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Fuzz 20 May 2003 05:58 PM

More recently which is scary a work collegue who is /was in the TA brought in a detenator for a hand grenade and a 5.5mm (?) bullet

gas torch was played on bullet whilst leaning round the workshop door.

and the pin was pulled on the detenator and lobbed in the workshop. :eek: :eek:

My fooking ears were ringing for a week :D :D


Mufasa 20 May 2003 06:22 PM

LOL! I rescued an old go kart from a dump, cut the rusted chain off it, strapped a plank across the axle and shot off down the biggest hill I could find.

Plank broke I fell on spinning sprocket which cut it's way into my back while I went on down the hill (no brakes :D ) Screamed so loud a nice chap came out of his house patched me up quickly and took me to hospital. Several stitches and I still have a cool scar :cool: scarily close to my spine :rolleyes: :D

mwp 20 May 2003 06:22 PM

me too yoza.

built feckin big ramps and 2 of us sat on our boards opposite each other legs connected and flew off the thing till something broke !!

Pete Croney 20 May 2003 08:09 PM

Halcyon Days indeed :D

Turning the handle bars around on your Chopper so that they were just over your legs, then riding down the steepest hill you knew of.

Crap apple wars, 4 on 4.

Yoza stylee skateboards.

Scrumping plums and staying silent in the tree when the house owner came out to find out what the noise was.

Building dams on the local stream.

All my 13 year old daughter wants to do on a nice sunny day is sit on the sofa watching MTV :(

Leslie 20 May 2003 08:32 PM

That one about the .22 bullets made me laugh. I just remembered the golden syrup tins we used to shoot off the back of an inverted spade onto the tin roof of the local garage with Mighty Atom bangers. Now that was what I would call a banger! Could get up to all sorts of mischief with Calcium Carbide too. The other little trick was fixing a 2 shilling piece to a piece of fishing line and leaving it on the pavement. We hid behind the front garden fence and twitched it just far enough away when someone went to pick it up. It was a disaster if they got hold of it though :(

Les :D

Apple 21 May 2003 12:44 AM

Plinking in the back garden with my air rifle - there'd be an armed response team swoop now

Timebombs from screwtop glass jars with glycerin / iodine etc in and wait for the pressure to explode it

Lolly sticks tied into bike brake calipers to deafen yourself

Oil-soaked, old dog collars fastened round bike axles to keep them clean / rust free

Sledges from tin baths / any old trays / sheeting. Toboggans were "posh". None of this injection moulded rubbish...

Conkers soaked in vinegar / oven dried etc

Tennis on the atari, beeb model B

MooseRacer 21 May 2003 01:24 AM

b*llox [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

It's these children of the 60's, 70's, + 80's that are stopping today's kids doing all the things we're getting misty eye'd about.

mwp 21 May 2003 08:54 AM

i don't stop my kids ... wife does though. she thinks being more safety concious helps and i'm irresponsible for encouraging freedom and risk.

anyway ... i showed the post to my 16 yr old son ... he laughed and said "and ?" ... it's a different generation with different environment and ideals - i bet if you asked your kids they'd say ... "no net, no xbox, no 4wd turbo ... feckin dull or wot ... get a life grandad".

move on :)

Diablo 21 May 2003 09:24 AM

LOL fantastic thread :)

Used to build ramps at my mates house to do an "Evil Kinevil" :D

Only problem was to get a good enough run you had to cross a main road :eek: Relying on a mate to tell you when it was clear :D

LOL..broke my rist when I crash landed one time, and yeah, I got a bollocking for it :D:D:D

Never did it again :)


daiscooby 21 May 2003 09:39 AM

Kids to day are vidoe game playing telly watching wimps. Give them fresh air and they would pass out. All we have was footie, cricket, rugby, etc, etc. My Dad said we all eat a pinch sh1t before we die and what dont kill you makes you stronger. And I worked 23hour shift in't mine and walked 10 mile home to our house. Well house it were hole in't road, and our dad would whip us to sleep with broken glass. Tell your kids today they would never believe you :D:D:D:D Big up Monty Python

Wurzel 21 May 2003 10:01 AM

I grew up in Manchester in the 70's and we used to leave the key in the door like most people in the street and just let ourselves into our mates houses and vice versa.

