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Audi-Boy 02 June 2004 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
So, Who TF votes for labour in the real elections then?

obviously not Snetters :D

I told you, middle class snobs, trying to act it.

Theres nothing wrong with that, but we all know the outcome?:)

Steve vRS 02 June 2004 10:46 PM

That's embarrassing :(

15% of you *******s will vote for the BNP.


farmer1 02 June 2004 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by Steve Sherwen
That's embarrassing :(

15% of you *******s will vote for the BNP.


I know I wanted at least 20

Echo 02 June 2004 11:08 PM

So few Labour supporters in here and so many BNP's and Tory's. The poll, so far, looks a bit like I'd expect bmwnet to be.

tiggers 03 June 2004 12:44 AM

It will be very interesting to see how this compares to the actual vote.

Is SN representative of society or a breeding ground for the Tories and the far right (assuming they're no longer one and the same)?

Like we don't know the answer to that already.


fatherpierre 03 June 2004 12:55 AM

It won't compare.

SN is hardly representive of the UK.

The majority of SN is made up of white males, 20-40, with a decent job, money to burn and owner of a property. And, of course, access to the internet.

It's hardly surprising the Tories look appealing with fuel prices the only thing that annoys most on here with their 15mpg cars LOL.

And that's not even mentioning the racist element.

Chip 03 June 2004 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by Audi-Boy
Where is the, 'I WILL NOT BE VOTING', option?

As this is a poll then maybe their not bothering to vote on it

Why have the conservatives got most votes?!
Because more people have voted for them

SHEEEEP, anyone?:rolleyes:
No, that's the Labour voters.


Dracoro 03 June 2004 09:53 AM

There's a candidate you've missed on your list.

See Here

Walwal 03 June 2004 10:28 AM

Interesting to see the BNP getting 3rd place at the minute. (Not my choice btw, but interesting all the same).

Wish Blair could see this, his band of w@nkers bumbling on with 7% of the vote.



tiggers 03 June 2004 11:10 AM

Yeah, but as fatherpierre pointed out SN is not exactly representative of the country as a whole.

The BNP thing is not that surprising given the right wing and racist undertones to many of the threads on here.

More surprising is the Tory vote - saw Micheal 'Slimeball' Howard last night banging on about supporting petrol protests. For the party that slapped full VAT on petrol and introduced the fuel duty escalator I though that was just a little ironic. Still I'm sure all your memories will get a nasty jog when you eventually return them to power.


ProperCharlie 03 June 2004 11:18 AM


Faire D'Income 03 June 2004 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Audi-Boy
You'll have to explane the china bit :rolleyes:

An individuals vote will change NOTHING.
Therefore I see no point.

China is not a democracy, therefore you don't get the opportunity to vote but as you do have that opportunity why don't you exercise that right in order to give your opinion and therefore create change. Collectively, one thousand Audi Boys could well change the outcome of an election.

Scoty 03 June 2004 04:15 PM

Conservatives back in office??
how the hell could anyone vote for Howard the guy is a retard lmfao they not want to bring back the poll tax ffs!!

Still I'm sure all your memories will get a nasty jog when you eventually return them to power
Here here

Dracoro 03 June 2004 04:17 PM

do they not want to bring back the poll tax ffs
NO they don't. get the facts right at least. There's plenty of other reasons to not vote for them without the need to 'fudge' what they are saying for Labours benefit :)

Scoty 03 June 2004 04:22 PM

Yeh well see wont we if they win ;)

Just wonder if Howard could cope with spelling poll tax?

OllyK 03 June 2004 04:32 PM

do they not want to bring back the poll tax ffs!!
Really??? Where did you get that from? Let me guess, from the Labour party website?? Not seen any Tory literature say that.

Mind you anything has to be better than the tosh the Liberals are proposing. Rather than cutting waste and bringing the Council Tax costs down overall, lets just subsidise the poor by charging the well off even more - sounds more like a Labour Policy to me. Just tried the Lib Dem calculator and my "Council Tax" would nearly double under their scheme - great, it is extortionate as it is.

Sith 03 June 2004 10:01 PM

Pollitics, religion and Most Haunted are the quickest way to arguments and friendship bust ups. :D

Howard kicks Ass.

Buckrogers 03 June 2004 10:21 PM

The poll tax in principle is a good idea. It needs to be worked on but why should, as an example, a household of 6 pay the same council tax as the next door neighbour where only 2 people live?

tiggers 03 June 2004 11:05 PM

The poll tax was an excellent idea that was about as poorly implemented as anything could be by Thatcher and her cronies.

It wasn't the idea that sunk it - it was the implementation. Those protesting aginst it had the backing of those who had to collect it as it was so badly thought out that collecting it in the inner cities was nigh on impossible.

All they had to do was charge everyone across the country the same amount, collect it centrally and divide it up to each local/county authority appropriately, but no they decide to make councils collect it themselves on a pro rata basis and let them set there own poll tax charges. Impossible to collect and not everyone was paying the same consequently it was doomed from that moment on.

Nice one Maggie - how to take a simple idea and f**k it up completely.


Chip 04 June 2004 12:30 PM

For once (just once though) I find myself agreeing with you.


tiggers 04 June 2004 12:31 PM

CRASH - tiggers faints and hits the floor :D

OllyK 04 June 2004 12:35 PM

No arguments on the fact that the implementation was a mess.

I don't like the council tax either I have to say. Just gone up again this year (no surprise), it is now almost as much as my mortgage £28 per month difference and the council are merrily withdrawing services left right and centre. Makes sense that, charge more and get less for your money.

farmer1 04 June 2004 12:46 PM

Makes sense that, charge more and get less for your money.
So what exactly happens to this extra money... :confused:

OllyK 04 June 2004 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by farmer1
So what exactly happens to this extra money... :confused:

I don't know for sure, but I expect it gets eaten up in red tape and bureaucracy :mad: . OK that's a bit synical and I do appreciate that cost of services such as the Police and Waste disposal will be going up due to the rise in fuel costs :rolleyes: (stung again - pay more tax to cover the additional tax being incurred by councils because government wants to increase taxes :mad: ).

Ho hum

Chip 04 June 2004 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
CRASH - tiggers faints and hits the floor :D

Then Chip kicks him when he's down;)


Sith 04 June 2004 03:46 PM

Here's an impression of a Labour Government -

Spin spin, tax, spiiiin, spin tax, tax, borrow from IMF, tax , spin, spin, tax, tax, tax, u-turn, spin, tax, borrow from IMF (oh bugger, too much borrowing) tax, tax, slaughter motorists, tax motorists more, spin, climb down, spin.

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