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unclebuck 26 February 2003 02:56 PM

To all who have to go, you have my support.

Hopefully the enemy will roll over like they did the last time. But of course there are no guarentees.:(


beemerboy 26 February 2003 03:45 PM

I've been in the Territorial Army since 1987 and have accumulated a few apparently desirable military skills and specialisations that are in demand in the Gulf.
would this be card shuffling by any chance???

Just kidding, hope it all works out well for you, andbest of British mate.

You might find some terrorist driving a scooby, so you could shoot him and just take it...

i'm sure we'll all spare yopu some thoughts over the next few months, pls keep us updated.


Jerome 26 February 2003 04:47 PM

Thanks for all the support and info guys. :D

I gather now that my company can't make me redundant unless they undergo a major restructuring - which is unlikely. :D

P130J, I'll keep a look out on the flight deck, if I go by Herc, for any snoozing plane drivers. ;)

If I do go, I gather there will be occasional internet access and, after emails, I'll be right here reporting on all my heroic deeds - those spud peelers can be dangerous you know. :D

Thanks again guys, I'm feeling a bit less unhappy about going now.

Sbradley 26 February 2003 05:22 PM


Makes me glad that I came off the list (officially) on my 38th birthday. Like you I was, would be and will always be proud to serve my Queen and country but have distinct reservations about this particular little outing. To me it feels more like serving Bush and Blair's egos than anything else. But I digress.

Good luck and if you want to mail me offlist to talk through any options regarding keeping the Scoob, please feel free.

Oh, and Ozzy, all I can say to you is " A few laughs and a few beers!"


Fly Navy...Go Royal...Dig Army...Walk Sideways

Crush 26 February 2003 05:27 PM

Good luck mate, it sounds a really sh!tty thing to have to do :(

:rolleyes: @ bush

robby 26 February 2003 06:58 PM

you could always join the regular army full time, that way you wouldn't have to go to war you would stay over here ready to stand in for the next fire strike - hmm there's an idea send the firemen to fight

Luke 26 February 2003 07:10 PM

British Army... 59th US army corp.

jasey 26 February 2003 07:17 PM

Good luck Jerome - come home safe (and hopefully to a major upturn in the IT Industry (self interest showing here ;))). Hopefully you will just go out and see the sights of Kuwait / Turkey, get bored $hitless and come home safe and sound.


Mr.Cookie 26 February 2003 07:38 PM

All the best mate, top gears going for another season ya know ;) :D

Si (minibus driving top gear attendee) ;)

Katana 26 February 2003 07:43 PM

And people wonder why I chickened out from the air force..

Leslie 27 February 2003 12:51 PM

You have my full respect for not attempting to weasel out of the call-up Jerome. I can understand how you feel in this case, I was in the Services for many years and like you felt my allegiance was to Queen and Country. I was part of the original force sent out to deter Iraq when they first threatened Kuwait and I remember everyone's relief when Iraq changed its mind and withdrew at the last minute. I hope for your sake and all the others involved that the same will happen this time.

If you get a choice(some hopes!) try to go in a VC10 or a Tristar. I probably know P130J and he would be the first to agree that the cargo hold of a Herc is not the best way to travel! Even if the Loadmaster doesn't spread the butter on the sandwiches with a fireaxe any more.

Seriously, our best wishes go with you and the best news would be for you to be back in time for your birthday.


Timbo330 27 February 2003 01:55 PM

LOL - How can someone in the TA declare himself to be a conscientious objector!!?

You know what they always said: "you shouldn't have joined if you haven't got a sense of humour";)

Katana 27 February 2003 06:43 PM

And remember, Gulf War syndrome is a myth..

Shark 27 February 2003 06:58 PM


You have my best wishes and respect. You knew you could be called up and are going. I hope things work out on the job front.


