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Brit_in_Japan 20 December 2003 05:35 AM

Scoob99, sorry to hear you lost your dog. I can understand how you feel, and nothing will replace her. But give it a little time and you may feel like getting another dog. When my mothers dog died she was very upset and said she'd never get another because you couldn't replace the springer spaniel we'd had as kids, he was such a character. But we could see my mum just was generally miserable without a dog, not going out for walks, not the same routine each day. So my sister and I surprised her a few Christmas' ago and bought her a collie cross puppy from a rescue centre. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw this black and white bundle of fur. Not a replacement, but another dog to love.

talizman 20 December 2003 09:50 AM


Sincere condolences mate, I know exactly what you are going through.

We had our 14 year old collie put to sleep last year, and it was without a doubt, the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.

We coped in the knowledge that it was for the best, and would have been unfair to allow him to suffer to satisfy our selfish wishes to keep him with us.

At the end, he was extremely submissive, and allowed the vet to administer the dose without batting an eyelid, having previously been terrified of the vet.... Looking up at us with those sorry eyes....

I was an absolute wreck for ages afterwards, like it was the end of the world, but its not.

We now have a framed picture of him which takes pride of place in our home and after cremation, his ashes were returned to us for us to scatter where we wished.

Afterwards, I thought to myself that I could NOT go through the pain again and did not want another dog, but time heals all wounds, and almost exactly 1 year after he passed, we got an 8 week old German Shepherd pup who is now 8 months old and totally mad. :)

It's funny but we can see a lot of the old boy in the new whippersnapper! Kind of comforting :)

My thoughts are with you mate.

MooseRacer 20 December 2003 10:23 AM

At the end, he was extremely submissive, and allowed the vet to administer the dose without batting an eyelid, having previously been terrified of the vet.... Looking up at us with those sorry eyes....

:( you've just bought tears to my eyes. It was the same when we had to have our retriever put to sleep 18months ago, the poor fella looked so vulnerable and helpless. No matter how much we knew that, with a huge cancerous growth inside him, it was the kindest thing to do we both cried....and cried and cried :(

You can never 'replace' a dog who's loved so very much and is such a part of your life for so long. In time we felt we would like another dog, and now have another Retriever (deliberately different colour) and a recent addition of a GSD puppy.

They were never meant to replace the dog we lost - and they never could - but they are loved just as much.

V45DSM 20 December 2003 10:36 AM

Can we have Elvis's 'Old Shep' playing in the back ground?

Leslie 20 December 2003 10:44 AM

My condolences Scooby99. I felt the same way when our beautiful 15 year old tortoiseshell shell cat died in my arms. She is buried in the garden with a plaque too.


MooseRacer 20 December 2003 10:53 AM

V45DSM - it's a shame this wasn't your 1st and only post on this thread Without trying to sound cold, but, if it's the worst thing that has happened to you this year, then you've not done so bad.

but no, you're back for more :rolleyes:

If you understand what the guy's going through, but for some reason don't understand owner's grief when their pets die, then just show a bit of respect and compassion.

If you don't understand, then, quite frankly, shut the fcuk up. :rolleyes:

V45DSM 20 December 2003 11:01 AM

I'll behave. Although my last post was aimed at you.

[Edited by V45DSM - 12/20/2003 11:13:40 AM]

Jen 20 December 2003 11:10 AM

Colin :(

A nightmare situation :( My thoughts are with you and your family. We've lost two dogs in our family and they'll never be forgotten...I have a framed picture of them both in our front room.

It sounds like she had a good life and she was obviously cared for - that's the most important thing :)


steve G MAN 20 December 2003 11:42 AM

Hi there mate i understand the closeness and the strong bond between dog and man as i have two of my own so i know how much you love holly and miss her. All the best scoob to you and yours.

Dogs give us there all its the best deal man has ever made HOLLY proudly Colins best frend.

PG 20 December 2003 04:26 PM

absolutely gutted for you mate:(
As the owner of 3 Boxers I really feel for you atm !!
We lost our first pup to cardio myopathy(sp) she dropped down dead when out for a walk with us:(
If you do go down the road of replacing her let me know and I will aim to put you in touch with a good breeder near you (if you dont already know one)
Must say, at 11yrs old she has had good long life !
Chin up mate.

All the best

Scoob99 20 December 2003 05:09 PM

As I said before thanks guys for all your support, been out shopping today but still cannot get her out of my mind, I loved her so much:(

Simon S3 20 December 2003 05:39 PM


I had the same nightmare with our Cocker Spaniel not so long ago, we waited a couple of months, decided the house was too quiet and have now got another. They are so similar in some respects it`s spooky.

small beamer 20 December 2003 06:26 PM

so sorry mate boxers r my favorite type hope you fell very better soon

Scoob99 20 December 2003 07:11 PM

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, I have this evening asked for a breeders name and number in this area, so we will see what happens, as I say thanks again.

[Edited by Scoob99 - 12/20/2003 7:12:49 PM]

PG 20 December 2003 08:01 PM


I will make a few calls mate.

All the best


Scoob99 20 December 2003 10:49 PM

What can i say, thank you so much.:(

Scoob99 21 December 2003 05:17 AM

Me again up at 5am can't sleep:(

Hos 21 December 2003 03:30 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss.

We lost our last dog just over a year ago and not many people realise just how much they effect you.

We recently got another puppy around 4 months ago and it's the best decision we made.

Remember the good times you had as memories last forever.

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