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Markus 22 November 2000 12:27 AM

<B>This message could contain information that is offensive to some readers. If you are easilly offended or are totally PC then do NOT continue. close down your browser and poke out your eyes for even considering to look at this post. Remember the saying 'if thyne eye offends thee, pluck it out'</B>

Right. Here is another list like this.

I have *'ed out some of the 'offensive' words, so as to protect those poor innocent PC souls. Is this OK to you PC people, or is this still just way above your tollerance, if so then don't read it and bugger off elsewhere.

I am *NOT* a racist so there!

here goes (flamesuit on, outside main doors, car runing and opening the drivers door, police escort at the ready)

Beer Scooter
the ability to get home after a night out on the booze and not remember it. i.e. "I don't even remember getting home last night, I must have caught the beer scooter".

One in the Departure Lounge
to need to defecate imminently.

Aeroplane Blond
one who has dyed her hair but still has a 'black box'!

Aeroplane Skirt
a skirt with a very long slit up it that goes all the way up to the 'cockpit'.

Pearl Harbour
cold (weather). An example of it would be "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out there !". Meaning there's a nasty '***' in the air!

Badly Packed Kebab
a vulgar (but still excellent) term for the 'vagina'.

Britney Spears
Modern Rhyming Slang for 'beers'. e.g. "Give us a couple of Britney's will ya Doreen".

Bruce Lee's
erect ***ples (as in a pair of hard '***s').

Bunny Boiler
an unhinged and overly possessive woman. From the rabbit boiling scene in the film "Fatal Attraction". e.g. "I don't like the look of her mate, could be a bunny boiler".

Council Gritter
Modern Rhyming Slang for '$hitter'. e.g. "Does she take it up the council ?".

Donald Trump
Modern Rhyming Slang for 'dump' (defecate). e.g. "I'm just ***ping out for a Donald". (sorry, had to do this one in case the PC lobby get on to me

a modern term for a cashpoint machine (ATM). Named so as it is common to visit one before going out on the booze.

a young man of substandard intelligence, i.e. the typical adolescent who works in a burger restaurant. The 'no-stars' bit comes from the badges displaying stars that staff at fast-food restaurants often wear which show their level of training.

used when you spot an attractive girl in tight shorts or similar clothes i.e. you can see the 'lips' moving but can't quite make out what they're saying.

Release a Chocolate Hostage
to defecate. Have heard this one from a few people. e.g. " I'm just ***ping out to release a chocolate hostage." (and another one!

a more extreme version of the word 'ridiculous'. Good for when you want to add more emphasis.

Salad Dodger
an excellent phrase for an overweight person. (that'll be me then!)

Tart Fuel
similar to 'bitch piss', bottled alcopop's regularly drank by young women.

Up on Blocks
having a period (menstruating). i.e. Out of action, a bit like a car in a garage. e.g. "I don't think I'll be in luck tonight lads, the missus is up on blocks".

so, the fuse is lit, an I'm waiting for the bang!

* edit was to add the warning message at the top *

[This message has been edited by Markus (edited 22 November 2000).]

chiark 22 November 2000 12:39 AM

Well, it made me laugh. I must be bad.

AWD 22 November 2000 12:40 AM

Looks like there a lots of bad people on this BBS...

The League of the Terminally Depraved...

Markus 22 November 2000 12:45 AM

depraved? moi? never

chiark 22 November 2000 12:46 AM

AWD: CONGRATS ON THE 1000!!! (sorry, normal program resumes and I'll take any further responses of mine to muppetdom)

dowser 22 November 2000 07:01 AM

I'll have copy too please!


jbryant 22 November 2000 09:04 AM

Me Me Me
Can I have an e-mail copy pleeeeeeease

Yex 22 November 2000 09:32 AM

Having left this overnight to settle down a bit I would appear to have caused a bit of a stir in Scooby World. The original post of mine was not removed because of the "vulgar" words used in it but because a few people complained (not directly to me ). Their concern was about a certain word that is known to be slang for a member of a certain race / country. I do not know who they are, and don't want to, but everone else appears to have taken the posting as it was mean't and I thank those of you for your off line support.

If you still haven't managed to get a copy by this afternoon mail me off line and I'll send it to you.


Yex - now PC and b****y fuming about it

Jerome 22 November 2000 10:07 AM


Did anyone Japanese complain? If not, why not? Why do the PC crowd feel the need to jump to the defense of other races when that race may not even find it offensive. For instance, I once posted on a BBS and used the phrase "dutch courage". From the US readers I virtually had deaths threats for being racist. All from non-Dutch Americans. This was on a company BBS, and I could have got several people fired because of their language and threats.

Anyway, in case you're wondering, the phrase comes from the Dutch Gin that was very popular at one time in English gin houses. The phrase was originally "Dutch gin courage". In the shortened version it was in no way implying the Dutch are cowards. Too many people jump on the PC bandwagon. Get a life - there are far more important things to worry about.


[This message has been edited by Jerome (edited 22 November 2000).]

Wino Wilky 22 November 2000 10:18 AM

I haven't read the original topic yet, but you have my support!

Jay m A 22 November 2000 10:19 AM

Jerome, hear,hear.

Cheers for the mail. If thats all the complaints were about can't it be re-posted without the Bruce Lee phrase?


