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ScoobyJawa 25 November 2003 02:19 PM

only got where she is because eminem was dumb enough to have her warbling on his record- and that wasn't any good either.
Graham Norton raised this last night actually. She'd already sold 5 million records in America and climbing before the Eminem thing was even thought of. He heard her album and called her asking if he could use the song/her.
So I think its wrong to say she's only where she is because of that - clearly she was doing ok before. She does admit it helped extend it more though. It was only outside the US that heard Stan before her album was released.

That aside - certainly opened a can of worms there ;) :p

[Edited by ScoobyJawa - 11/25/2003 2:20:35 PM]

civictyper 25 November 2003 02:24 PM

Ok so I should have swapped 'pretty' for 'really' ;). Still think some peeps are being a bit harsh on her. Not fussed about her earning wads either. Good for her if she can IMHO.

I suppose liking music is down to personal taste but that doesn't mean she has no talent. I'm not into Gareth Gates but he can definately sing regardless of what anyone says.

NACRO 25 November 2003 02:53 PM

Rollo and Sister Bliss (aka Faithless) were to repetitive beats what the Brotherhood of Man were to 70's pop.

Talent obviously runs in the family- just not a lot of it.

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 03:19 PM

Salva Mea and Insomnia were two of the most successful and resampled dance tracks of the last few years. Insomnia in particular is now considered to be a club classic. I love both tracks, and have the album Reverence. Slightly more uplifting than Dido's tunes though. :)

NACRO 25 November 2003 03:28 PM

Doesn't mean they were any good though does it? Sampled by whom? Scooter? Ian Van Dahl? PMSL.
Very derivative of itself, all Faithless stuff sounds the same. BTW those tracks mentioned were very late examples of their stuff. I suppose being generous the early stuff on Cheeky was OK but hardly ground breaking.

I do however agree they are better than Dido.

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 03:37 PM

"Doesn't mean they were any good though does it?"

I'm sure someone on this thread said that music was a personal taste... and that from that taste, Dido was crap, utter dross. Well, my taste says Faithless is good.

But we could just argue about who is right and wrong all day... You don't like them, I do. I don't like Eminem, but I wouldn't say he was crap.

unclebuck 25 November 2003 03:48 PM

liking music is down to personal taste but that doesn't mean she has no talent

Trust me on this, and the others on this thread - she has **no talent** - zip, ziltch, zero - talent. Can't be any clearer than that.


NACRO 25 November 2003 03:50 PM

Music is a matter of personal taste- that's for sure, it's one subject there is no wrong or right on IMHO. Doesn't stop one from having an opinion and sharing it though does it?
I mean look at all the people who've outed themselves as Didos on this thread.:D

TelBoy 25 November 2003 03:53 PM

Please can i have a multi-million selling album on the back of "no talent", and laugh all the way to the bank whilst doing so?!

LOL, you're *only* expressing opinions, not facts! Keep that in perspective!

NACRO 25 November 2003 03:56 PM

quote: "Please can i have a multi-million selling album on the back of "no talent", and laugh all the way to the bank whilst doing so?!"

Probably with the right backing- look at all the talentless dross like Dido and her ilk (thinking of that cross eyed bint from Texas here amongst others) who are managing it.
It's not about talent, it's about getting the right promotion.

TelBoy 25 November 2003 03:57 PM

Whatever it is, i'll have some!!

Jeez, capitalism and all that free choice NACRO, must be doing your head in!!!

unclebuck 25 November 2003 03:59 PM

Not to mention (my other pet hates) Gareth G-G-G-Gates and Will Young. Would they have had any success without poop idol? I don't think so...

TelBoy 25 November 2003 04:00 PM


Isn't that *precisely* what the shows were aired for??? :confused:

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 04:07 PM

Don't be hard on Nacro - he's enjoying the sounds of talented artists like Edith Piath, Jean-Michel Jarre and Vanessa Paradis at the moment. ;)

I agree that the likes of Gates and that other one with the chin that can get pickled onions out of a jar have only got the TV pop shows to thank for their success. I'll be surprised if they're still in the limelight in 5 years time.

