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logiclee 12 April 2004 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by STi wanna Subaru
please tell me you missed a "n't" out there? :eek:


Oooooops... :D

moses 12 April 2004 07:36 PM

The only good Pikey is a very DEAD pikey


wrong only good racist is a dead racist

NotoriousREV 12 April 2004 07:38 PM

pikeys aren't a race, ffs :rolleyes:

jjones 12 April 2004 07:42 PM


Dark Blue Mark 12 April 2004 07:44 PM

I haven't laughed on SN for a long while, this is what all makes it better :D

Are all the mods off on a gang bang somewhere?! Or pikey bashing?

Cant believe this threads still going :)


farmer1 12 April 2004 07:46 PM

Watch out all of you who are planning to right a 20 minute reply....

S.B. 12 April 2004 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by farmer1
Watch out all of you who are planning to right a 20 minute reply....

right :confused:

Duck_Pond 12 April 2004 07:53 PM

They're (mods) all trapped in the car park probably...

matt85 12 April 2004 07:57 PM


after all they are only mobile Chavs by the sound of it, [QUOTE]

haha, funniest thing ive heard today that is.

FASTER MIKE!! 12 April 2004 08:02 PM

NotoriousREV maybe moses is pikey;):D

Lord Jeffery Wode esq. 12 April 2004 08:05 PM

It is true that pikeys are not a race. However, I'm sure that if their genepool was studied it would soon become apparent that they have very close links to the French. Both find cleanliness alien and prefer to live in squalor, they are rude and objectionable, jumpers with holes in the elbows are the fashion. Both are largely alcoholic and nobody can understand a word they say.

ps - i am typing this from my laptop in my caravan in Calais

XT 12 April 2004 08:12 PM

Something for you pikey lovers
SIAL but highly enjoyable

Clickety Click


mj 12 April 2004 08:14 PM

ps - i am typing this from my laptop in my caravan in Calais

S.B. 12 April 2004 08:15 PM

I've got some tarmac left over from a big job i just done, do you want your drive doing

jjones 12 April 2004 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by S.B.
I've got some tarmac left over from a big job i just done, do you want your drive doing


Dark Blue Mark 12 April 2004 08:22 PM

Got to level 4 on my first go of Pikey fighting!


J S W 12 April 2004 08:34 PM








2000 sport 12 April 2004 08:48 PM

straight through, 1st play... brilliant !! :D

mart360 12 April 2004 09:27 PM


so have our pikeys evolved into pickeys???

I now Know that any so called racist (strike one) slanderous (strike two) and

unfair (strike three) allegations are untrue and the mods shout tell em to

feck off

We were at a local working farm today which had on show amongst other

items some romany caravans... very nice too...

the bit that i remembered was "romanys were hard working and proud of there caravans"

hmm todays so called varients.... hard working,, proud of there caravans,,, trying to think of words that fit and work!!!!!

what makes me laugh is we had a situation with these wonderful lovely

pillars of the community a while back,,,

they had invaded a local farmers fields and car park nearby they had set some local woodland alight and had the fire brigade nearly living there

the council were bleating it would

take 2 weeks to get the neccesary court order and then the resources etc...

the local farmer who,s field it was... just hooked up his tractor and trailer and proceeded to muck spread the whole field..................

no pikeys within 24hrs and the field was back to normal within a month...

why do local councils come down hard on ordianary members of the public, with petty beurocracy but wring their hands and bleat when faced with people who dont conform and dont care...

it wont get better , it will only get worse.....

just wait for one of these happy chappys to have a legal rights case started...

just you wait and see


J4CKO 12 April 2004 09:53 PM

We have a landmark in Wilmslow called Romany's Caravan, apparently it was owned by a bloke who did Childrens hour or something back during the dark ages, proper Romany caravan, he wasnt a proper Romany I think, just middle class English bloke as there are no Mitsubishi Shogun's, Mercs, Contraband, Claim forms, Chunky Gold Jewelley, wads of cash, old fridges, refuse, toothless halfwits, dangerous fairground machinery, tarmac, baseball bats, Chrome, dirty children or Daags anywhere to be seen.

wrxtankie 12 April 2004 10:13 PM

Got any scrap, Sharpen any knives for ya, do ya drive for ya,

(never to be seen again)
Scrap was the kids brand new bikes
knives and scissors bye bye
drives well always a good job LOL

Gotta luv em.

I had an escort RS a while back they were in town and they tried to nick it, i say tried but they couldnt find the kill switch, hope they all die soon.

J S W 12 April 2004 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Jeffery Wode esq.
It is very easy to be critical of travellers. We should be careful not to stereotype them all as unwashed thieving lowlifes.
Instead, we should learn to accept them as they are, and encourage them to settle into static sites.
Then use napalm.

LMFAO, Great quote.

what would scooby do 12 April 2004 10:18 PM

LOL - brilliant :D:D

Abbylad 12 April 2004 10:19 PM

Moses - do you do sermon`s? i`d love to hear one if you do. would be a good laugh i reckon :D

ADP 12 April 2004 10:23 PM

A mate of mine has some relations of whom he describes as Pikeys, and I mean by this they are travelling types with monsterous great caravans, white vans etc................he doesnt see much of them as they are all over the place (obviously) but whenever he sees any groups of Pikeys near by his usual reaction is something like " Oh fcking hell - Ive left a window open(or some other statement)" my reply "so what" his reply "they are a walking crime wave, you have no idea how bad they are" this comes from someone who knows all about it..............he genuinely goes into fear/over protective of his property when any are in town.

unclebuck 12 April 2004 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Abbylad
Moses - do you do sermon`s? i`d love to hear one if you do. would be a good laugh i reckon :D

mate... you have no idea.... :rolleyes:


J S W 12 April 2004 10:52 PM

When I was a kid we used to run up to the caravans at night bang on the sides and shout as loud as possible either tarmac layers or potato pickers. needless to say I learnt to run dam fast:D :D :D

Danny B 13 April 2004 08:10 AM

LOL @ all you keyboard heroes slagging off the travellers, if you want to voice your anger direct, try Epsom racecourse on a Boxing day :D

Dream Weaver 13 April 2004 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by moses
The only good Pikey is a very DEAD pikey


wrong only good racist is a dead racist

Moses, how is it racist? You seem to be the one obsessed with racism on Scoobynet, maybe you are racist yourself?

Pikeys steal from all walks of life, and from all ethnic backgrounds so it affects everyone.

OllyK 13 April 2004 10:31 AM

Hating pikeys is lifestyleits and this is becoming a serious issue. People in big house are going around slagging off people in Council houses who in turn are breaking windows in nice houses to try and devalue them :D

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