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wez_sti 04 October 2004 06:24 PM

dont really have an 'informed' opinion but,

he does come across as very slimey and 2 faced and does love himself.

didnt he say something for which he nearly got the sack from kilroy???

camk 04 October 2004 06:31 PM

UKIP are a tiny blip on the political map, they are a single policy party and the majority of candidates are as lightweight as they come.A complete waste of a vote, they make the Lib Dems look like a major player. Nothing is going to stop the UK's intgegration into Europe, which is the right way forward for the country.

Brendan Hughes 04 October 2004 06:58 PM

I quite like the way he apparently said that he hated the EU and its parliament as that was the place where all the failed MPs ended up sucking on the gravy train.


Leslie 05 October 2004 11:56 AM

I have always had the impression that he is a bit of a "man for all seasons" and I am not too impressed at the way he is undermining the present leader of his party. I feel somehow that he will go whichever way suits his personal ambitions.

I do agree wholeheartedly with his stated attitude towards the Eu though.


gsm1 05 October 2004 12:00 PM

When I was watching Kilroy the other day at the UKIP conference banging on about how they needed "to kill" the Tories, I knew he had shot himself in the foot with those words. Today we hear UKIP's largest funder has pulled the plug on them.

UKIP get a few votes in a by-election and they think they're almost in government. Whatever friends UKIP have, the Tories, even in their present state, have many more and in much higher places.

Oh..and here is a guy in today's news who is slimier than Howard and Kilroy:

unclebuck 05 October 2004 12:41 PM

Yep. UKIP are starting to disintegrate already. Good!


Mick 05 October 2004 12:48 PM


I will vote UKIP or for whoever promises to use my taxes in the UK instead of letting the EU decide how/where they are spent! - The EU give us our money back for a project and demand a big plaque in recognition of EU funding! - it isn't right!

Camk and Paulr - EU membership isn't obligatory/essential/mandatory! - It was assumed by EU desperadoes not long ago that the Euro was inevitable for the UK - but we can see now how well we did to stay out of it!!!

Mick :D

the moose 05 October 2004 02:57 PM

Tel, you're an intelligent guy, so I'm hoping this is a piss take.

But assuming your question is serious, I'd not vote for him if he was the last man standing. It's easy to come up with policy when you know you'll never have to deliver on it, after all.

And following today's funding news, I'd be surprised if UKIP are around longer than the next year or so, in any case.

camk 05 October 2004 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Mick

I will vote UKIP or for whoever promises to use my taxes in the UK instead of letting the EU decide how/where they are spent! - The EU give us our money back for a project and demand a big plaque in recognition of EU funding! - it isn't right!

Camk and Paulr - EU membership isn't obligatory/essential/mandatory! - It was assumed by EU desperadoes not long ago that the Euro was inevitable for the UK - but we can see now how well we did to stay out of it!!!

Mick :D

Mick if you think its avoidable in the medium term then you are kidding yourself. How is it good be be out of the Euro ? Because we have a housing bubble in the UK or spiraling personal debt mountain that is about to collapse as interest rates rise ? Sure there is an unemployment issue in Germany and a general growth issue in Europe but these issues are not related to currency.

Leslie 06 October 2004 10:56 AM

It would be the biggest mistake ever to sell this country down the river and hand it over to Europe. Do you really want to be told how to live your life by those idiots?

The one thing we must do is to keep control of our own country.


TelBoy 06 October 2004 11:25 AM

LOL moose, no it wasn't a piss take!! Granted, the man is more orange than a bottle of Lucozade, but somewhere under that slimy exterior i reckon is a half-decent politician waiting to get out. After all, can be be any slimier and oh-so-sincere than Our Tone? Doubtful. Whether he'll have a chance to have a real crack at what he believes in after Monday's decision by Sykes is also unclear now. I think RKS (if it was his decision to fight every single seat) was misguided at best to upset him, and the party as a whole have possibly now set themselves back years in terms of effective campaigning, unless another sponsor steps forward.

paulr 06 October 2004 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie
It would be the biggest mistake ever to sell this country down the river and hand it over to Europe. Do you really want to be told how to live your life by those idiots?

Idiots,oh you mean those people that make better cars than us,have less crime,cleaner cities,better at sport,better pensions.......
The Germans make BMW,Mercedes,Porsche....we make Rover....they must be so jealous:rolleyes:.

Mick 06 October 2004 10:09 PM

Don't get me wrong... I don't dislike Europe :norty: - I have lived in Germany for many years. I like the place , I like the people, I speak the language (ein bisschen ;) ). I have been to France also. I like the place, I err... :idea: like the food , I speak a bit of the language :) BUT let Germany be Germany, France be France, With the current state of affairs you have the opportunity to live there! Why try to make everywhere the same just for the sake of it???
If other countries need financial assistance - OK let us help on projects we deem to be the most important:Whatever_ . Let us NOT leave it to unelected officials meeting in secret to line their own pockets and make decisions for us and using our own resources! :cuckoo:

Mick :D

Brendan Hughes 27 October 2004 04:19 PM

Just thought this thread was worth replying to today...;)

TelBoy 27 October 2004 04:54 PM

Bunch of idiots. How to make yourselves unelectable in one quick and easy move...

Petem95 27 October 2004 05:00 PM

Bunch of idiots. How to make yourselves unelectable in one quick and easy move...
Agreed, what are they playing at? And recently lost their main financial backer - things arent looking too rosy for them now :(

the moose 27 October 2004 05:20 PM

Good news for the Tories though.

Leslie 28 October 2004 01:06 AM

You had better move to the Eu then Paul, you certainly don't seem to want to be British. I do, and I want our country to be able to run its own affairs. We can still control that through our democratic right to vote. It may not be perfect but its a hell of a lot better than being run by that bunch of lefty pc grafters.

I get the inpression that Kilroy-Silk is suffering form a large slice of self delusion, rather like that David Eicke fellow who has disappeared into the wilderness.


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