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tiggers 09 June 2004 08:28 PM

This is pretty ridiculous it has to be said. Did they give any indication what the punishment might be if anyone dares to disregard this ruling - an industrial tribunal might be interesting.

Just as an aside if people are displaying these flags as a sign of being proud of their nation how come they only display them when the footy team are playing in an international tournament or is this the only time they are proud of being English?


J4CKO 09 June 2004 08:37 PM

The Cameroon flags flying from my Fiat Coupe really confuse people at the moment !

Suresh 09 June 2004 08:47 PM

Makes my blood boil. Any ' visitor' who is offended by the SGC should f*ck off back to where they came from. TBH I would be surprised if johnny foreigner would be offended by the flag.

More likely explanation is that some liberal do-gooder is worried that someone might possibly perhaps maybe be offended. WTF?

On a lighter note, one of my neighbours here in Holland commented about the SGC flying from my house during world cup 2002, as he thought it was a Swiss flag. ****. :D

Chip 09 June 2004 09:22 PM

Nice to see everyone agres with me. It's just ludicrous. The company in question is National Grid Transco. Pity these ppl who decide these trhings havent got anything more constructive to do.


P.S. I hope theres a few NGT higher managers reading this as well.

Chip 09 June 2004 09:24 PM

Think I'll get one of these to display from my van;)

Sod off, you racist;)


foamy 09 June 2004 09:25 PM

An old Aussie asked me why everyone is flying flags from the cars. Just told him we were still celebrating St Georges day as we're a deeply proud nation. :)

He believed me too :D

andypugh2000 09 June 2004 09:27 PM

I think they just made that up as an excuse, Its more to the truth that they dont want to lower the tone of the comany by associating themselves with all the white van chav brigade driving round with this crap stuck to their vehicles, I stopped my truck drivers doing it as its not the type of image we want to portray to our customers, as puffy said, sun reading thugs ;)

Buzzer 09 June 2004 09:28 PM

My neighbour is German, he flies the SGC on a 15 ft flagpole in the back garden. He say's he lives here so he supports the local team :D

PMSL when we beat Germany 5-1. He still flew the SGC but at half mast ;)

I would honestly take the memo to the person who sent it and tell them someone has been sending these bogus memos around and its going to cause trouble as its racial discrimination and ppl could end up being taken to court over it. Just say "If i were you boss, i'd have them in here and bollok them" ;)

gareth123 09 June 2004 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by Chip
The company in question is National Grid Transco.

National? Which nation does their name refer to?

Pistol_Pete 09 June 2004 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by bloke
I'm pretty sympathetic to what you are all saying, but unfortunately of course the flag of St George has been hijacked by far right wing groups as a symbol, just as originally IIRC the swastika was a Greek symbol used by the Nazis and thus no longer acceptable.

I dont think that the flag of St George has been hijacked as such, just that it was abandoned by local goverment and the such that tried to make us feel guilty for wanting to be proud of who we are.
IMO its utter madness. You visit somewhere in the USA and you will see the stars and stripes being flown everywhere. The USA is a real melting pot of many races and many are newish to the country and yet they are all proud of their national flag. We should be the same. Why should we leave our national flag to the far right and the chavs.

Credit to Buzzers neighbour, I like his style. Flying the flag at half mast when we had a good score against the Germans - LOL - who said the Germans dont have a sense of humour :)

gsm1 09 June 2004 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Markus
Tiggs - the thing about the memo is that it states the reason is not about company image, but is because it might cause undue distress and might be seen as racist.

Hmm, does Burberry produce a flag? :D :D

From what I have read in the OP it doesn't STATE any reason for banning flags - he used the word 'apparently' when explaining why.

First of all, I'd check that the memo is actually real!

There was a big front page headline in our local paper about the English flag being banned a couple of weeks back. Nothing of the sort had happened. One person, (YES, ONE PERSON) was said to have complained about one shop displaying the flags. They didn't have to remove them and nor did they. Why does this kind of sh*te make a front page headline?

Brendan Hughes 09 June 2004 11:21 PM

Must say, I'm starting to sense a wind-up too. The start of a new urban myth?

Not least as Chip says he's in Wales. In this case, banning the English flag is because it's going to cause offence to the ethnic majority, rather than minority.

Besides, if you have an original of that memo on headed paper, the Sun would probably pay you 5-10 grand for a copy, and the company's name would be mud.

At least in England. In Wales they'd probably give it a tax rebate :D

Chip, I'm calling your bluff (and I'll fully apologise if wrong). Scan it for us?

bloke 09 June 2004 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by Audi-Boy
AFAIR the swastika is totally different from the original symbol, the 'L' are leaning to the right instead of the left on the nazi sign.

Originally the 4 'L' facing the left meant, Love, Life, Luck and Light.

Nice googling A-B, but not right. Hint: the swastika is many thousands of years old so maybe the words Love. Life, Luck and Light were not around then. Also, I think you'll find the direction thing a myth.

As for the rest of your post, maybe one day, perhaps when your balls drop, you'll see how stupid you are.

Or was that chaos posting afer 2 tins of stella?

Apparition 10 June 2004 09:03 AM

Whoever lives in ENGLAND, lives in ENGLAND, therefore the ENGLISH flag is their flag too. Therefore, that company's argument doesn't stand up.
Oh and , whenever I fill out any forms I always put ENGLAND as my country of residence. I don't live in Wales, I don't live in Scotland and I dont live in Ireland......What's this UK crap?

Leslie 10 June 2004 09:40 AM

If we don't stand up to these lefty PC wimps who have already done so much to drag our country down then the battle to maintain our country's identity will be lost for ever.