On the bullett front we used to take live bullets into school from sandhurst ranges and set them off with a brazing torch, none of us ever got hurt

jasey 21 May 2003 10:21 AM

Talking of leaving houses unlocked and back to my Grandad ..

He used to leave his back door unlocked all the time (I don't even think the lock worked) - He also used to leave his 2 shotguns and all the ammo standing next to his boots by the back door :eek:.

Lived in a small village (Little Cressingham) in Norfolk - and the biggest danger was me being able to reach up and get the ammo :D:D:D

Soapy Sam 21 May 2003 10:40 AM

Looking back I've:

...Crashed my bike on the railway tracks and nearly got hit by a train

...Gone down an old well and nearly passed out and died

...been narrowly missed by flying shrapnel from pipe bombs made from weedkiller/sugar and sawn up bike frame tubing

...travelled at 60mph on my pushbike hanging on to a double decker on the way to school

...nearly blinded myself when the Nitrogen Tri-iodide I was making went off in my face

...nearly blinded myself when the contents of the test tube in which I was making laughing gas boiled explosively into my face

...narrowly missed a car and a pedestrian with a firework rocket that I had set off horizontally in the vain hope that it would get to the end of the road without veering off into things

No kid nowadays would be allowed to get away with all that (my father tolerated the pipe bombs until a brick shielding us and the neighbours from shrapnel was blown so high in the air that it broke through the Garage roof on its way down), in fact I would lock me up if I knew me then......

unclebuck 21 May 2003 10:58 AM

It's these children of the 60's, 70's, + 80's that are stopping today's kids doing all the things we're getting misty eye'd about
Very true - except they were the spotty, swatty one's that we used to rip the pi$$ out of... :D:D

BTW, I lived near Bisley Ranges and Pirbright common. There was plenty of live ammo there in those days (blanks that is). Best way to set off a 303 round was to clamp it in the vice and hit the ass end with a hammer and centre punch. Left your ears ringing for hours. :D:D

Go Karts were great fun too. No brakes :D the only way to slow down was to apply full lock to 'scrub off speed'

Best fun of all though - old motor bikes. :D:D


[Edited by unclebuck - 5/21/2003 10:59:30 AM]

Leslie 22 May 2003 09:12 AM

We used to go riding our old motor bikes around Pirbright and Bagshot, they were all pre-war bikes and we spent as much time pickng ourselves out of the mud and sand as riding them! I had an Ariel 600cc Square Four which my mates used to call "The Bounding B*gger".

Les :D:D:D

corradoboy 22 May 2003 10:07 AM

Mamod steam engines, wow!
We used to sneak a hose pipe out of my mates cellar on the coldest snowy night of the year to make our very own Cresta Run 250yds down the quarry to Elland Road footie ground, then nick plastic sheeting from factory the at bottom, melt end over and away, an 8 seater sled. Great fun, 2 broken legs and one arm (3 people) in 1 day.
Chumping for bonfire night. BT & police asking us not to use telegraph pole for fire centre pole. Seven times. And we still did it!
House bricks & planks to jump on chopper, followed by 20ft slide on elbows/chin.
Kicking footballs at winos too p155ed to chase us.
Keeping warm by a camp fire and exploding bean tins.
Stupid sanwiches (marmite/toothpaste/mustard/banana/catfood).
Jumpers for goalposts, next goal wins, mi mam'll kill me it's past 11.
Chinese roap burns, scabby queen, chicken run, fight fight fight all pile on.
The summers of '76/77, and we'd never heard of sun cream.
What do you mean, 6 weeks is up and school next week?

There's only one sort of person gets bored.........

..........a boring one!

daiscooby 22 May 2003 10:14 AM

On a nostalgic note, close your eyes....go back in time, before the internet or the Big Mac. Before semi-automatics, joyriders and crack....before sega or Super Nintendo....way back....I'm talking about Hide and Seek, the corner shop, hopscotch, butterscotch, skipping, handstands, football with an old can, Farmer, Beano, Beezer, Mandy, Jackie, Shoot, Twinkle and Roly Poly, Hula hoops, OXO crisps, jumping the stream, building Dams.