Catalunya74 04 March 2003 11:52 PM

top lad, best of luck for your return, you have our thoughts & prayers mate

Jerome 05 March 2003 12:16 AM

Thanks again for the support guys. :D

My company have generously volunteered to make up the difference between the amount of Army pay and my normal pay. To say this is a huge relief financially would be an understatement.

scooby-new 05 March 2003 06:21 AM

Good luck- I understand your reasons for not wanting to fight but the army is all about blindly following orders. Glad to hear that while not happy you havent bottled it.
Personally I would never join any kind of armed service whether part or full time- the risk is too great.

scooby-new 05 March 2003 07:45 AM

I thought ultimately blindly following orders was the soldiers responsibility. If they tell you to go and do something you don't want to do like get shot at- you then have to go and do it. Or do you have the opt-out "oooh no SGT I'd rather stay in the barracks if its all the same to you"

I didn't mean you don't have independant thought just that if ordered you HAVE to do it- or have things changed in the army?

Dream Weaver 05 March 2003 08:59 AM

LOL @ Katana :D

Good luck Jerome mate, hope everything goes OK :)


gravelexpress 05 March 2003 03:44 PM

we have loads of those camel spiders over here and uh........ camels.

get yourself over here Jerome it all about the three S`s


its quite cool at the moment but it will be heating up nicely. I`m surprised they mobilised the TA!!!! I thought it took an act of parliament or something. When I was in we had some "Stabs" come across for a tour in bosnia - great lads!! You must be in a specialist unit!! It is usually reserves (fresh out) then TA. Cant say i envy you!! Some of the TA guys I know said they are compensated any wages they lose when they mob. Anyways best of British to ya - home in time for tea and medals for afters :)

PS dont worry it looks like the spams are going to do the brunt of the work with the amount of kit i`ve seen goin up country

MarkCSC 05 March 2003 04:18 PM

You have my upmost respect mate. Good luck and bring yourself home safely! :)

Katana 05 March 2003 04:42 PM

Bring me some baby camel spider then. I'd love to have one as a guard dog. :D

JFB 05 March 2003 07:44 PM

It's all been said before Jerome but best of luck and get back safely. It makes some of us realise how insulated we think we are from all this cr*p but in reality, it's bloody close and bloody serious.

Take care


Jerome 05 March 2003 11:31 PM

I have to say I'm well chuffed at the amount of good wishes coming my way. You guys are really appreciated. Thanks again. :D


thanks for the offer, but I've alreay spent a fair amount on kit I should have been issued, which includes a buffalo shirt.


If I see a camel spider, after I've regained my composure and changed my pants, I'll try and coax it into a box ready to bring back to blighty. Might even make it the unit mascot. What would I feed it on - republican guards? :D

As for the blindly following orders, as P130J said, not quite. In the Royal Engineers, we are encouraged to have ideas and give feedback. Any commander worth his salt would listen to the lowliest sapper who has an idea. There are times in the heat of a battle when an order has to be followed without question, but the rest of the time, there is no blind following of all orders. At least not in the Engineers. Let alone the specialist units I've been in.

Cheers again guys, sounding like a broken record now...

Jerome 05 March 2003 11:41 PM


I was also suprised at the size of the TA call up. They have invoked whatever they need to call up the huge amount of TA and Reservists off to sunnier climes. The Army/MoD do compensate loss of wages, but up to a set limit. For my rank that left a rather large shortfall. Anyway, looking forward to the 3 S's. :D

Jerome (JFB),

Good to hear from you, a rare namesake, again. :D

Katana 05 March 2003 11:41 PM

Make sure its not the daddy or the mommy though Jerome. :D*ingspider.jpg

L55 REP 06 March 2003 07:07 PM

just read all your thread jerome good luck to you m8 hope you come home safe and well,,,

gareth N_W_S

The Saint 08 March 2003 07:46 AM

Best of luck mate.

Why not do some looting whilst you are out there?
Knock off a couple of banks, for example. There must be something worth knicking...


Bravo2zero_sps 08 March 2003 09:30 AM

Can't really add anything more than what has already been said.

Good luck and come back safe.

David Lock 08 March 2003 12:21 PM

Ditto all the good wishes. You should be proud of yourself. Safe return. DL

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