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yoza 25 September 2004 11:49 AM

The last property I lived in was close to a Junior school, the road was a deadend, but there was an alleyway leading to the school.
People used to park outside my house at dropping off and picking up times, there was shouting, slamming of doors, engine reving etc, no big deal you may think, its only for 2 X 15mins a day......

Well, lets say after a while it eats away at you and eventually you crack.

If I was you, I would park elsewhere before this woman cracks, or worse still another homeowner who has not yet let you know they are p1ssed off, but are slowly coming to the boil.

Its surprising what "normal" people can do when they are annoyed over a long period.

And its also surprising how the people doing the offending seem blissfully unaware that they are pi55ing people off.

Just my opinion on it.

I also agree that you pay your road tax, your car is noisey but LEGAL, so you can park where you like, so long as its a none yellow area. But this doesnt change the fact that you may be doing someones head in...

Iwan 25 September 2004 11:57 AM

When i lived in my old house i had a small car park directly outside my bedroom window. I used to get matey working shifts turning up at gone midnight in his RS Turbo (with loud exhaust) and letting it warm down on the turbo timer for 2 minutes, every night.

That and the builders who used the car park as their "convoy meeting place" every morning. Turning up every morning at 6am ish and leaving their unsilenced diesels ticking over until they've had a good old chat (for chat read "shout over the diesel engines") before fcuking off.

As Yoza says, it winds you up over time until you crack.

Try and park somewhere else for a while, and hope she's not the type to kick your wing mirrors off or put an axe through your bonnet etc etc.

andrewdelvard 25 September 2004 12:01 PM

I expect your going to be so worried, whilst at work, that your car is being damaged, you'll find a new parking spot anyway.
Do you have options on another nearby spot?

Richard Askew 25 September 2004 12:16 PM

Yeah i SUPPOSE if I have to move I can find somewhere - not really the point though, oh well life's full of cvnts

hedgehog 25 September 2004 12:43 PM

I'd continue to park there and try this the next time she approaches you:

"I'm sorry, you keep talking to me and I really feel we haven't been introduced. Have we met before?"

"Oh, right (proffer handshake) Richard Askew. Very pleased to meet you..."

"Are you some sort of traffic warden or something? No, oh right, well I've seen you out here a few mornings and I just thought..."

If you can keep this up for a little while you can out-weird her and she will probably give up while expressing sympathy for your doctor :-) She won't know if she's won, lost or just had dealings with a psychotic axe fiend and this usually screws up the agressive thing as they don't know how to cope with someone who is too nice to be true while making little digs. Gives you the moral high ground as well, even if you'd just shot her dog and taken one of her salmon.

imlach 25 September 2004 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Askew
...... oh well life's full of cvnts

I suspect she may share a similar view to yours :D :D :D

Leslie 25 September 2004 12:53 PM

Annoying or not, she doesn't have any rights over the parking spot. Best tread carefully though to avoid damage to your car and don't let the engine run for any longer than you can help when parking. As Astraboy says, maybe a reasoned discussion might clear the air.


imlach 25 September 2004 01:02 PM

One question I guess you also have to ask.....if someone came and parked outside YOUR house every day for weeks on end at times you were IN, how would you feel? Be truthful now :D Oh, and just to add some realism, let's assume it is a boy-racer with a loud exhaust in a bling Renault 5.

MooseRacer 25 September 2004 01:12 PM

Richard, I assume your exhaust is at a legal level?

wakeboardar 25 September 2004 01:24 PM

you must be a crap driver if you make that much noise when your parking

pslewis 25 September 2004 01:34 PM

I'm with the old lady on this one, its Saturday morning and someone in a noisy car parks outside her house and wakes her up AGAIN!! As she has been woken each morning for the past 6 months!

I have no idea if you have a loud exhaust or not, but if you have and woke me up with it then you wouldn't have had to wait 6 months for something to have happened!

In your case I would knock on her door when you get your car - and have a nice chat, explain that its a loud car and you will attempt to be quieter (although you are in your right to park there) ...... she will think all the more of you and you will end up having tea and frosties with her!!

Give her some slack!


ajm 25 September 2004 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
she will think all the more of you and you will end up having tea and frosties with her!!


I think he has already told her to foxtrot oscar... Would you still be willing to share your frosties if you had been told to feck orf? ;)

STi-Frenchie 25 September 2004 02:12 PM

Yes indeed, a nice cuppa :)

Patt@firstime 25 September 2004 02:24 PM

'Yes of course Mr Askew come inside for a cup of T!'

Huxley 25 September 2004 03:10 PM

Hire a skip lorry off Trio containers and use that for a couple of weeks i'm sure she will like the air brakes,just remember to get a skip as well and make sure it's empty and sitting just off the bed so it rockes back and fiorward and makes lot's of noise in the morning !