The smell of the sun and fresh cut grass. Bazooka Joe bubble gum and division One playing cards. An ice-cream cone on a warm summer night from the van that plays a tune with strawberry or chocolate sauce and a flake if you've been extra good.

Wait....Watching Saturday morning cartoons....short commercials, the banana splits, swap-shop, How, Magpie, road runner, wacky races, scooby doo, magic roundabout and Batman. Staying up late for Star Trek or The Sweeney.

Blue Peter with John Noakes, Peter Purvis, and Valerie Singleton. Where an empty fairy liquid bottle, a cereal box, a pair of scissors and some glue made anything you could want, as they proved with the one they prepared earlier.

Remember....when the corner shop seemed far away and going into town seemed like going somewhere.

A million mosquito bites, wasp and bee stings. Sticky fingers. Cops and robbers, cowboys and indians. Zorro. Climbing trees, building igloos out of snow banks.

Playing conkers was banned as a dangerous sport along with clackers, to be seen for years later wrapped around telephone wires.

Wales were favorites to win any rugby international.

Walking to school, no matter what the weather.
Running till you were out of breath. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt.

Jumping on the bed. Pillow fights. Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for the giggles. Being tired from playing....remember that??!!

The worst embarrasment was being picked last for a team. Water balloons were the ultimate weapon. Clothes pegs holding football cards in your spokes. Chippers and Choppers.

I'm not finished just yet....eating raw jelly, orange squash, ice pops, sherbet tubes with liquorice, space dust, flying saucers, love hearts and jammy dodgers. Warm milk at break, Tizer, vimto, Dandelion and burdockmolina and jam mixed pink. Black Jacks and fruit salads.

Watching black and white films on wet Sunday afternoons. The Big Match.

Remember when .. there were two types of trainers - girls and boys. Dunlop green flash and the only time you wore them at school was for "gym".

You knew everyone in your street - and so did your parents!

It wasn't odd to have 2 or 3 "best" friends. You didn't sleep a wink on christmas eve. When nobody owned a pure-bred dog. When 25p was a decent allowance. When you'd reach into the gutter for a muddy penny.

Learning the green cross code. Bags of smelly milk bottle tops for school charities. Saving tokens off jam jars to collect a"golly-wog" enamel badge.

The sound of squeaking legs sliding off church pews. Being able to sit comfortably cross legged on the floor for assembly.

When nearly everyone's mum was at home when the kids got there from school.

It was magic when dad would "remove" his thumb.

When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it.

When being sent to the Head's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving kid at home. Basically, we were in fear for our lives, but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs , gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! And some of us are still afraid of them!!!

Didn't that feel good? Just go back and say, yeah, I remember that!

Remember when decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo". The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was germs, and the worst thing in your day was having to sit next to one.

Having a weapon in school, meant getting caught with a catapult. Nobody was prettier than your mum. Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.

Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable aspirin. Ice cream was considered a basic food group. Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true. Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dare".

Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!

corradoboy 22 May 2003 10:44 AM


when you were young, were you me ?


jasey 22 May 2003 10:48 AM

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED!!!!
and you're over 40 - or getting there soon :(

corradoboy 22 May 2003 10:54 AM


Nowhere near, but happy to share a childhood well LIVED with nieces & nephews as their silly uncle who refuses to grow up.

daiscooby 22 May 2003 12:06 PM

40 and proud of it Jasey :D:D:D

Some get to 40 and think, I wish I had. I got to 40 and thought Jesus Christ I didn't did I :D:D:D

jasey 22 May 2003 12:17 PM

38 and a half for me (when did we stop saying we were x years and a half) :D:D:D.

I've never said - what if ....

It aint a rehearsal

daiscooby 22 May 2003 12:19 PM


Good man
Keep up the bad work ;)

Soapy Sam 22 May 2003 12:26 PM

Never mind about 40 I'll be 50 next year and I'm proud to say that I don't think I'll ever grow up and I'm happy and been married for nearly 24 years

I reckon that being allowed to be a complete little sh***e as a kid did me a power of good

I don't have kids (we couldn't) but how many of you allow your kids to do what you used to do? If I did have kids I'm not sure I could....

corradoboy 23 May 2003 10:02 AM

How come this thread's now running twice (Telboy-Good Old Days)?

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