these types of things from happening, and they leave me cold. At the time when an asteroid, nuclear war, sun exploding or whatever comes first and wipes out the human race, there'll be nobody to ask the questions anyway, let alone make up any number of excuses for His "unfortunate" accidents. Make the most of your time here, and just be thankful you have the gift of life and the ability to ponder these unanswerables.

STi wanna Subaru 11 January 2005 09:23 AM

IMHO God was created by man to give them comfort at the thought of death. we are the only creature on this planet that understands our own mortality and therefore the idea that there is something at the end of this life is comforting to people.

I personally think that this is all there is and once you die that's it THE END.

Sith 11 January 2005 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by fast bloke

BTW - Sith - there was no 'before the universe' - The universe constists of at the very least 4 dimensions, one of which is time. 'Before' the universe, this dimension didn't exist, so there was no before. It helps if you twist the dimensions. Imagine time as a pencil line. Look at the start of the line. Look at the bit before that - what do you see - nothing. You don't see no line. You don't see a line shaped dimension. If you can make sense of that, it becomes straightforward to apply it to the question of what hapened before time existed. As 'before' is generally considered to be a measure of time, then 'before time' is like one of those recursive references you get in excel when you click the wrong cell.

I perfectly understand what you mean. But why is there a Universe were there need not be one, where did the dimensions come from. Supposing there was no universe, what would be in it's place, an empty area? Or no area at all.

As in your example with the pencil and line. Time started, what started time, why did time start, what created time? Why did it start at that moment ?

Not trying to attack what you said, just fascinated by the thought of why anything exists at all.

RB170 11 January 2005 09:42 AM

The Tsunami proves that the techtonic plates in asia are still active.......

Drunken Bungle Whore 11 January 2005 10:04 AM

I agree with everyone who's saying that "Does God exist?" is a pointless discussion.

My view is that life is rarely easy - we all have our own challenges and problems - and whatever helps you get through that is fine. Don't pour scorn on what helps other people and don't force your views on others.

As Bill and Ted so aptly put it:

Be most excellent unto each other - and party on!

OllyK 11 January 2005 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by imi
So whats the scientific view?

You only accept what your little mind can comprehend, anything outside of that is automatically disregarded?

Get those ad-hominem attacks in early, it helps to make your position look really weak as you have resorted that before you have even tried to put a counter argument together.

god is not outside science there is just no proof of any god actually existing, if there was, everybody would believe, that's why it is a "faith" and not a certainty.

Tsunami and Religion - Difficult question to answer but some may question their faith in order to blame, maybe, for others, it may actually make their faith stronger?
Yes for some it makes their faith stronger, you get some saying what a miracle it was that god saved little Johnny while conveniently forgetting that it was god who put him in danger in the first place.

OllyK 11 January 2005 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by salsa-king
and how was that put there in place!!!!!????

and if man came from monkeys.... why are they still not forming?

We are still evolving, but it doesn't happen visibly from one generation to the next, it takes 1000's of years.

johnfelstead 11 January 2005 10:10 AM

All the techtonic plates are active, they are floating on a liquid base. You get earthquakes and volcanoes at the plates bounderies, the land masses away from the boundaries just float along in oblivion, but eventually they too will be boundary regions and will disapear into the liquid rock or get mashed into a mountain range.

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