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Steve vRS 06 January 2004 07:13 PM


TaviaRS 07 January 2004 07:27 AM

Luke 07 January 2004 08:18 AM


So no one can ge in contact with him??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????

Doesnt seem right.

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 08:20 AM

BTTT please mate...

TaviaRS 07 January 2004 09:46 AM

Tone Loc 07 January 2004 09:52 AM

Bloody hell Custom.... i'd dread to think how much you have spent with that little lot :eek: . Must say i'd not be very impressed at all. I imagine there is a reason but even under most circumstances a phone call by John to somebody to let you know what's happening would be achievable.

Good luck.


Luke 07 January 2004 09:54 AM

I would give it until the weekend then Register it at the Small claims court.... he has a duty to his customers. If he cant handle it.. then he should hand the business over to someone who can.

Luke 07 January 2004 09:57 AM

Protect yourself...maybe the business wont recover and you might not see you money.

lordlucan 07 January 2004 12:14 PM

Money Claim Online.

Basically small claims court online. Recommend you start now, should get a response.


Daz34 07 January 2004 01:27 PM


CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 01:38 PM

Thanks for the info guys :)

Impreziv Motorsport is NOT a limited company. Checked at Companies House.

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 01:42 PM

My new turbo arrived today too :)

M0NEY 07 January 2004 01:43 PM

New turbo but no car. Ill happily try the turbo for you :D

Ive tried contacting John many times but nothing. :(

lordlucan 07 January 2004 02:35 PM

Doesnt have to be a limited company. Better for you if its not, that way it cant just fold.


CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 02:41 PM

Yep :)

Andy McCord 07 January 2004 03:10 PM

Customscoob YHM

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 03:24 PM

YHM back explaining mate. I aint a bad person trying to get everyone, I just think I have waited long enough for something very expensive that I have payed for in full and have had to resort to other ways of sorting this out.

Thanks for that website Lord Lucan. Progressing that now.

Andy McCord 07 January 2004 03:52 PM

Jon YHM, good luck mate

lordlucan 07 January 2004 04:08 PM

Nice one, for £30 it will guarantee a response.

No reponse means baliffs etc, all legal... You can even charge for legal advice and seeing as yours is an open and shut case you will get the money back.

Hope it all works out.

[Edited by lordlucan - 1/7/2004 4:09:10 PM]

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 04:10 PM

Thanks mate, although it is going to cost me £250 as the amount I need to claim is huge.

YHM too cheers.

CraigH 07 January 2004 04:18 PM

Moneyclaim is v good - used it a few times.

Sad it's come to this though :(

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 04:20 PM

Youre telling me, its just become ridiculous. If it wasnt for something so major as this and for so much I really would wait it out, but after over 4 months of nothing, there isnt much else I can do.

I work hard for my money and like to see something for it.

Its with Money Claim now anyway.

Phil 07 January 2004 04:22 PM


You have Disco's Skoda still though.

That must give you some security

CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 04:32 PM

Phil, YHPM on SIDC.

It does give me some security mate, but not much as it is in his name, I cant use it without the bayliffs seizing it and selling it at auction.

Still not my car though is it.

lordlucan 07 January 2004 04:39 PM


Mail back.

Phil 07 January 2004 04:42 PM


M0NEY 07 January 2004 07:26 PM


CustomScoobyIOM 07 January 2004 08:08 PM


T5NYW 08 January 2004 03:27 AM

It doesn't seem to be on the top ;) but now is :D


lordlucan 08 January 2004 09:46 AM

Keeping the thread alive .

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