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+Doc+ 10 June 2003 11:54 AM

You DO know the answer you`ve just got to ask yourself WHY you know it the path has been chosen already :D

Reading through this has made me worse.
I was under the impression that The Oracle was some kind of machine hacker or Machine rebel, she resides in the "back door" hackers corridor and has a bodyguard? Why would she have a bodyguard if she worked directly for the machines.
I`m still under the immpression that the real world isnt real, the sentinal thing has thrown me, at the end of the day if the real world IS real it wouldnt matter who Neo was he wouldnt stop machines killing him would he? :D
As for the Creator section, woo straight over my head, normally I am good at sorting out plots but this one has done me.

Answers on a postcard.
Any good websites??

+Doc+ 10 June 2003 12:06 PM

Two more things to get off me chest,
Why if you die in the Matrix your die in the real world

The body cant live without the brain
it doesnt have to, your in a computer you know you are in a computer you die 10p and your back playing again. Both Neo and Trinity have died and come back to life???
Did anyone notice the car doing barrel rolls on the motorway had no exhaust? I couldnt see it anyway.

RB170 10 June 2003 12:13 PM

The oracle is a programme she figured out that humans need a choice to survive.

She doesn't work for the architect, if she did then she would have told neo which door to go through and not given him the choice and she wouldn't require a bodyguard.

The way i got my head round it , after I retrived it from the westlers hot dog man, was to think of neo as the .333333 recurring problem, you can never round it off so there's always an anomoly.

I haven't figured out agent Smoth yet, I know that he's an important part of the next installment but what.

+Doc+ 10 June 2003 12:45 PM

Read this if you want to know more, i really enjoyed it.

LG John 10 June 2003 12:58 PM

In my opinion the matrix within a matrix plot is very likely but also so obvious they will likely come up with something else. The reason it works is simple:

Right now I'm at my desk in East Lothian typing on SN. Or so I think I am but I could actually be in a matrix and happily 'accepting' that reality. What if I didn't accept it though. What if my brain could sense that something was wrong and try to wake up (so to speak). If 1% of the population is like me then there is a problem as more and more people wake up causing problems in the real world and also potentially problems in the matrix prior to them waking up (i.e. relisation and passing that on to others creating doubt in 'normal' people). So how do you solve this? Create a new matrix level where the brain does wake up (or so it thinks it does) and then fights this 'cause' to wake others and beat the machines. Of course, the machines and programmes like the oricle (and potentially Neo (there is no reason why he can't be a programme if he's never actually left the matrix)) guide the 'wakerupers' through a cycle of becoming free, fighting a cause and ultimately all getting killed. A loss of 250,000 batteries every 100 odd years is no doubt acceptable even to a machine if it tricks 100% of the population into accepting the 'matrix'

The interesting thing is that Neo senses the matrix's secondary level which might give him the potential to wake up for real and that really does present a problem for the machines :)

Well, that's my take on it and I look forward to seeing the next film to see how right/wrong I am :D

How can anyone not say the film works? Look at the debate it creates - that is EXACTLY what is was designed to do and is EXACTLY why the next film is coming out so soon. It would be a bit stupid to try and promote a 2 year long debate (the usual gap between films)!

+Doc+ 10 June 2003 08:56 PM

Saxo Boy read the article it has a different theory and he sounds cleverer than me :D

rob oneill 10 June 2003 10:02 PM

Well said Saxo Boy!
It is extremley complex and hard to work out, but it compeles you to watch again to work it all out. If you got it straight away, or half way through then, wheres the challenge. It would be just another action film.
Instead, it is an absolutle piece of genius. I mean, how the hell did the writers come up with it!

kevin stanton 10 June 2003 10:56 PM

wow, just read the explained link.
quite a bit to take in.


Figment 10 June 2003 11:32 PM

I've not seen it

Daz WRX 06 September 2003 04:24 PM

Cos thats what I programmed him to do.

[Edited by Daz WRX - 6/9/2003 4:25:21 PM]

RB170 06 October 2003 12:46 PM

Hmmm I think that says it all

[Edited by RB170 - 6/10/2003 12:54:34 PM]

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