And if she complains then, get the skip filled and dump the crap in her doorway :D:D:D

mad_dr 25 September 2004 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by astraboy
I have a few wind ups that may be of interest to you ;)

They're of interest to me mate! Let's hear em! :)

andypugh2000 25 September 2004 03:50 PM

dust off the Weihrauch, its the only way to be sure :D

daisy 25 September 2004 04:08 PM

Just keep your head down and park somewhere else until the dust settles (that's what I'm doing :( )

by the way, there's a lot of 'weird' women in the world :freak3: :)

Richard Askew 25 September 2004 04:32 PM

Pete Lewis - she aint a lovely little old lady - she's some fat middle aged slag in a dressing gown with a fag hanging out of her mouth who shouts across the street at nine o'clock on a saturday morning :rolleyes:

I'm gonna park elsewhere now and seek my revenge when she's least expecting it ;)

Hi Daisy :)

daisy 25 September 2004 04:34 PM

Hi - what's wrong with fat middle aged slags in dressing gowns? I think there should be more of us around......:p

TopBanana 25 September 2004 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by daisy
Hi - what's wrong with fat middle aged slags in dressing gowns? I think there should be more of us around......:p

In my dreams

zesty 25 September 2004 04:44 PM

I was parked in a side strret with the engine ticking over and some old moose came out of the basement door telling me to turn it off as I was fuming her out.........she had a fag hanging out of her mouth, I soon put her straight!

mad_dr 25 September 2004 04:51 PM

"I soon put her straight" across my bonnet with a right hook.

gsm1 25 September 2004 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by anc-sti
A couple of years ago a neighbour parked over (1ft) another neighbours access and in the morning his tyre's were slashed, nothing was proved. Fortuately the mental neighbour has since moved.

A road away from me 2 neighbours were slashing each other's tyres. Something trivial can turn into a nightmare.
Just park elsewhere.

SCOsazOBY 25 September 2004 05:16 PM

Oh no, dont back down! Tell the silly old hag that she should be greatful that youre not parking up an old banger! Its people like her that if they think they have won they will find something else to moan about!

What id do is pull up outside 8am saturday morning, with the stereo on loud playing queen's "who wants to live forever" and then rev the feckin engine up and when she makes an appearance give her one of these...:hjtwofing then post her a dead rat!

M444GY 25 September 2004 05:22 PM

tell her to mind her own buisness in the nicest posible way obviously:)

she is obviosly a fukkin saddo with nothing else to do but moan at people and be annoying.

then the attack alarm !:)

SCOsazOBY 25 September 2004 05:27 PM

yeh and print off a copy of this thread and glue it to her feckin not so posh now windows for all her neighbours to see! :)

Mog 25 September 2004 06:51 PM

This is so spooky but yesterday..................

Me and my partner in two vans were parked in this quiet road, one van outside the customers house and me outside nextdoor neighbours. We had been there for a couple of hours and were wrapping things up when as I went outside to put some tools back in the van the nextdoor neighbour comes along in her car and starts pointing at my van, so me thinking that she can't get onto her drive (even though she could) I move my van forward a few feet.
When I got out she shouts out the car window "thats no good, I want to park outside my house" bearing in mind that the street is pretty empty I says "you are having a laugh I thought this was a public road" and walk off to finish the job.
I came out again to load up the van and there she is parked on my bumper waiting for me and she launches into the verbal abuse with me replying of course, she then walks off still mouthing so I go back into the customers house.
My mobile then starts ringing (our vans have our office phone number on the side and when the office is vacant the line is diverted to my mobile) and this high pitched voice says " I want to speak to someone in charge to make a complaint about one of your workers"...I walk up to her front door and says on my mobile " If you open your front door you can speak to me in person you twisted old hag"...strange but the door never kept me chuckling for the rest of the day.


Richard Askew 25 September 2004 09:15 PM

Customer service at its best Mog :D

I was scoped when I got to the car tonight - seems fat slag has an equally fat husband :D

Just sat in the car with the engine off staring him out, slowly drawing on a ciggie DeNiro stylee ;)

Then drove off......

...then turned round and drove back past at walking pace looking like I was giving the place the once over hehehe doors windows alarm etc etc (probably get the old bill turn up tomorrow) :rolleyes:

Then I went to Homebase and bought 2 personal attack alarms :D (I did feel a bit gay buying them) ;)

So I'll let her think she's won then give her a couple of wake ups over the next week or so :norty:

AND talking to my sister tonight, it would seem than young girly student types get FREE attack alarms... I'LL NEVER RUN OUT!!!! LOL

Gonna harass this bint as much as I can till they arrest me :D

Turbohot 25 September 2004 09:27 PM

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