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hybwrx2002 15 March 2004 01:09 PM

It happens a lot going in to town where I live. very annoying, big que stacked up on the left, and 90% of the cars flying down the right lane are usually bmw's/mercedes/volvo's. Who try and cut in at the roundabout, some even have the cheek to indicate as if they're going right at the roundabout and then dive in last second. Or you get the really clever ones who think if they go full circle no one will notice!

I quite enjoy it when they try and squeeze in though, just sit slap bang in the middle of the exit and watch em squirm :)

LG John 15 March 2004 01:17 PM

This is all so very familure ;):D

imlach 15 March 2004 01:20 PM

It all seems very "fairmilure" :)

Bubba po 15 March 2004 01:24 PM

I am sure it is quicker to merge in turn at the exit of the roundabout, than stop and cross the roundabout individually
It might be quicker, but is it as safe? Who has the right of way when exiting the roundabout if the two cars are level? The one with the biggest bullying mentality? The one with the ****test, most beat-up work's van? Confusion needs stamping out, not people creating road rules as they occur to them because they in their infinite wisdom cannot see a problem with what they do.

NACRO 15 March 2004 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Bubba po
Confusion needs stamping out, not people creating road rules as they occur to them because they in their infinite wisdom cannot see a problem with what they do.

You mean like someone deciding they are going to "block" someone on a roundabout? (like you said you did)

I'd like to meet someone like you next time I'm in my old banger or a company vehicle then we can have an accident, we'll see who laughs last and longest.

Or perhaps you can just live and let live and spend your time worrying about something important rather than imposing your self invented roundabout etiquette on others.

Bubba po 15 March 2004 01:54 PM

Nacro, I was just quicker to the exit, and I was gratified to see that the other person had to go round again. I never mentioned blocking, the person posting after me did. A couple of years ago on that same roundabout I nearly had my front wing taken off -this was before got wise to people coming up the inner lane in my blind spot racing me to the exit. Nowadays I'm much more aware and if it looked like a collision was in the offing I would back off - I'm that sort of person. Please don't say it's my problem, cos it ain't.

MadMark 15 March 2004 02:04 PM

Agree with Ali-B the right turners in the left lane and going right are just plain dangerous! :mad:

I do use the "right lane" technique sometimes - using the scoobs superior power and brakes to "slot in". All depends on how tight it is and how much traffic is around! :D
If I'm in the left lane and IF someone can out accelerate me - I'm happy to let them in ....

LG John 15 March 2004 02:15 PM

It all seems very "fairmilure" - LMAO :D

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:23 PM

quote: "If I'm in the left lane and IF someone can out accelerate me - I'm happy to let them in ...."

By the same token then if they are prepared to use the bulk of their car to force you to brake then that would be OK too?

A friend of mine who drove a sandwich delivery van through London every day had an interesting theory, he'd just aim at some expensive looking/cherished car and make the driver back off or do an emergency stop. He had quite a few prangs and didn't give a toss about any of them, unlike the owners of the car he'd hit.

Just because you have size or speed on your side doesn't make you 'right'- the only right way of driving is to avoid the accident or potential accident in the first place. Too many people are obssesive about maintaining their place in the Q despite the fact it changes nothing. Just let them get on with it.

oh and bubba if they had to go round again you blocked them, if it had been me in the right car then you'd be needing a body shop now because I would have just smashed into the side of you.

Bubba po 15 March 2004 02:27 PM

You're just trolling now, NACRO... let's leave it at that.

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:34 PM

quote: "You're just trolling now, NACRO... "

Well I'll admit that some might see an element of that in this, but I really believe that people who seem to think they are in the "right" are generally as much to blame as those they are decrying. After all you've admitted here on this thread that you don't really understand how roundabouts work and have started enforcing your own scheme to get back at those you perceive as troublemakers.
I have my own scheme, if I'm in a car I care about I do my utmost to avoid bad feeling or causing accidents, if I'm in an old banger or a company vehicle then it's a trip to the bodyshop if you try to cut me up or block me. Whether you like it or not if you try that sh1t on with me/people like me then you'll end up with some damage.

MadMark 15 March 2004 02:34 PM

Hello Nacro :D

Only one person has ever tried to force their way in forcefully! Had they hit the car ..... well that's a big if ........

Lets just hope you don't hit anyone ... as they may put you in the bodyshop! :D

JackClark 15 March 2004 02:38 PM

How can being on Company Insurance make you care less. It still affects your no claims, or do you commit fraud?

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:41 PM

quote: "Lets just hope you don't hit anyone ......"

So far in my driving career of a decade or so I've hit about 20 or so other cars, all while driving company vehicles I was not held accountable for. All impacts were more or less deliberate and the result of me or the other driver not backing down because we were both in the 'right' (or so we thought). The financial penalty to me was nothing despite totalling 2 of the cars. The other drivers were for the most part private motorists who paid dearly for their attitude problem. One of them even got a broken nose for his troubles.

