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FASTER MIKE!! 23 October 2003 12:24 AM

for a crime like this, the death penalty is the only answer. no argument. what does it take for the government to relise it needs to put its foot down on serious crimes like this.
very sad :(


In Disguise 23 October 2003 12:31 AM

this is the story i think
Stabbed to death

THIS smiling baby was knifed to death in a baker’s shop by his illegal immigrant dad yesterday.

Ten-month-old Hassan Martin had his throat slashed as mum Lorna, 20, tried to protect him.

Customers in the Greggs branch in Carlisle rushed to overpower the attacker, who was under arrest last night.

Shocked locals named the dad as Shajan Kabir, 39, and said he had been due to be deported from Britain today.

Kabir, thought to be from Bangladesh, had followed Lorna into the branch of Greggs in Carlisle after spotting her in the city’s pedestrianised shopping centre.

Crime scene ... police scientists search for clues

Lorna was holding Hassan in the queue when Kabir stormed in, ran round the back of the counter and grabbed a kitchen knife.

Customers screamed as he slashed Hassan’s neck and then launched an attack on Lorna, cutting her across the wrist.

A security guard and a building site foreman who were in the shop buying their lunches bravely leapt on the attacker.

One floored him with a punch while the other sat on him until police arrived.

Witnesses said up to 20 cops were on the scene in Scotch Street “in seconds” from a police station about 100 yards away.

On guard ... cops at scene

Hassan was rushed to the Cumberland Infirmary but was dead on arrival from loss of blood. Lorna, who recently split with Kabir, was kept in hospital for treatment and was under sedation last night.

When the attack happened at 11.15am an urgent call went out on Citylink, the radio system which connects all of Carlisle’s store security guards and police.

The system — usually used to raise the alarm about shoplifters or yobs — sent several security men running to the bakery.

Other witnesses told how they saw a man brandishing a knife, then heard shrieks.

A worker at the Shelter charity shop, next door to Greggs, said: “I heard screaming outside and then people said a baby had been stabbed.

“A customer came out of Greggs in tears and covered in blood from head to toe.”

Another shopkeeper said: “The police arrived very quickly - and I’ve never seen so many. There must have been 20.”

Grief ... young mum places flowers at the scene

Ahmet Arabi, 37, owner of the nearby Eden Valley fish restaurant, said: “I heard a commotion and saw a guy holding a knife.

“Next minute the woman’s hands were bleeding and she was holding the baby — he looked in a very bad way. He was wrapped up in blankets and taken away.”

One of the security guards who rushed to help was Ray Howie, 53, who works at nearby Wilkinson’s department store.

Wilkinson’s manager Ron Cox, 50, said: “Ray got a message that urgent assistance was required at Gregg’s. He rushed down and when he came back he said, ‘It’s unbelievable — someone has stabbed a baby and there is blood everywhere’.”

A man sitting under arrest in a police car described how he watched Kabir being taken from the shop.

Shock ... tearful girls at shop where tot was killed

Glen Stockton, 24, who had been nicked at home minutes earlier for non-payment of a fine, said: “We had just set off from my house when a call came through on police radio.

“The officers told me to hold on tight, put the lights on and swerved through the traffic to Scotch Street.

“There were people panicking and screaming, cars were pulling up. Two policemen pulled a lad from Greggs and put him in a van. He looked spaced out.”

The shop was closed immediately after the attack. Police put up a white tent at the front while officers in forensic suits conducted a fingertip search.

Other officers began interviewing witnesses. Piles of flowers, teddy bears and cards were placed outside by shoppers, office workers and schoolkids.

One card read: “Jesus, Jesus, up above, bring this little boy our love.” Another read simply: “Go to sleep little darling.”

A spokesman for Greggs said: “Our staff are clearly upset and our management team are trying to give them support.”

Last night locals on Carlisle’s Raffles estate, where Lorna lives with her mother Pauline, told of their shock.

A neighbour said: “They are my best friends. Hassan was such a beautiful little boy and so innocent. It’s so awful.”

Lorna, who is studying child welfare at Carlisle College, has a sister Zoe. Their mum is divorced from dad Steve.

Shocked Steve said: “This is really awful. I can’t believe it has happened.”

Molly Graham, 71, another neighbour on the estate on the outskirts of the historic border city, said: “The baby’s grandmother had been looking after him quite a lot lately.”

The couple met last year when Kabir lived in an Indian restaurant near Lorna’s home.

A friend said mum Pauline, who is 40, had accepted the relationship but thought Kabir was much younger than he is.

Cumbria Police confirmed a 39-year-old man had been arrested.

Luke 23 October 2003 12:42 AM

God knows....maybe the bloke just lost it.............

learn from "lose it" and you could end up on a murder charge.