Markus 22 November 2000 10:39 AM

Webmaster/Moderators, please, please comment on this! Unless it was one of them that asked it to be removed.

My personal opinion is that unless I'm asked to remove something by the moderator/webmaster then it stays, if someone wishes to harrass me via my mailbox, saying that 'you can't post that' then so be it. If they get offensive, then I'll ban incoming mail from them, I might even send them an email saying 'ever heard of win95.mtx?' which is about as close to a threat as I'd get.

AWD 22 November 2000 10:46 AM

Would this still be objected to if it was posted in the Muppet forum?

I found it very amusing personally.

Maybe if a warning of some sort can be put in the title - (RUDE) or something, and then only people who aren't easily offended could read posts like it.

ca 22 November 2000 11:26 AM

I think the warning in the subject line is the key to this, or perhaps a dedicated Forum - 'The Place With No Taste' - for such things.


chiark 22 November 2000 11:29 AM

You think moderators are any better? LOL!

We aim to avoid controversy through libellous comments or anything that could drop scoobynet in the doo-doo, such as the registration number thread on General.

If something is deemed offensive by a vocal enough portion of scoobynet, such as the Great Open Face Mask Thread Debate of 2000, moderators may move in or, more likely, the original poster normally steps in and removes the post for an easy life.

The whys and wherefores of stuff like this are difficult, but it seems that any form of racial insult are probably best avoided due to extreme sensitivity - normally not on the part of the race that should be offended. It's like a gay friend of mine telling gay jokes only for straight friends to say, "you can't say that"... He then explains his orientation and people normally grin, occasionally uncomfortably, and occasionally finding excuses to be elsewhere...

Would you mail me a copy of the thing please?

AWD 22 November 2000 11:37 AM

So was it the comments about Japanese that people took offence to?

I don't know of any race which is intimately related to female genitalia so it can't possibly be that....

robski 22 November 2000 11:44 AM

This country has gone politically correct bonkers.

It used to be that the goverment were hastled by pressure groups who were PC.

Tony Bs lot are the opposite, they seem to be all the people who previously made up the pressure groups!


AWD 22 November 2000 11:48 AM

Let's not bring politics into this...

Threads always go downhill when that happens IMHO

BarryK 22 November 2000 11:55 AM

Wha'? Rhyming slang is a hoot and firmly rooted in London's ludicrous xenophobia.

It was funny. You're having me on, somebody objected to calling Japs (as in the expression Jap cars of which we all have one)by their Nipponese diminutive, or was it because the actor named was actually a tiddly and not from the land of the Rising?

It's a good job you didn't have an axe to grind with the Salmon Trouts then eh?

It's a load of old pony that it's OK to have a laugh at the Irish as long as your Irish, or poke thieving joke fun at scousers only if you are a scouser. I personally couldn't care less when we are referred to as Brits, Limeys, whingeing poms etc. I don't think any less of my Irish friends, Southern shandy drinkers or Leeds Utd "fans",for example.

Remember the stirrer who exhorted us all to "Leave 'em on the docks" a while back. Now there I'd agree he was a troublemaker with a genuine dislike of "foreign" people.

Lighten up. Life's too short.

Dave T-S 22 November 2000 01:16 PM

Cue Dave T-S.....

PS Excellent Markus

Markus 22 November 2000 01:22 PM

Why thank you Dave.

hmm, been at least 5 mins and I've not had any calls to remove it

AWD 22 November 2000 01:28 PM

Aww.. shucks...

Thanks guys...

I fully expect Dave to be at 1000 in no time..

BarryK 22 November 2000 01:29 PM

OK, I'll do it.

Markus, remove it! The Pearl Harbor one will go down as the greatest act of infamy. It's not funny with the reference to the Zero flyers taken out.

Come to think of it, don't Mitsubishi flog a version of the Lancer called a "Zero". Now isn't that offensive to all who lost their lives at the hands of the Imperial Navy (air force branch)? Or a disgrace considering what was done in the name of the Emperor in the Far East?

Can you imagine the BMW 109E or the Volkswagen Stuka?

Yex 22 November 2000 01:31 PM


Thank you I do know who the "aware" people are on the BBS, unfortunately it's a bit like Tony B and his Cronies...the minority always get heard as opposed to the majority

Remind me to buy you a beer next time we have a get togther, the additions to the previous text are extremely good

Yex - amongst friends again

Chris L 22 November 2000 01:34 PM

Seen it before - but still funny


(not in the least offended BTW)

BarryK 22 November 2000 01:40 PM


You didn't rise to Leed's "fans" bait.

Drat and double drat!

AWD 22 November 2000 01:40 PM


I'm not sure how Mitsubishi eventually marketed it here, but it was planned to be marketed as the Zero Fighter originally.

Talk about bad name planning.

AWD 22 November 2000 01:41 PM

Imagine if Chrysler started marketing something in Japan called 'Fatboy' or 'Nukem'...

doubt it would go down too well

Markus 22 November 2000 02:07 PM

I've got a copy of EVO somewhere and they review the 'Zero Fighter Extreme' as I think it was called, and they too comment on the rather 'interesting' name.

Yex, out of interest, don't suppose you'd like to email me off-list about the people to watch out for?

Diablo 22 November 2000 02:42 PM

Yex, and all.

I "moderate" this section, but never saw your post before deletion, nor did anyone contact me about it.

Can you email me a copy so I can see what all the fuss was about?



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