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TelBoy 03 March 2003 11:49 AM

Who here has heard Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart?

That should divide some opinions!!!

alcazar 03 March 2003 12:56 PM

Have to agree with KevinMc, Pink Floyd Animals is ace. I had it on Vynil, now have it on CD, and STILL never tire of listening to it.
I UTTERLY loathe Paul McCartney and Wings' "Band on the Run" though. In fact I think all his music since he left the Beatles, and some of it before, falls into the category of "listen to it more than once and be bored stupid" type of music!!:D

TurboKitty 03 March 2003 12:59 PM

I didn't buy it, but I do own 'Bostin Steve Austin' by Fuzzbox. It has to be a serious contender in the worst CD ever stakes.

brickboy 03 March 2003 01:06 PM

[Partridge mode]Wings is the band that the Beatles could have been[/Partridge mode] :D

ProperCharlie 03 March 2003 01:06 PM

ok, any takers for:

First Badly Drawn Boy album (sorry mate, a stupid hat does not make up for boring, insipid music)
Moby "Play" (Play only if you have recently had a lobotomy)
That bird from the Eminem song - so bad I forgot her name.

Telboy, Beefheart is fine with me. Safe as Milk is my choice. :)


brickboy 03 March 2003 01:07 PM

Any votes for "Clear Spot"? Got to be said, few artistes divide opinion like Mr. van Vliet :D

TelBoy 03 March 2003 01:09 PM

Proper Charlie, my turn for a "must disagree".

I think Moby's "Play" is a decent enough album.

As is "Dido".

Another contender from me - Goldie, Rings of Saturn i think it's called. Utterly forgettable.

ProperCharlie 03 March 2003 01:11 PM

Anything by Fatboy Slim can be consigned to the dustbin. Remember when the first album came out it was on at this party, was talking to this girl and happened to remark "Christ this really is a sh*te record, isn't it?" She looked a bit peeved and said, "Actually I quite like it. I only bought it this morning..." Well no-one told me it was her house, did they? :)

ProperCharlie 03 March 2003 01:14 PM

C'mon Tel, that Dido can't sing to save herself. Remember seeing her perform live at some awards thing when she was all the rage, I was cringing with embarrasment for her... I suppose if you just try and concentrate on the face she might be ok... ;)

TelBoy 03 March 2003 01:25 PM

Never heard Dido live to be honest, just going by the CD. I'd agree she doesn't have the power of a Whitney Houston or somebody like that, but it's inoffensive enough.

Fatboy Slim? I reckon You've Come A Long Way Baby was a great album, but i haven't heard any of his others.

Didn't Men At Work do a shocker? And Hazel O'Connor's Breaking Glass soundtrack. Excellent table mats.

red_dog104 03 March 2003 01:28 PM

Worst for me was Papa Roach, insects and whatever the fcuk it was, listened to it once and put it away. What a load of pants!

Oh, most recent was Queens of the Stoneage - Songs for the Deaf. Loved No One Knows so bought the album expecting greatness and guess what?! Very disappointed :( Only track now played is the only one on the album I like. Wish i'd got the single now :(

TurboKitty 03 March 2003 01:31 PM


Personally I like it, but then, I know I am weird.

ChrisB 03 March 2003 01:32 PM

Gran Turismo by The Cardigans. Listened to it once, never been listened to again.
Too right - bar the two good singles (Erase & Rewind + My Favourite Game), it's boring tosh :rolleyes:

Mungo 03 March 2003 01:48 PM

Rides by Reef

Bought on the back of a single I liked - the rest of the album is pap - I never listened to any other song the whole way through

STi-Frenchie 03 March 2003 02:07 PM

Infest, well...I liked that quite a bit. Heard the follow up was sh1te and haven't dared to open my wallet at it yet.

Queens Of The Stone Age...yeah, I agree. The first CD was okay for about 2 songs then it sorta went into a steep decline. Can't see what the fuss is about with QOTSA to be honest.

TelBoy - brining Hazel O'Connor into this thread is definitely going to lower the tone :) I'd forgotten all about her. Thanks for bringing back nightmarish memories :):D:):D Oh God, those GUMS.

Marky-San 03 March 2003 04:15 PM

Infest had some excellent songs on it. Its purely personal taste.

TATU have a great album of 2 songs.

TelBoy 03 March 2003 04:19 PM

But Marky-San, for every ten TaTu cds they sell, eight are to men in dirty raincoats hoping for some hot lesbo pics inside!!

Er, er, allegedly... ;)

CrisPDuk 03 March 2003 06:24 PM

Moloko - Things to make & do

Bought it because the critics raved about it, apart from Bring it Back it is absolute dross:(

Agree with Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, the Gallaghers are destined to spend the rest of their lives living off the memory of 2 great albums, pretty much following in the footsteps of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Eric Clapton, etc. The list is infinite:D

Marky-San 03 March 2003 09:09 PM

Telboy - LOL!! I've bought my 10;)

Crush 03 March 2003 09:18 PM

Moloko - Things to make & do.

Bought it because the critics raved about it, apart from Bring it Back it is absolute dross
Ahh yes, it's so good I forgot I own a copy :D What a pile of tosh it is. That other record they released from it was quite good, but 2 songs out of what seemed like an endless LP is pathetic.

RaZe-=Buzz=- 03 March 2003 09:22 PM

Juno Reactor - Intermissions

It was an album containing just one track of purely random noises. Listened to about 30 seconds, skipped a load, it was the same, skipped loads more, it was the same.

I actually took it back, told her there was a fault with it, got the woman to listen to a few minutes of it, she AGREED there was something wrong and I exchanged it for another album by someone else. :D

Nat 03 March 2003 09:31 PM

Fatboy Slim live on Brighton beach albums are frickin brilliant!

Maybe if you werent at the gigs you wont like them as much as you wont have the memories of dancing on the beach in the sun with tens of thousands of other happy people :D

Crush 03 March 2003 09:33 PM

Just had a rummage through my collection to see what other tosh i have.

Blur - 13. Why did I even bother with this? Coffee & TV is the highlight track, Tender is ok, as is No distance left to run. The rest is sh!t :rolleyes:

Primal Scream - Echo Dek. A remix LP if i remember correctly, which I probably don't, because I haven't listened to it since the 1st time I got it a few years back :rolleyes:

asifR 03 March 2003 09:36 PM

soundtracks...............why, oh why???

you hear one good song from the trailers and throughout the film and then see unreleased 'good' collaborations and buy it.....

big waste......but i always end up buying them!

ProperCharlie 03 March 2003 09:37 PM

as long as he doesn't play his own records he's alright. (FBS that is - who fecked up my post order?)

[Edited by ProperCharlie - 3/3/2003 9:40:40 PM]

ozzy 03 March 2003 11:50 PM

Kula Shaker - K
Cornershop - When I was born for the 7th time

Absolute p!sh the pair of them. Anyone want them?


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