NACRO 25 November 2003 04:07 PM

Free choice is what it's all about IMHO- people should be free to do whatever they please and others should feel free to piliory them for it. Problem is for the most part they can't take it :D

unclebuck 25 November 2003 04:07 PM


Choosing a 'winner' from a worthless selection of cheesy Karioke wannabe's should never be mistaken for 'talent'. There's no mirit in that at all as far as I can see.

NACRO 25 November 2003 04:10 PM

lol@ Duck Pond- guess who's one of the most popular artists on French radio-our friend Dido along with Celine Dion and all the rest of the middle of the road crap.

For some good French music try Air, Peuple de l'herbe and err.......... some others. I almost forgot Serge Gainsbourg then.

civictyper 25 November 2003 04:10 PM

Sure you can express an opinion but you're trying to pass opinion as fact. And anyway you're wrong ;)

Like her or not she's been deemed to have enough talent to sell multi million. If she were not she would have earned 'nil point' like those out of tune scousers on Eurovision.

Now Margarita Prakatan, that's talent :D

IMHO of course ;)

[Edited by civictyper - 11/25/2003 4:13:46 PM]

TelBoy 25 November 2003 04:12 PM

Fcuk me, did NACRO just say Air?

Another moment of convergance may be upon us. :eek:

Moon Safari, album of the year 1998.

NACRO 25 November 2003 04:19 PM

well Moon Safari is a pretty good album- but remember this is all subjective. They've also done some more underground stuff that is very, very interesting.
BTW I've never tried to pass off any of my opinions on ANY SUBJECT as fact- it's all just that, opinion- take it or leave it, just don't try to deny my right to say it.

Jye 25 November 2003 04:20 PM

Imagine comparing Air to Faithless, LOL.

I guess you were to busy being a Marxist/Capatalist to 'rave on' NACRO ;)

Spoon 25 November 2003 04:22 PM

I personally don't like Eminem, so haven't heard her feature on his music.
Duck_pond- You live in a cupboard then and just come out to type here?

TelBoy 25 November 2003 04:23 PM



AdrianFRST 25 November 2003 04:27 PM

all Faithless stuff sounds the same.
Erm.. have you listened to much of it? Compare "Salva Mea" to "She's My Baby" or "Don't Leave". Three very different tracks. To say they sound the same simply displays a staggering lack of musical coherance and has voided any suggestion that you have a clue what you're talking about...

BTW those tracks mentioned were very late examples of their stuff. I suppose being generous the early stuff on Cheeky was OK but hardly ground breaking.
Insomnia was the second single (after Salva Mea), 1995. Not exactly a "very late example".

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 04:27 PM

No Spoon, I just prefer to listen to music like Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Who, REM, U2 etc. etc. I think you'll find that there are a great number of people who choose to listen to such music in preference to the newer stuff like Eminem.

TelBoy 25 November 2003 04:34 PM

Imo, Eminem is a great talent. He's in my CD collection...

eClaire 25 November 2003 04:35 PM


Want to be listening to some proper music. Try the Hives, White Stripes, The Clash, The Stranglers, The Sex Pistols :D:D:D

Duck_Pond 25 November 2003 04:38 PM

Hmmm - that's more the sort that my brother listens to. Along with Husker Du...

Spoon 25 November 2003 04:38 PM

Duck_pond- I t has very little to do with music preference.

Just the act of living surely means you'll get to hear a record many times over even if it isn't your cup of tea?

Telboy- :D:D

TelBoy 25 November 2003 04:39 PM


Why not have a truly eclectic music collection? That is, including REM, U2, Zp, Stripes, Pistols, Clash, Stranglers AND Eminem???

They're all pretty damned similar, after all!! We're not comparing them to Bach for goodness' sake!!

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