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flat4 01 November 2004 01:04 PM

i was pulling my hair out when we gave that roughing the passer foul away on 4th down near the end :mad::D

definitely 2 very offensive games :) plummer 499 yards, Vick rushed for 114 :D

sammyh 01 November 2004 02:56 PM

Well at least we didn't loose this week :D didn't play either but its a result in my book ;)

flat4 02 November 2004 04:57 PM

good weekend for everyone then :D

flat4 09 November 2004 07:05 PM

looks like we all play each other in the next few weeks, and on TV too :eek::D should provide some friendly banter i reckon ;):D

sammyh 10 November 2004 11:13 AM

We'll probably loose :(

flat4 15 November 2004 01:02 AM

7-2 :D playoffs here we come...

flat4 15 November 2004 01:03 AM

packers - vikings was a great game, Nick called it right though, they scored too early, should of played down the clock and went for 2 ;):D

yvette296 21 November 2004 06:42 PM

are any of you interested in fantasy NFL ???? my hubby has got a UK league going. PM me if you want more details - ready for next season or for special S Bowl competition

flat4 21 November 2004 07:55 PM

hmmm i'm rubbish at them, especially nfl ones :o

you ready Chris?! :D

ChrisB 21 November 2004 08:30 PM

I see we are starting Manning Jnr tonight - not surprising after Warner got sacked 13 times in the last two matches :eek:

flat4 22 November 2004 12:40 AM

thought you had us there Chris, can't believe the way we start games then try and throw it away in the 2nd half! :rolleyes: and the penalties :razz: i was starting to expect one every play near the end, thought we'd shot ourselves in the foot a few times

no way we're winning anything this year, out first game of the playoffs if we continue that trend

but still, a wins a win, Patriots stylee :D

flat4 22 November 2004 12:41 AM

your turn next week Sammy ;):D

sammyh 22 November 2004 08:02 AM

I can hardly wait :(

sammyh 29 November 2004 10:47 AM

Not as bad as I thought it was going to be :) after the 1st qtr I thought we were on for a hiding.

They might as well send on the special teams to practise for the 1st qtr because the offense and defense cant be bothered to start until the 2nd :(

flat4 30 November 2004 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by flat4
thought you had us there Sammy, can't believe the way we start games then try and throw it away in the 2nd half! :rolleyes: and the penalties :razz: i was starting to expect one every play near the end, thought we'd shot ourselves in the foot a few times

no way we're winning anything this year, out first game of the playoffs if we continue that trend

but still, a wins a win, Patriots stylee :D

absolutely identical game to last week, race ahead then do nothing in the 2nd half, i really thought you had us there when we fumbled but Vick just has these moment of sheer brilliance every so often that amaze you :notworthy

flat4 05 December 2004 09:13 PM

what happened there?! :mad: 27-0 :cry:

flat4 06 December 2004 12:59 PM

it would appear we all had crap results! :rolleyes: better now than in the playoffs, presuming any of us make them :mad:

flat4 13 December 2004 12:30 AM

Divisional Champions :D:D ...and 2nd seed at the moment :lol1:

sammyh 13 December 2004 06:36 AM


flat4 20 December 2004 01:05 AM

nice win there sammy :thumb: panthers are looking good for the momentum award :D

sammyh 20 December 2004 09:14 AM

Strange season, there is a remote chance we could make the playoffs with an 8 & 8 record :D

flat4 04 January 2005 12:03 PM

tough break sammy :cry: thought you were in when the jets went to kick the field goal in OT :(

not sure i like this 'lets not play vick for the last 2 games and lose' gameplan :Suspiciou

sammyh 04 January 2005 05:09 PM

Still cant see why the Rams got the spot when we beat them this season :( The Jets are useless feckers :mad:

flat4 07 January 2005 04:36 PM

im going to have to tape this saturdays wildcard games and watch all 4 games on sunday night :eek2:

flat4 07 January 2005 04:39 PM

i think it's prediction time again :D

seahawks, chargers, colts & packers to win :D

jette.paque 08 January 2005 06:00 PM

I'd just like to correct one of your predictions - the Jetskis, despite being remarkably average, will win tonight. I mean - San Diego beyond Wild Card weekend? Do me a favour. Not that I'll get to see any of the action because I don't have Sky. :cry: Truly Murdoch is due a beating with sticks of fire.

jette.paque 11 January 2005 01:25 AM

Go Jets! :lol: You knows it... They'll lose to the Steelers though. Colts vs Pats should be fun. A team with no real cornerbacks (Earthwind Moreland? Randall Gay?) vs a touchdown machine. A team with no D vs. efficiency incarnate on the other side of the ball. Punt the morgatge on errrrrrrrrr lots of points being the winner of that one. The rest is pretty straightforward, so it'll be the birdbowl in Philly in 2 weeks. And I officially claim the copyright on 'birdbowl'. Or should that be birdbath? You decide. Pax

flat4 12 January 2005 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by flat4
i think it's prediction time again :D

seahawks, chargers, colts & packers to win :D

good job i'm not a betting man :o:lol1: welcome to the thread paxman :D

flat4 15 January 2005 09:40 PM

lets see who i can jinx this weekend :lol1:

steelers and falcons (obviously ;))

vikings and colts

sammyh 17 January 2005 07:49 AM

300 + yards rushing :cool: good win :D

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