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Zeolite 27 September 2003 01:29 AM

Sweet:) :)

Will have to get stabilisers fitted so I don't fall off the RR. What are the transmission losses for a Sturmey Archer?

sg72 27 September 2003 02:00 AM


For a .......Chopper.

evojkp 27 September 2003 10:57 AM

Star Website

Moses mate, looking forward to it...

I don't think there are any spaces left to get a run on the rollers are I believe the dance card is full. I'll be looking to get a Scooby run organised after I get 1000 miles on the clock and an oil change, just to know where I am starting from. Hopefully not too far away.

By the sounds of it, it should be some convoy from MacD's at the Forth Bridge...sausage and egg mcmuffin...mmmmmmmm.

See you there...John

[Edited by evojkp - 9/27/2003 11:40:45 AM]

teknopete 27 September 2003 11:12 AM


Didn't know this was on ? It's been kept very quiet
Yeah wasn`t it just. (mental note 2 self for the next bout of RR sessions I organise, only invite MLR members once all spaces r gone and one day before the event).
So that`s the way its gonna be eh :rolleyes: oh an almost forgot don`t actually invite them jus let them hear of it through the grapevine.

Thanks guys :rolleyes: might jus ave 2 give it tight 2 a few evo`s at crail on Sunday 2 flip em the burd, indirectly of course :) bitches :D

dougies549 27 September 2003 12:00 PM

Hi Pete

That's not like u to show ur age by getting grumpy and frumpy.

I guess they didn't ask the scoob's in case they got there ass's whiped good and proper.


That mean's it will be a nice sedate run to star from Maca D's then :) :cool:

Cheres Dougie :rolleyes:

evojkp 27 September 2003 12:19 PM

Dougie, too right...

..square right over yump, caution WATER... :eek: ;)

Limited to 4k rpm, for a wee while anyway :D

Spanpody. 27 September 2003 03:48 PM

Moses, I thought Sam stated that the Airstrip was a non event! Jim could not get it booked.

As far as not letting anyone else know about it, this was an MLR rolling road day and the places filled up very quickly (a first for the Scots MLR:D ) if we were struggling to fill the spaces I'm sure Sam would have been quick to post it on here so some of the scooby regulars could get on the rollers.

See you on Sunday John ;)

kevin sharp 27 September 2003 04:14 PM

i spoke to jim a couple of hours,s not booked

STI-NUTTER 27 September 2003 04:58 PM

i think if i read right the airstrip is not happening


ColinM 27 September 2003 06:32 PM

I think they only advertised it on the MLR board because there were only 12-15 spaces available. They were not really trying to avoid other types of car as there is a Skyline and my M5 going too.

moses 27 September 2003 07:45 PM

cheers brian and kev i thought it woz :(

andy lol that was funny :D but kevs their andy to take care of u :D

and i will do too soon ;) :p:D

john banks 27 September 2003 10:10 PM

Colin, if I make it I would love to see your M5 and have a chat with you about it.... very interested in getting one.

john banks 28 September 2003 06:29 PM

Good rolling road day, thanks to Colin for showing me the M5 :D

Sam Elassar 28 September 2003 07:46 PM

nice thread guys very funny :P, typical touchy scooby owners ;)

it is an MLR day with couple of other cars thrown in for good measures. can't remember any of the scooby rolling road days been advertised on the mlr first ?

Your gauge is missing " the competition have lost most of their hair and their scalp is blinding me" :D :p


so are you getting an M5 finally then :D

[Edited by Sam Elassar - 9/28/2003 7:48:08 PM]

Evo7_Barry 02 October 2003 12:03 PM

So what about you sam have you traded in that black japanese crotch rocket for a piece of quality German technology yet???

Can't find that recall letter btw but spoke to local mitsi dealers and they all are aware so might be worth ringing them up with chassis number and see if yours needs it done....

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