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Wulfy 08 August 2003 01:11 PM

Come to think of it, James Cameron must be getting used to having his films undermined by tacky sequels. Titanic 2 anyone?

Still, if you're looking to kick-start a political career then a blockbuster like T3 is a good place to start. Perhaps once we've seen Indiana Jones rolling around in a wheelchair in Indy 4 Harrison Ford will go for Pres?

Edited to add yes, the BBFC sucks goat arse! :)

[Edited by Wulfy - 8/8/2003 1:17:24 PM]

zoog 16 August 2003 01:09 PM

T3 is a spoof, and doesn't pretend to be anythig else - at least thats how I took it.

LG John 16 August 2003 06:14 PM

I liked the film and enjoyed the story, action, effects, etc.

The boob scene was very relevant! Every terminator that has come back has immediately attempted to find ways to fit in well to the general society. Arny has his look and the T1000 guy took the appearance of a cop most of the time as people tend to trust cops - its a very logical and machine like thing to do. When the bird tx sees the poster she realises that an even more attractive appearance will make it easier to distract the cop and indeed other men on her hit list. Lets face it if you walked down the street and brushed past a nice bird with big tits you wouldn't feel threatened at all which is why such an appearance would be logically the best for assasination.

I've been through this in the matrix threads as well! When someone is playing the role of a program/machine/anything artificial you have to start thinking more logically to understand where they are coming from.

TopBanana 16 August 2003 06:52 PM

If he wants to be president he'll have to try harder it seems

J4CKO 16 August 2003 06:57 PM

I enjoyed it !

Plantie 16 August 2003 07:30 PM

So did I :D

Some funny one liners and a nice twist at the end with a god platform for the final episode :D

Big Goon 16 August 2003 08:14 PM

I liked the film and enjoyed the story, action, effects, etc.
Have to agree, plot is a bit flaky, but I still enjoyed the film.

Does anybody know what kind of deleted scenes there were ?

T2 had some good scenes that were cut, for good and bad reasons.

The deleted bit in T2 where Arnie tries to smile was cringe making, glad that got left out of the final edit.

Kevin Mc 16 August 2003 10:40 PM

I thought it was great - have seen it twice now. T2 was very good, but I intensely disliked the notion of the Politically Correct Terminator :rolleyes:

I just went in expecting loads of action, and that's what I got.

The original was the best - no P.C. bollox :D

Didn't think much of Matrix Reloaded - good film, but I thought it was a let down after the hype. Alien - suspense - excellent, Aliens - action - excellent. :)

boxst 16 August 2003 10:43 PM


A bit late to this thread, but how on earth did the BBC get away with those pictures (or more to the point the comments?!).

Link :


The trucker was about to seriously regret asking the Terminatrix for a hand job



Apparition 16 August 2003 10:46 PM

Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,
Same old story, same old story, same old story, same old story,

Fatman 17 August 2003 09:14 AM

It was a pretty good action film. It was just not a worthy addition to the Terminator series. The film makers are appealing to the widest market they possibly can. They tried to make a "jack of all trades" movie that would appeal to everyone from current young teens right through to original fans of T1. See it from the film makers' point of view: they've struck upon a good formula and there's good money to be made out of it.

Did I enjoy T3? Yes - as a standalone action film it was pretty good. However, it was a pale immitation of the film that should have been Terminator 3.

ChristianR 21 August 2003 03:05 PM

I just watched T3 yesterday - I have to say I really enjoyed the film. :)

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