If it is nationalistic to support your own country in an essentially peaceful cause, whatever that is, then I think that is a good thing! No reasonable person supports extreme right wing attitudes with the associated racist actions which accompany them. However, that sort of thing must not be used as an excuse to suppress our love for our own country. We have to look deeper than the many modern irritations which are wrong in the way things are being run and remember our traditional fair minded attitudes and be proud of this country's great traditions.

If people want to show that they support the English football team, good luck to them. Its the way they actually behave that matters, not the unfair expectation that they are all hooligans because of the bad behaviour of a minority.


Evil6 10 June 2004 09:46 AM

Shop your company to papers and see how a bit of adverse advertising will help them

SteveLegacyToo 10 June 2004 09:57 AM

If I hear anyone else use the Words:

"It's Political Correctness gone mad!"

once more, I'm gonna smash their face in!

The Zohan 10 June 2004 09:59 AM

Have they banned the showing of all nations' identity or just the cross of St George?

This is PC gone mad IMHO

SteveLegacyToo 10 June 2004 10:00 AM

Paul, I'm gonna come over there and smash your face in, as promised!!!

Jamo 10 June 2004 10:13 AM

its definatly pc gone mad imho!

hard man oooooh.

anyway. i decided to go one further.

i sent a message to the company via this address:

and the contact us button.

I wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this as a concerned member of the ENGLISH Community.

I have read today that a memo from your company has been sent out stating that ENGLAND flags are not allowed to be shown at work or on any of your company vehicles.

My concern is this, you are operating a company in ENGLAND, you employ ENGLISH staff, you pay them in ENGLISH pounds, why on earth would you not allow them to show their support for the ENGLAND football team?

I am hoping that this is a hoax and in fact someone is pulling my leg, if not can you tell me why you feel that your employee' should not be showing their support for the country that keeps you in business.

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Regards and thanks in anticipation.

James ************

Jamo 10 June 2004 10:17 AM

eh paul you upset someone on your 5000 comment hehe

ScoobyDriverWannabe 10 June 2004 10:45 AM

lol this is pathetic are u allowed to wear england football shirts ??

what next theyl be banning me from wearing me sunderland shirt around streets of sunderland incase i upset geordies in the area

Andrew Dixon 10 June 2004 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by Chip
Memo was sent out to all employees this morning stating that no English flags are to be displayed on any company vehicles or desks. Apparantely this is in case the flags cause distress to any ethnic minorities who may see the flag as a being rascist.

Is it me or this just another case of political correctness gone mad.


Has the company actually stated this 'distress to any ethnic minorities' thing itself or is this pure speculation?

Sounds to me a bit like the 'police are confiscating St.Georges flags in <insert city here>' urban myth that's doing the rounds right now ...

Brit_in_Japan 10 June 2004 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by Apparition
Oh and , whenever I fill out any forms I always put ENGLAND as my country of residence. I don't live in Wales, I don't live in Scotland and I dont live in Ireland......What's this UK crap?

Writing England on forms may be OK on some forms, but may inappropriate or incorrect if the form has some international significance (like an entry visa). Some sports excepted, England is not an internationally recognised country in it's own right. What I mean is you cannot visit an English Embassy, there is no English Army and England does not have a seat at the United Nations.

I am a one man re-education programme in Japan trying to teach them that UK is not the same thing as England. :)

Back on topic, there is noting wrong with being proud about where you come from, although I do find the US and some other countries a bit OTT about the old flag waving, daily playing national anthems at schools and at every sports event, hand clasped securely across the heart. The fact that the UK is not usually a flag waving country I think shows we are more confident about our history and our place in the world then many other countries.

But for the Euro championships, wave away.

Jye 10 June 2004 11:01 AM

Urban myth? Hmmm.

Next Story | Previous Story | Back to list

09:30 - 29 May 2004

A Company has banned its workers from flying England flags from their cars in case it offends ethnic minorities, it emerged yesterday. Bosses at a motor auctioneers in Liverpool ordered employees to remove the St George flags, which they had displayed for Euro 2004.

A spokesman for Liverpool Motor Auction Ltd said the ban had been imposed to maintain their "multi-national" corporate image.

Andrew Dixon 10 June 2004 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Jye
Urban myth? Hmmm.

Next Story | Previous Story | Back to list

09:30 - 29 May 2004

A Company has banned its workers from flying England flags from their cars in case it offends ethnic minorities, it emerged yesterday. Bosses at a motor auctioneers in Liverpool ordered employees to remove the St George flags, which they had displayed for Euro 2004.

A spokesman for Liverpool Motor Auction Ltd said the ban had been imposed to maintain their "multi-national" corporate image.

Again - where does the 'in case it offends ethnic minorities' bit come from - is this just the reporters opinion? The spokesperson seems to state a different reason.

Jye 10 June 2004 11:10 AM

So why did they ban them then?

Dracoro 10 June 2004 11:14 AM

what next theyl be banning me from wearing me sunderland shirt around streets of sunderland incase i upset geordies in the area
But you'll still be welcome to wear your sunderland shirt with pride round the streets of newcastle ;)

catalunya199again 10 June 2004 12:38 PM

unfortunately of course the flag of St George has been hijacked but far right wing groups as a symbol

does that mean no one is allowed a british bulldog as the bnp have that as there symbol as well, cause if so my bulldog mr beefy wont be to impressed.

also about the football shirt thing dont no what its like round the rest of the country but where i live you cant wear an england shirt in a nightclub on a casual night incase you upset someone

r32 10 June 2004 01:19 PM

I work for a large Multinational, we have a Union Jack and a Stars and Stripes flying out side.........
No problems!

New rule you cant speak English in case it p"sses of any ethnic minorities...

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