Bravo2zero_sps 23 October 2003 08:51 AM

I think there would be a lot of people in this country who would be up on a murder charge if this piece of sh!t was handed over to the public [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] There is absolutely no case what so ever for this animal to be kept alive. The death penalty is the only answer in such a case as this. Why should he be kept under lock and key at the tax payers expense for the rest of his life? Cease his existence, he can then no longer be of danger to anyone or be a cost to anyone. He has no right to life after murdering a child [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If an animal such as a pet dog kills a person it is destroyed, yet a human who kills is kept alive at the tax payers expense. Doesn't make sense to me when an animal with little sense of right and wrong is killed yet a human who is supposed to be the most intelligent creature on the planet with the greatest sense of right and wrong doesn't have their life taken [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Scooby96 23 October 2003 09:03 AM

Here, here B20 - couldnt agree more. I'd get the ****er if I had the chance

letdown 23 October 2003 09:17 AM

Just as a side issue all the people on here who say 'Just gimme two mins I ll kill umm' Yeah really great attitude. Not saying the Guy shouldnt be dealt with..............but all the Rambo's on this thread who think they could actually kill a stranger in cold blood....quite sad. All IMHO.

Scooby96 23 October 2003 09:21 AM

I dont recall ever saying I'd kill the bloke, however I would certainly kick the sh1t out of him.

Brings it home when you have a child just a little bit older.

What I do say though is, if anyone injures my kids or worse is gonna get it without doubt.

I'm no Rambo but I'll dish out proper justice because this country is so fecking lilly livered when it comes to punishing criminals.

letdown 23 October 2003 09:23 AM

Sorry post wasnt directed at you personally.

Luke 23 October 2003 09:23 AM

let down.............. Dont!!!

its the same for all those Normal criminals that think they are heros for giving them a kicking.

Also whos to say that he didnt mean to do it... Could have just lost it and big red mist came down. next time you go to hit someone think about waht happens if you kill them...

next time you go charging out of your house to take on a load of pikeys nicking your car with a bat etc... think about could end up in a cell on a murder charge...And I dont htink the courts will be interested in your car.. Seen a few people regret what they did in a few seconds.

Bravo2zero_sps 23 October 2003 09:31 AM

Letdown I was referring to public feeling on this whole matter at the moment. Everyone knows that the killer isnt really going to get real punishment that befits suich a crime. People want to see criminals such as this dealt with harshly and when that is not the case then public feeling boils over to the point where they feel if the judicial system in this country doesn't do its job properly then perhaps its time the public started taking the law into their own hands.

Not saying its right but no one wants to see a child killer get away with an easy life!

messiah 23 October 2003 10:07 AM

I drive to work with a mate, who's bosses son was in the bakery at the time.

The nutter (it's still to be confirmed that he is the baby's father) stabbed the boy in the neck while in his pushchair which was outside the shop, he then went inside the bakery to get the boys mother.

3 other lads who were also in the shop, gave chase when he legged it, caught him and gave him a kicking before the police arrived to collar him.

now confirmed that he is the baby's father and has been charged with his murder.

[Edited by messiah - 10/23/2003 11:02:15 AM]

FASTER MIKE!! 23 October 2003 06:36 PM

don't think you can call that red mist, just premedited murder, pure evil. capital punishment is too good for the likes of him[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


Luke 23 October 2003 06:58 PM


It can be Red mist....... when its down it causes people to do terrible things....

Ok if he wanted to kill the baby weeks before and had planned it then its murder for sure.

But what if it had all cone wrong that day... It was all too much..too much was said etc..

Not making excuses for the guy. But it still remains a double sided coin at the moment

FASTER MIKE!! 23 October 2003 07:16 PM

Luke don't whant to get into an argument over the subject, but in my book murder is murder, and it was a defencless baby after all. end of story.


Luke 23 October 2003 08:36 PM


I'm not arguing..nor are you.

moses 23 October 2003 08:41 PM

mrmanchester mate we never had a electric chair here i think but bring back the hanging, the b@stard should be hung by his balls to death

lightning101 23 October 2003 08:50 PM

Maybe as he was an asylum seeker and not a british national he should be tried in accordance with the laws of his country of origin - would be interesting.

The Zohan 23 October 2003 09:31 PM

to sick for words, hang the fecker that did this. This is one of the worst crime i can imagine. People who do this must pay the untimate price.

I do not care where they come from or what colour/race/religion, this is not the issue murdering a defenceless child is

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 10/23/2003 9:32:54 PM]

Steve vRS 23 October 2003 09:43 PM

Agree with Paul. The fact that the media focus on the fact that he is an illegal imigrant detracts from the case that the sick fcuk killed a baby.

As a new father, I can not think of anything worse. I would love five minutes with him witha blow torch and a pair of pliers.


mart360 23 October 2003 09:53 PM

Re the reply could any of you would be Rambo,s kill some one in cold blood ..
if that Fcucker had done it to my 10 month old son he,d need protection until the day he died...

my fist son was about 6 months old when Jamie Bulger was murdered

his killers are now free!!

my second is literally 8 days younger than the child who died..

i dont think i need to say any more!!


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