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Markus 12 May 2003 08:13 PM

Well, being a posh spoken southerner, all accents apart from what I speak are vulgar :p

The problem is that you tend to sterotype people when you hear their accent, for example, I know people who have hear me speak and call me posh, umm, no, don't think so. For example, you hear a scouser or a manc, you think "thick, illterate, thieving, scum" You hear a sloan square accent you think "stuck up posh ****".

If I had to pick the most annoying accent, it'd have to be sloan square, ie; ultra posh, too rich and basically no idea about the real world, type of people who I'd dearly like to see wiped from the face of the earth. :D

As for accents I like, well, must say that a lovely southern irish accent and a nice scots accent are great.

Anyway, I'm orf to quaff some bolly, ta ta!

Father Jack Hackett 12 May 2003 09:02 PM

Cockney/mockney wankas ...

markr1963 12 May 2003 09:10 PM

Try some of this Ey up mi duck

My native tongue :D:D:D:D

barge 12 May 2003 10:41 PM

ya cant get better than pure sarf london

mockney twats are the rich kids who are play acting, that **** jamie oliver [i rest my case] posh kent & sussex boys are funny if they drive hearses

anyone norf london twats who say south london is only there to keep france further away

any west london twats in red scoobys with auz accents

any non essex person who lives in essex & slags it off

moving up the scale

the welsh
the scotish
the irish
anyone from north of the thames
anyone west of wimbledon
anyone south of M25
Vauxhall drivers
Seat drivers

bored now cant be bothered to type anymore

bolx to everyone

naturbo2000 12 May 2003 10:47 PM

definately Hyundai

BOB.T 13 May 2003 12:13 AM

Hey Clare, :p poxy southener:p:D:D:D

I can't be doing with all the cockney crap...just say what you mean, it makes things much easier and as for the white dullards who think they're black American rappers, just shut the fcuk up, you're embarassing us as a nation:o

I like my own accent, Yorkshire but have to admit after hearing people from round here on telly, we do come accross as sounding a bit fick:rolleyes::o

Now, women from Aberdeen, blimey charlie:cool::D:D:D

rik1471 13 May 2003 08:36 AM

Paul - I'm from Salford, but can thank my lucky stars I don't have a Manc accent.

Glad the camera's ok :)

Andrewj 13 May 2003 09:53 AM

"Apparition" is the only one talking sense here (apart from me of course).

Accents are brilliant. Can you imagine how dull a place this would be if we all had the "Received Pronunciation" accent so widespread in southern England?

I think it's great that more people with regional accents are now reading the news etc.

What does get my goat however is bad grammar...don't get me started on that one!

Clarebabes 13 May 2003 09:59 AM

Ooh, Chester.... Lovely diluted scouse accent. Could call MBNA all day long...... :)

BOB.T 13 May 2003 10:37 AM

I was on the phone to MBNA for half an hour last night, didn't speak to anyone for very long though:rolleyes: The ladies at the bank of Scoatland though, hmmmm:D:D

rik1471 13 May 2003 11:24 AM

Scoatland - is that anywhere near Scotland? :p

Leslie 13 May 2003 12:23 PM

I'm with Apparition and Andrewj. The incredible number of different accents are part of the richness of the language. We all have our preferences and thats a personal thing. I hate the affected accents though, like the Sloanspeak as was mentioned and all those ways intended to make the speaker appear a cut above the rest. Above all I hate the affected Estuary accent-even B liar tried that for a while to curry favour! I feel I have a right to say that because it is my native accent. The local accent down here is lovely to listen to.

They say that a Devon farmer talks slow but thinks fast! :)

Les :D

LG John 13 May 2003 01:06 PM

Can't believe nobody has mentioned the Weegie accent yet!! It sucks :p

Markus 13 May 2003 01:14 PM

Oi! Barge! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! As my mate Frank Doberman would say

posh boys driving hearses, cheeky sod! :D

Echo 13 May 2003 01:31 PM

Lancastrians get my vote, nice people and all that, but every sentance sounds like a question and they sound dippy too?



PS. All they do is slag of 'bloody southerners'. Never hear people down here slag of northerners.

Holy Ghost 13 May 2003 01:53 PM

don't think anyone's saying that accents are bad. i think they're great and universal RP would be dull as ditchwater. but that doesn't mean you can't take the pi55 and roll your eyes at what you find funny. ripping the mick is one of our greatest national pursuits ... and skills.

New To Scoob 14 May 2003 10:03 AM

Aberdonians, fit like, fuuryboots, kenfitamean. :D:D:D:D

BOB.T 14 May 2003 10:14 AM

Rik, Scoatland was an intentional typo, read it out aloud then tell me you don't sound Glaswegian(SP?):p:D:D:D

Redkop 14 May 2003 10:33 AM

Manc/Brum accents and also Bristol

rik1471 14 May 2003 12:07 PM

I think it's official - Brummy is the winner. (or the loser, depends how you look at it.)

stevem2k 14 May 2003 12:15 PM

The Tipton derivative is even better .......


Little Miss WRX 14 May 2003 01:00 PM

Anybody heard the Potteries accent accompanied with that wierd Potteries speak??? I think that would be a winner!

daiscooby 14 May 2003 01:04 PM

I agree that its not just regional, but sub regional.
So my vote is for:
Mrs J Scrote
33 Heddon Road
BR18 3CD

What a shocker !! :eek:

Flyboy-F33 14 May 2003 02:13 PM question about it.

Hammy Hamster 14 May 2003 02:45 PM

"Once a polly tie tode, when our young worle was fresh in univerbs and Englande its beauty garden, a young lad set out in the early mordee, to find it deef wisdom and true love in flower petals arrayed......."

Sir Stanley Unwin

wiltshire_boy 14 May 2003 02:59 PM

Jamaican probably my favourite.

Beer can = what Jamaicans have with eggs :)

Shropshire-Guy 14 May 2003 05:10 PM

ey dow u start on us brummies. Or il send the babbby arouind tow sort yow out

AllanB 14 May 2003 08:18 PM

I was on the tube today with a couple who I think were from the border of Scotland and geordieland. They had the most amazing accent and it took me 45 minutes to work out what langaugae they were talking. I honestly thought they were from Eastern Europe.


vindaloo 14 May 2003 10:30 PM

I'm not voting as I'm 'regional' (tidy like!) myself.

As a teenager the accent that nearly reduced me to tears of laughter was the 'west country burrrrr'. Not the thing to do when you're on a business trip with your father I can tell you! Especially when you're the one who's then sent up the scaffolding to measure up a job.

Daz34 15 May 2003 12:43 AM

Being a Brummie I think we are getting a raw deal. The 'Brummie' accent which you southern softies are so fond of doing impressions of, is infact a Black Country accent. Even I have difficulty understanding 'yam yams'.

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