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Spoon 25 June 2004 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by ProperCharlie
it seems that a *few* persons on this bbs have chips on their shoulders the size of one of those fookin big rocks on skye. or maybe a little larger.


What is Scottish for chips? :D

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by eClaire
I want to know about what is happening in my area when I watch the news

hence the existence of bbc london, bbc three counties, bbc *rse end of nowhere, and so forth.


Suresh 25 June 2004 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by ProperCharlie

most scots don't hate the english. a small, retarded, vocal minority do.

I only wish that were true. The evidence on here is rather to the contrary though, isn't it?

Until World Cup 2002 I used to support any of the home nations, when they were'nt playing against England that is. Thanks to retarded Scottish abuse when we went out against Brazil, I no longer do so.


Jye 25 June 2004 02:10 PM

Probably because no one really cares enough Tel, eaisier whinging on here :)

imlach 25 June 2004 02:11 PM

I could take it up with BBC Scotland I suppose, but don't have the inclination. Doesn't bother me really.

Just find it odd that BBC (England) require to use their own presenting team for a Rangers v Celtic match....

Jye 25 June 2004 02:12 PM

BTW hate is a strong word, I havent seen anyone on SN say they actually 'hate' either nation.

TelBoy 25 June 2004 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Jye
Probably because no one really cares enough Tel, eaisier whinging on here :)

Hehehe. :D

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:14 PM

Suresh: i spent several years in aberdeenshire, and also spent time in glasgow and edinburgh. i may be jocko by birth, but seeing as i moved dahn sarf aged 5, and have a healthy contempt for everywhere and everything north of watford, i certainly wasn't taken for a scot. the number of times i encountered genuine hostility were very few. obviously, i took care not to wear my "f*ck robert the bruce" t shirt during rangers games.


eClaire 25 June 2004 02:20 PM

Thank you for pointing that out Jye :)

The problem here is:

They are miffed off because their team lost and have been getting the piss taken (even before they got knocked out of the tournament). No matter how much you try to reason with them they won't listen.

We get the piss taken about how Scotland didn't qualify. I could rant about how those of you who did rib us hate us, but I won't purely because I can laugh about it and know you don't hate us.

Double standards me thinks.

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:23 PM

eC - in fairness, no-one posted threads entitled "f*ckin devastated... that scotland didn't get knocked out sooner" , did they? (not that that would have been possible, though :))

the reaction by a few people was very OTT.

Jye 25 June 2004 02:25 PM

I do think that we get our fair shair of caber tossing skirt wearing haggis muncher coments in the rest of the non-footie posts to make up for this PC :)

eClaire 25 June 2004 02:28 PM

the reaction by a few people was very OTT.
Maybe it was over the top. But it is no need to tar us all with the same brush.

Agreed Jye. IIRC CEL went on about enticing (sp?) racial hatred toward the English then went on to call us all haggismunchers! :rolleyes:

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:32 PM

Jye - fair point. some people just seemed a bit vitriolic about it, which seemed strange, but there you go.

<takes skirt off>
<puts trousers back on>


Audi-Boy 25 June 2004 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by eClaire
IIRC CEL went on about enticing (sp?) racial hatred toward the English then went on to call us all haggismunchers! :rolleyes:


kob999 25 June 2004 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh
I only wish that were true. The evidence on here is rather to the contrary though, isn't it?

Until World Cup 2002 I used to support any of the home nations, when they were'nt playing against England that is. Thanks to retarded Scottish abuse when we went out against Brazil, I no longer do so.


Why do you care so much whether they support England or not.
I doubt the Scots or Welsh would care if you did the same. If you could get all English people to support England that would be a start. Never mind whaat other countries think

hail-hail 25 June 2004 02:49 PM

Just got one small point to make....I am Scottish living in Engurland

Most Engurlish that I talk to football about have pretty much this to say

"If Scotland were in the competition and England weren't, I would support Scotland. Yet all the Scottish want the English to lose to any team that we play against."

I am then asked to explain why I do not feel the same.

I don't feel the same because the Engurlish football team and the Scottish football team are RIVALS..........get it RIVALS.............
that means that I have had 15 other teams to support during the Euro 2004.
If you re Engurlish and you don't like my attitude,then don't talk to me. I really couldn't care. See if Scotland made it and Enguland didn't (stay with me here ;)) I couldn't care less if most of Engurland supported us, just as I wouldn;t care if half of Japan was on our side. EASY.

And see when I moan about all the coverage that is English biased from all commentators and most you know why that is............... cause it pisses me do you know what I do.....I don't listen to it............EASY.

