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Alex zetec cabrio 19 September 2002 11:33 PM

And because your car beats a scoob doesn't mean they're slow. It's like a Mc F1 owner posting on a Ferrari board sayin 'This is why F50s are so slow'. Grow the fcuk up.

f1 worth 600,000 pounds scooby 20,000 pounds

ferrari 80,000 pounds my car worth 6,000 pounds

lol dont u like the fact i can beat a scooby?

Alex zetec cabrio 19 September 2002 11:41 PM

You arent going to win with that lot, in the end its true that the scoobs can out handle a cab all day long (well at least mine they could!) but they should have some respect that a 15 year old design can be modded to keep up with the latest in far east technology.

To be honest I dont see the scoob lot as the enemy, they have a lot in common with us really, cars with a motorsport heritage which excel in various areas, in the scoobs case is handling, in our cossies case engine output. Nope the real people we should be looking to "bring down a peg" are the smug bu88ers with their new GTIs and BMs or whatever, cars that are OK but IMO dont really excel at anything or have much of an "excitment" factor. For example today my boss at work took me out in his bosses Golf V5 - we got in and he said "right, hold on, this really goes", and then he really booted it. I waited and waited for the "go" and before I knew it it was at the red line - I hadnt the heart to tel hime that my "red wheelbarrow" as my car is known in our office could totally waste his bosses new pride and joy.. I'll wait till I see him on the road - maximise the pain I say

not from me but taken off rsoc

[Edited by Alex zetec cabrio - 9/19/2002 11:42:18 PM]

fatherpierre 19 September 2002 11:46 PM

If you read what I put you'll find I was comparing a Mc F1 to a Ferrari F50!

F1 new = £600,000
F50 new = Not sure but a lot.

I never compared an F1 or an F50 to either a Sierra or a Scooby.

stephen emery 19 September 2002 11:47 PM

ho hum DD,i agree,

andycrowther 20 September 2002 12:09 AM

all i can say is "wot a tosser!"......

Jaay 20 September 2002 12:13 AM


There was a post earlier about how people (scooby owners) thought they could piss all over Ferraris Porkers etc and a few comments flying about were how maybe the person in the other car wasnt trying or engine is cold or is one point away from banning etc. From this M-Peg nothing is Certain.

Again, in a Scoobys defence I would say take your car and compete in a single stage at a rally against the same, Uk car and I think youll find a different story.

The positive thing about this, is Joy and sheer Delight this person has got out of potentialy beating a scoob. Whether its on the street or on the Gravel everyone knows and recognises the pure Power and Presence that exudes from these cars.
And thats why for certain people its like a 'Trophy Momment' when you beat one. And likewise when 'one of our's' delivers the goods on some of the above mentioned.

[Edited by Jaay - 9/20/2002 12:42:38 AM]

Scooby370beast 20 September 2002 01:01 AM

No you are wrong cabrio, scooby is a super fast car when it rains and going down a mountain;)

care3 20 September 2002 01:08 AM

AndiThompson 20 September 2002 01:08 AM

At the end of the day, I know which I'd rather have. :)

co55ie 20 September 2002 01:21 AM

If the video had been the other way round I am sure your comments would be slightly different. Stop being so pious ( I think thats how its spelt scooby owners).

BruceWarne 20 September 2002 05:31 AM

Guys, sorry to insult your fellow countrymen, but are all people driving cossies this common? It almost seems like all the cossie dealerships must be in Hillbilly Downs, or Redneck Corner...If you think about it, nothing really says "Mullet" like a cossie...

SimonH 20 September 2002 07:23 AM

lol quite a lot at BruceWarne! These posts are always the same and I don't know I even bothered opening it but I'd like to say that Bruce has, for me, hit the nail firmly on the head :D

PS. Your car might well be faster than mine (congratulations) however I win as my keyboard has more capitals and punctuation marks than yours :rolleyes:

[Edited by SimonH - 9/20/2002 7:24:16 AM]

Andy McCord 20 September 2002 07:29 AM

This guy must be son off co55ie!!

Jerome 20 September 2002 07:39 AM


Was your mate driving up the A24 in Morden last Sunday afternoon? I was following behind a Scoob that looked exactly like your mates - white wheels and all. It sounded very loud from a hundred yards away. :D

Makalu 20 September 2002 08:32 AM

Wouldnt happen to know a guy called Co55ie would you by any chance?