In those 10 yrs+ of motoring done in vehicles I owned myself I've had not a single collision (apart from smashing off the wing mirror of some tosspot who thought he'd like to double park on a narrow street, luckilly I was in an old banger at the time that suffered zero damage)

The moral of the story is pick the wrong car to get all righteous on and you'll find yourself down at the repair shop sooner than you'd like. If you like your car, drive to arrive.

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:43 PM

jack clark what no claims bonus?

If you are on company insurance you don't pay any excess, nor any insurance costs, neither do you acrue NCB. Or at least I didn't. When I gave up company motoring (tax laws changed)I started afresh with 0% NCB- it's now upto 3 yrs. I drive like an angel in my own cars :D

As for committing fraud, you must be joking.

MadMark 15 March 2004 02:45 PM

Nacro - didn't realise you were so far down the evolutionary food chain - interesting!
I now have upgraded you to level one tosser .... :mad:

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:53 PM

quote: "I now have upgraded you to level one tosser .... "

Cool, I have no feelings about you one way or the other, you're just some nomark who's going to end up with a bid dent in his ego and his shiny jap turbo penis extension.

Grow up and you might avoid an accident. I did and have.

MattW 15 March 2004 02:55 PM

Have you had any ACCIDENTS, claims or convictions in the last 5 years.

Standard insurance question, covers using any car.

NACRO 15 March 2004 02:58 PM

And the answer is no.........none at all in the past 5 years, go back a bit though and you'll find an extensive catalogue of pissed off owner/drivers who picked the wrong person to apply their attitude problem too.

My licence is clean too :D

Bubba po 15 March 2004 02:59 PM

I myself have been driving for seven years and I have never collided with another car, intentionally or otherwise. But it's only a matter of time, given the appalling way I drive. :D

NACRO 15 March 2004 03:01 PM

Well then bubba as a reformed character myself can I be the first to suggest that you change your attitude and save yourself some cash and hassle? It really isn't worth it.

Canon 15 March 2004 03:03 PM

so far in my driving career of a decade or so I've hit about 20 or so other cars
only 20? you sound like this guy on the Soarer BB's who had 20 blowouts in ten years but never lost control. nothing like exaggerating things to make a point eh :rolleyes:

you also seem to change your story to suit the reply, hence the no insurance fraud but you must have lied at some point.

i really hate insurance fraudsters :mad:

NACRO 15 March 2004 03:09 PM

nice first post canon.

You have a point though, I didn't really stop to add up the cars I hit but here's a few of my greatest hits:

Shearings Coach drives into me as I come out of a very narrow street clearly marked with a big f**k off arrown indicating I have priority. Nobody behind him but of course he had to move forward and hit me

Girl in supermini cuts across 3 lanes of roundabout and hits side of my vehicle, I saw this coming and let her do it anyway because there was no way I was braking to let her cut in on me.

Tosser in Vectra tries to make 3 lanes out of a dual carriageway because he's pissed off my car accelerate faster than his- I force him onto hard shoulder then bang we have a collision- fault is apportioned his way as I have witnesses.

I have many many more stories like these ones, in excess of 20 in fact, it was just a convenient figure I plucked out of the air. Thanks for pointing that out.

BTW I have never and will never lie to an insurance company, if I wanted to do that I'd do better not taking the insurance out in the first place and just driving illegally as that is what I would in effect be doing by lying to an insurance company.

Canon 15 March 2004 03:13 PM

thanks. just to say feel free to list them all. I have plenty of time and like reading stories. with the speed of your reply I guess you have some spare time also. you have 2 minutes starting from now to list all 20 incidents :)

Geddon 15 March 2004 03:14 PM

I'm waiting too:D

Canon 15 March 2004 03:19 PM

All impacts were more or less deliberate
hmm, so far only the vectra incident looks deliberate on your part. methinks you are perhaps making this up :)

time up by the way :D

Geddon 15 March 2004 03:19 PM


JackClark 15 March 2004 03:26 PM

"no insurance costs, nothing" It was this statement I was commenting on. There were insurance costs, you ended up with no no-claims.

I did exactly the same by the way, drove around in my Rep Rocket Scooby, without a care for hedgerows, engine or tyres, then I bought my own and paid for the lack of no-claims for 3 years!

NACRO 15 March 2004 03:28 PM

just saw your post now,so sorry I've been too busy talking to people that actually matter rather than feeding the ego of some to55pot :D. I'm flattered you are so interested but don't want to bore averyone here by listing a banal series of minor crashes. Perhaps if you want to set a time that's mutually acceptable we can go to digichat and discuss it there?

NACRO 15 March 2004 03:31 PM

Jack I had no, no claims bonus to lose in any case, never having had my own insurancefor 7 yrs, merely company vehicles. I lost nothing through my actions, told no lies and contrary to the assertions of some people was sadly the cause of quite a few accidents which could have been avoided.
I don't drive like that anymore, although it seems the spirit is alive and well on scoobynet with it's own roundabout avengers dishing out justice on a road near you soon. Perhaps one of them will meet someone who behaves like I used to and will learn the error of their ways.

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