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Bravo2zero_sps 17 April 2004 10:08 PM

Sounds like one of your bosses is shagging the scrotes mum on the side and she is threatening to grass him up to his wife if he doesn't get her son off the hook ;)

Seriously though it is another example of how utter sh!te this country is. In the last 5 years it has gone so massively down hill its quite unbelievable what people get away with and how you can be treated :mad:

sti555 17 April 2004 10:12 PM


not really been in this type of situation before... where do I start re legal advice, what sort of cost etc...

I know what you mean, I'm determined not to get shafted here.. :(

unclebuck 17 April 2004 10:16 PM

Typically spineless politically correct middle (mis)management wanky decision making. It's them that should be sacked, not you.

This sort of muddled thinking makes me sick.


sti555 17 April 2004 10:20 PM


Cheers, not a nice position for me to be in.. can't really apply for other jobs at the mo either due to 'references' etc..

On the plus side completed loads of Virtua Rally 3 ;)

ADP 18 April 2004 08:56 AM

I was lucky a friend of mines wife is a partner in an employement law firm. But that doesnt matter. If I was you I would get the yellow pages out, find an employement law specialist and ring em up. Then explain your situation and ask them if they think you have a case for wrongful dismisal or similar.............You could also try going to the citizens advice bureau I guess too?

this may help too

lots of reading there, remember employement law generally favours the employee (iirc) dont let the b4stards think they can treat you like sh1t, they may have already broken various laws of which you may be able to tw4t them for later on.

M444GY 18 April 2004 11:28 AM

tell them to go f*ck themselves. then find the little cnut who was at your car and rip his f*ckin balls off . watch him cry then! this has happened to me i caught some kids knickin the flashin lights from a skip outside my house. i went out and they ran off. ijumped in the car and caught up wit two of them who denyed every thing .even though.,........... I COULD SEE THE LIGHT FLASHIN UNDER HIS JUMPER!!!. I HELD HIM THERE AND CALLED THE POLICE who let the kid go but took me in cause i used force to hold him till the cops turned up. wtf . Hes robbin my house but i get done. Turns out he was under age and his mother wanted to press charges because her LOVELY SON had a few bruises on his arm. charges were dropped but it shows u how the law in this country is so f*cked up. AND if i see the little cnut again he will have more than a few bruises io his arm FUc*IN CHAV!

Leslie 18 April 2004 11:42 AM

I think your bosses' attitude over the whole thing is disgusting. How can a firm expect any kind of loyalty from an employee when they treat you like that? There is no way you should be suspended etc. unless they had hard evidence of wrongdoing on your part. As someone said-typical weak kneed and lily livered behaviour. This PC business is killing our country.

I really hope you find another good job and then you can tell them just what you and the rest of us think about their disgraceful attitude and incompetence.

Les :(

sti555 20 April 2004 08:21 PM

thanks everyone for the replys.. has been really helpfull

Todays update & only communication so far from the company...

Had a call this afternoon from work, expecting to be asked in for a meeting etc as the police contacted me yesterday & advised me there was no evidence of any wrong doing, the policeman was totally satisfied & toe wragg is now paying me £15 compensation... & advise my company accordingly.



JayBee 20 April 2004 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by sti555
thanks everyone for the replys.. has been really helpfull

Todays update & only communication so far from the company...

Had a call this afternoon from work, expecting to be asked in for a meeting etc as the police contacted me yesterday & advised me there was no evidence of any wrong doing, the policeman was totally satisfied & toe wragg is now paying me £15 compensation... & advise my company accordingly.

Anyway back to to telephone call, basically turns out they want the domain admin passwords etc etc as they have now contracted my job to a third party company... WTF!, I'm so angry now, off to get a solicitor tomo as I'm not bending over anymore..
Time to get my sorry little arse in gear

Makes me so angry.. :(



Take em!!

Can not abide by this!

Good solicitor - Kuits, Steinart & Levey - based Manchester but will take national. Alegedly best in class. Did the business for me! 13K even when I found a new job straight away!

Mail me offline for the best contact and numbers!


sti555 20 April 2004 08:30 PM


YPM ;)

ajm 20 April 2004 10:21 PM

This is really unbelievable.... you should sue them and leave even if they don't fire you.

So when was the last time a backup was taken then? Time for a dialin followed by bit of deleting and account locking?... ;)

Chris L 20 April 2004 11:05 PM

Nice of your company to ask your side of events before suspending you :rolleyes: As Brit says, they are covering their arse, but they could have at least consulted with you first and explained that you would need to be suspended as a matter of procedure etc etc

Job market in IT is looking up, I know what I would be doing....


sti555 20 April 2004 11:11 PM

Thanks ChrisL, ajm etc

fingers crossed hopefully things will progess tomo, I'll keep you posted ;)

Dare I say I'm getting bored of SN all day! :D

Chris L 21 April 2004 08:27 AM

Before you do anything - count to 10. The best way to get even is to find a better opportunity and tell your current employers what they can do with their job. Don't be tempted into petty point scoring and score settling. New employers will often go to your current empoyers for a reference. You don't want to give them ammunition.