Let the English fans take the piss out of Scotland cause we are rubbish.
Let the Scottish laugh when England overhype themselves and the fall flat on thier biased faces.
Do you what that is called...BEING FECKIN RIVALS

Oh, and by the way, those two tools on Radio One in the morning, were trying to think of reasons to keep flying thier George Flags............and get this........."because we won a Gold Medal at Curling".
Not only was it the British team that won the medal, but all the membrs were Scottish.................guess what I did..................moaned at the radio, then turned it off.......EASY

TelBoy 25 June 2004 02:52 PM

and.......breathe. ;) :D

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:53 PM

hail hail

don't come on here and start talking sense ffs



Jye 25 June 2004 02:53 PM

tbo I take with a small pinch of salt the 'fact' that 'most' Englsih would support the jocks if we ever got through, if that was the case why do they spend so much time laughing at us for not getting through, surely they would want us to get through so that they could all support us ;)

ProperCharlie 25 June 2004 02:57 PM

of course i would support the scots.

providing the czechs, the swedes, the danes, the italians, the lithuanians, the azerbjaninas, the croats, the greeks, the turks, the poles, the belgians, the spaniards, the maltese, the dutch, and the democratic republic of cat-o-philes had all been knocked out already.


Jye 25 June 2004 02:58 PM

;) :D

jasey 25 June 2004 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
Just got one small point to make....I am Scottish living in Engurland


hail-hail 25 June 2004 03:08 PM

And cue my usual response to those ask "so why are you living in Engurland then?"

It's so I can keep one of you lot OUT of a very well paid job :D:D

up ye

As for poofs in the Jungle, I couldn't agree more:eek:, but then at Celtic we are much more open minded to all types of people, poofs are welcome in the jungle (if i still existed).

This is how we separate ourselves from the inbreds from the other side of the city.

allywrx 25 June 2004 03:32 PM

Well, I'm a Scot and I was rooting for England all the way :), same as I would have supported Ireland or Wales in the same way.
That goal should never have been disallowed :(
As for loudmouth lager louts (Buckie louts up ere), there are plenty of those in Scotland too mostly wee Bam's (Chav's to you lot) tho :mad: and instead of wearing England shirts, they wear Rangers or Celtic shirts.

Suresh 25 June 2004 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by kob999
Why do you care so much whether they support England or not.
I doubt the Scots or Welsh would care if you did the same. If you could get all English people to support England that would be a start. Never mind whaat other countries think

The thread is about anti-English sentiment and root cause as most English just don't get it :confused: . I personally don't give a to$$ whether the Scots Welsh or Irish support England or not. The issue is about why they feel so insecure that they need to be anti-supporters.

So what is your point exactly?

jasey 25 June 2004 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
This is how we separate ourselves from the inbreds from the other side of the city.

Just to prove I have a healthy dislike for All bigots ;).

ps I don't hate anyone I haven't met - but there are some people who do - they could be Scots, English, Welsh, Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants etc. - These type of people all have something in common - they're all fcukwits !

hail-hail 25 June 2004 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh
The issue is about why they feel so insecure that they need to be anti-supporters.

So what is your point exactly? there anybody in...?

anti-supporter = RIVALS

what are you on about :confused:

CEL 25 June 2004 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by eClaire
Maybe it was over the top. But it is no need to tar us all with the same brush.

Agreed Jye. IIRC CEL went on about enticing (sp?) racial hatred toward the English then went on to call us all haggismunchers! :rolleyes:

I wondered how long it would be before i was mentioned :rolleyes:

Sorry Claire but you are just too much up your own ringpiece with all this patriotism sh!te... makes me cringe when I see a thread like this because you can guarantee somewhere u will be there trying to 'big up' Scotland... personally I’ve got nothing against the Scots. It's just you I have the problem with. Having suffered with your over the top Scotland this and Scotland that crap for 18 months it does become a little tiresome. :(

I’m more than happy to sit there and watch you slowly get pulled apart, but please leave me out of it unless I specifically attempt to get a rise out of you :D

Clear enough haggismuncher? .. good!!! ;) :D

hail-hail 25 June 2004 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by jasey
Just to prove I have a healthy dislike for All bigots ;).

ps I don't hate anyone I haven't met - but there are some people who do - they could be Scots, English, Welsh, Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants etc. - These type of people all have something in common - they're all fcukwits !

all good points, I generally get tarred with the bigot brush, just because I follow my team with a passion. The problem is has far deeper roots, we still have segregated schools in Scotland. Proddies in one school, those will be the Rangers fans, Catholics in another school, those will be the Celtic fans and never the two shell meet. Disgusting.

imlach 25 June 2004 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by hail-hail
we still have segregated schools in Scotland. Proddies in one school, those will be the Rangers fans, Catholics in another school, those will be the Celtic fans and never the two shell meet. Disgusting.

Just an aside - there is a low %-age of segregated schools in the whole of Scotland. Edinburgh has very few for example. Other cities aside from Glasgow probably have few too....and I'm sure rural areas have none.

It's mostly a Glasgow issue :D

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