BruceWarne 20 September 2002 08:44 AM

Classical example of a person being another's father and brother at the same time...?

nichop 20 September 2002 09:28 AM

BruceWarne, Its worth noting that there are plenty of scooby drivers who would also warrant the same description. There have been plenty of instances where scooby owners from this board have gone off to another board (eg Fiat Coupe recently) with the sole purpose of slagging them off.
Yours (embarrassed when it happens) Nick (who is a scooby driver)

LG John 20 September 2002 10:12 AM

Do you and your mate kiss you mothers with those mouths!!! :rolleyes:

You keep going on about 'how gutted' the Impreza owner must be and 'look at his face' etc. However, the scooby owner was baiting you to see what sort of power you had. He pulled over to let you try to pass which you just don't do if your driving out of anger and trying to loose someone (he'd have stayed right in your way!!). He was probably impressed that your car was catching him and no doubt told his work mates later on how he was being reeled in by a tuned ford. I doubt very much he would have been crying into his coffee! You see, that's the difference in attitude/maturity between us and you.

So what, your car cost £6k and is fast. What you forget is half the owners on this site could chop in their scooby tommorrow and buy £15k+ worth of maxed up old ford or GTI-R or supercharged hot hot that would murder your car, scooby's, EVO's and maybe even co55ie's car......but why would they want to do that?!?!

C 20 September 2002 10:12 AM

The other option of course would be as follows....

Lets make this fair shall we? - the percentage power hike the hairdressers cars has had - say around 100% reading this and laughing, against a scooby with a 100% power hike - we could be nice and use a UK car running nearly 400 bhp or nasty and use an sti & double that ;) :D

Lets see just how close your "race" is then shall we?

Comparing like for like often is a good starting point...

RichardPON 20 September 2002 10:57 AM

All people driving cossies this common, Mr Warne?

Didn't realise that Alex drove a cossie..... sorry my mistake.

Don't know why you're all replying though, cos you're all sad I.T people, who don't drive over 30mph for fear of invalidating your precious warranty.

Don't stereotype people - doesn't do you any favours.....

[Edited by RichardPON - 9/20/2002 10:59:44 AM]

Fantom 20 September 2002 11:06 AM

oh my god mate you are gay!
Youve spent all that on your car and you can just about catch up with a standard uk spec scooby!!
Come and race my import WRX 250bhp and see what u can do.
Anyone can spend thousands on an engine and make your car fast. Spend the same amount as you did on a scooby engine and bang, you are left for dust.

Wurzel 20 September 2002 11:07 AM

Just out of curiosity how could you see the expression on his face when he was infront of you???

Stu.H 20 September 2002 11:25 AM


Stu.H 20 September 2002 11:27 AM

Anyone can spend thousands on an engine and make your car fast. Spend the same amount as you did on a scooby engine and BANG!

Fantom 20 September 2002 11:36 AM

just out of interest, why do people register for this site if they dont own a scooby??

LG John 20 September 2002 11:40 AM

Sh1t stu H, you beat me to it. I was going to pick up on that little pun too :D

Stu.H 20 September 2002 12:11 PM


co55ie 20 September 2002 12:15 PM

Fantom can I race your funny little 250bhp car we both have 2litre turbo's with 4wd so no excuses can come for your stable.
My first Rising sun shall soon adorn my car if the mighty Fantom is upto it.

TonyBurns 20 September 2002 12:23 PM

id put lots of ford stickers on my car for the ammout that have tried and failed but i dont want to degrade it ;):p:D


WoIfie 20 September 2002 12:23 PM

LOL you lot are as bad as each other every site i go on i see the same thread doesent matter if its scoobies fords rovers hondas ect ect if you have a performance car you ARE a target for other performace car owners , when i trackday i always looked for said performance cars as they ARE ALL benchmarks i had an ex race astra gte 16v and could easly lap combe faster than most subarus fords r types ect, does this make me the daddy?? not really its what the car was built for, it drove **** on the road, its always a great feeling when you out drag a cossie or outbrake a subaru or catch them off boost coming out of a bend as i said these cars are benchmarks and not only a feel good factor for the owners

Jaay your comments are unfounded put a cab on a rally stage ?? lmao how about a 1/4 mile ?? im sure the cab owner would have a go ?

at the moment i have a mini yes that performance icon lolol but it is running a garrett t3 and a Wizards of Nos kit im going to be trackdaying it next year and again going for the performance cars

Please keep it up u lot a little competition and banter is always healthy

ps someone said "whey do non subaru owners register" or something like that well its suprising how much you can learn of of these forums i try to look at them all give ideas and tips IMHO you have to be broadminded about modifing

Regards Wolfie

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