Good luck

Kevin Groat 21 April 2004 12:12 PM

How about your company's email address - I'm sure I wouldn't want to do business with a company that treats staff like this - and I'm prepared to tell them that. Sure there are others on here that would do the same.

FrenchBoy 21 April 2004 02:32 PM

thats not a bad idea.

what's the nature of your employers business?

Paulo P 21 April 2004 02:48 PM

Unbelievable :mad: I can't believe this is still going on even though the Police are satisfied :( I don't know what to say really.

lightning101 21 April 2004 02:51 PM

Get the e-mail address up. As long as we word it correctly and it is non threatning, then lets help the poor guy out. We all do it, or nobody would be replying during the day.

sti555 21 April 2004 02:57 PM


As far as I know the situation is as follows:

Contractors have really made things worse they now have no connectivity to the internet including email, I assume they have tried the usual well know backdoors & vunerabilites to gain admin access to the domain controller, both servers are returning 100% packet loss from ping tests, great is'nt it when someone else decides to mess.

The network itself is very well protected & very well locked down, for instance All data is unreversably encrypted, including profiles network drives etc etc, & bound to the AD/ account SID the domain security policy will only allow 3 logon attempts prior to indefinate account lockout.

Every workstation, switch, access point, router etc is locked down, no default settings or holes here.. different local admin passwords from a choice of 10 for nearly everything.. you get the picture.

Their Options:

So they decide to use a cracker, assuming it's successful, bearing in mind brute force normally has further consequences....


Reinstall the DC & domain from scratch, very time consuming & costly, then realise it was pointless as all the data is still unreachable, bearing in mind everyone is using roaming profiles too, inc outlook data files etc etc

Pretty pointless at this stage naming the employer as the mail will only sit on the server with everything else from the last 48hrs.

Can't understand why they don't come round & see me, I live less than 5mins away, get this matter resolved/closed & invite me back it immediatley, I know it all inside out as I built it all & can get em up & running probably within the hour!

But that just sounds to easy/sensible, quite what benefit to the company in keeping me in suspension is I don't know

Payrole coming up soon, no computers, printers, etc etc could be interesting, bet I still get shafted though :(

Pass the KY lube :D

sti555 21 April 2004 03:00 PM

Oh & I've not even mentioned the 13 websites I design & maintain for em, including online shops etc etc, all written by my & another guy in the US, no off the shelf stuff here either.


66 Blue 21 April 2004 03:05 PM

cheeky feckers!! I would resign!! go find yourself a job where your valued!!!

Paulo P 21 April 2004 03:09 PM

Sounds to me like they need you more than you need them ;) Let 'em sweat and realise they f*cked up :D

sti555 21 April 2004 03:16 PM

Quite tempted now to resign, I need closure for this matter, been going on far far too long, looks like I'm gonna go down the unfair/constructive dismissal path..

I've had enough of this sh1t!, think they realise now what I do, time to get back to work somewhere decent asap
Gonna scan the letter now & post it up for everyone :D

Paulo P 21 April 2004 03:26 PM

:cool: Good luck :)

sti555 21 April 2004 03:45 PM

Ummmmmn scanner usb lead is at work! D'oh!!! :mad:

Paulo P 21 April 2004 03:56 PM


Jolly Green Monster 21 April 2004 03:59 PM

I think I would reply to there letter stating what you could do for them rather than this contracted in firm.. show willing on your part and say that you hope the matter would be forgotten.. etc..
or even with a pay rise if you feel lucky! lol..

Then find a new job as soon as you can afterwards as they sound like wanchors.

sti555 21 April 2004 04:10 PM

Paul, lol! :D


Yeah got a feeling that I will get a letter in the post tomo, so will respond accordingly, they must be getting desparate now......

bluenosewrx 21 April 2004 05:31 PM

good luck mate,this is a disgrace,
someone else will value your IT experience.i can't even post a photo lol.
keep us informed,

Simon Lau 21 April 2004 06:46 PM

That’s a complete nightmare...feeling gutted for you!

Well it seems to me that the hierarchy have wanted to get rid off you for some time and the little twats playing with your car came in at just the right time for your employers (any excuse)....especially with them standing over you whilst you’re taking a few personal things because that to me is a sign of someone spending their last time in that office! Moreover they (your bosses) know you’re a key-man and you are needed to keep IT operations running for your company so getting rid of you would result in what has already happened. Your employers aren’t stupid and would have thought about this before “suspending you” so it looks very premeditated with the involvement of the third party contractors! Hell, being in so much **** and not asking for your help only means that they already made up their minds to sack you but not put it in black and white…

You have a lot of options but go to the solicitors first before selling your story to the Sun...:D

Good luck mate and keep us updated!!!

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