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Pastor 13 October 2004 08:37 AM

You can but the ROMS are subject to copyright. Try MAME the best emulator there is.

Brendan Hughes 13 October 2004 08:47 AM

Out of the list, Outrun, but I remember putting just as much (at a far younger age, so more in real terms) into Battle Zone.

ChrisB 13 October 2004 08:51 AM

Out run - that was one of the games when I was a kid. Afterburner was popular too :cool:

Buzzer 13 October 2004 09:14 AM

Galaxians ;)

Top Game and in colour aswell :D

zoog 13 October 2004 09:17 AM

Pole Position

Sbradley 13 October 2004 09:22 AM


What about Battlezone?

The first 3-D (well, pseudo 3-D) game out there?

Philistines :rolleyes:


popeye 13 October 2004 09:25 AM

Phoenix - I could stay on it for ages.
Defender - I could stay on it for about 1 minute.

Informed opinion here:

Check out issue 50 for the top 50 shooters.

DJ Dunk 13 October 2004 09:34 AM

Supersprint :D 3 player goodness.

CrisPDuk 13 October 2004 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by andypugh2000
Pac Man, can't believe it wasn't on the list :eek:


Oh yes:D If it wasn't for that pesky game, I'd be a millionaire by now;)

CLub GTi is the only currentish one that gets me sat down to play:)

D6ale 13 October 2004 09:41 AM

to me an arcade game would be the ones that you played in pubs with two control buttons & a joystick. Earlest memory of these for me would be pac-man. So that would rank high as a favorite.
Another favorite which i actually came across two months ago in a blackpool b&b was a classic rally game that was a 3d perspective and you drove a castrol celica.
I forgot all about this, but this was the one that swallowed my cash.
cant remember what it was called though.

Classic console games for me would be sonic, streets of rage afterburner etc, i never went down the nintendo road i was a sega fan.

Karl 227 13 October 2004 09:48 AM

3rd vote for Asteroids:)

Dr Nick 13 October 2004 10:39 AM

Has to be defender for me. Still one of the best games ever IMO. Before I discovered I had to work for a living, I got so good at it I didnt just clock the score I also clocked the screen numbers!

Poor machine could only count up to 99 then went to : 0 (thats colon zero - not a smiley).

Ahhh the good old days....

Jimmy Dell 13 October 2004 10:49 AM

Out of that list, I'd go for Galaxians as a single player game and Gauntlet for multiplayer laughs. :cool:

A few other favourites were Buggy Boy and Operation Wolf.

R-360 was fun as well! :D

Robert Rosario 13 October 2004 11:29 AM

GO with Defender from that list, cant believe nobody has not sampled the start up music in a song. Superb sound even now.

What about GORF?

Or Mortal Combat as a more modern alternative? FINISH HIM!!

Pastor 13 October 2004 11:31 AM

Gorf was just a rip of Space Invader, Galaxians and a couple of other levels with some poor quality speech thrown in.

I remember thinking how great it was at the time but it's really just a lame pastiche of other games.

Defender easily tops the list here as an all time great.

Graz 13 October 2004 11:39 AM

Out of that lot I'd say Outrun. Played it quite a bit as a kid. What a game Ferrari Testarossa, with a nice blonde bird thrown in ;) The moving cabnit was a good novelty at the time as well :D

Edcase 13 October 2004 11:49 AM

Bubble Bobble
Pac Land (side-scrolling platformer with loads of hidden secrets)
Double Dragon
Wonder Boy
New Zealand Story

There is a regular industry night in London I go to that has all these old machines on free-play (not to mention free drinks :D)

boxst 13 October 2004 12:30 PM


I voted for Space Invaders as it was my first experience of video games whilst staying at a holiday camp too many years ago. I then pestered my parents to buy me a "Grandstand" video console that was quite advanced for the time: With a gun and a special controller for the motorcycle game.

I probably most enjoyed a simple game on my Atari 800, Miner 2049'er. I downloaded it for my X-Box the other day and it's still a good game!


the_boy 13 October 2004 12:35 PM

No-body has mentioned the ultimate arcade game:

Super Mario Brothers
I used to be able to make 10p last for at least half an hour...

Bubble Bobble was another one you could make last a long time...

Track N Field

If I had to pick one from the list it would be Outrun
Can't remember the name of the bike one you can to swing from side to side

speedking 13 October 2004 01:14 PM

Asteroids for me too.

Max. number of ships was 99, so used to rack up say extra 80 ships then sell them on for 10p/10 ships. Paid for many a lunch in the Student's Union that way :D Max score was 99990(9?) as well IIRC, bloody hard to stop at that stage without overclocking back to 0.

JackClark 13 October 2004 02:30 PM

>Super Mario Brothers
>I used to be able to make 10p last for at least half an hour...

I could finish it every time, took a bit more time than the chap in this link.

Dark Blue Mark 13 October 2004 02:41 PM

Thought Outrun was **** :(


STi-Frenchie 13 October 2004 04:19 PM

Where's Missile Command or BattleZone ??? Missile Command with the trackball was a whole new way of playing way back then and BattleZone with it's bright green 3D outline graphics and the BOOM!! which nearly gave me black eyes when the periscope bounced off my nose after getting blasted ! Great games !

Many years ago Micro$haft brought them back on a floppy disk called "Arcade"...but my copy got corrupted and has long since been sent to the great recycle bin in the sky.

(Psst - anyone got a copy they want to mail me?)

GaryK 13 October 2004 05:31 PM

yep m$ arcade was cool faithful repro's, they also did return of arcade too and williams did an arcade one with defender, joust robotron which Im sure I still have.

Dazza01 13 October 2004 08:07 PM

5th vote for Asteriods :thumb: :eek: already voted :rolleyes:

Phil WRX 01 13 October 2004 08:27 PM

All time favourite has to be Double Dragon.

Phil WRX 01 13 October 2004 08:32 PM

Or Teenage mutant hero turtles .

tronlc 13 October 2004 08:45 PM

Rally X! Crossbow, track and field, LOADS!

Ubik 13 October 2004 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by Jimmy Dell
Operation Wolf.

I liked that so much that as an impatient student I and some mates moved the machine from the common room into a broom cupboard near our room. We were only rumbled when people noticed that all of us were crowded round the entrance waiting for a go. :Whatever_

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