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chrisp 02 July 2001 07:40 PM

Just close general forum and make people post in the right forum

WREXY 02 July 2001 07:57 PM

I think it should be done coz thats why the different sections are there, to be used. People will get used to it, I mean it's only an extra click or two. I know most post in general to get a quick/more response, but at least everyone will have to search the other sections too this way and in the end responses will end up being quick/more
for all the sections.


chrisp 02 July 2001 07:58 PM

Actually one of the threads moved recently was Simons barrier deadlock thread. I wouldnt have dreamt looking in the security forum as I have insurnance approved security on my car (as do most people judging by insurance companies Seeing the number of recommendations from posters and ease of use I am serious thinking about getting one fitted. So thats one cracking good idea I would have missed

I can see the point of moving threads but perhaps they have to left to run their course before they are moved.

MorayMackenzie 02 July 2001 08:00 PM

Chasing around and rehousing misplaced topics is not as quick and easy as some may think.

First you have to post an explanation to keep people informed of why it's been moved. Then we have to move the topic, possibly having to keep track of it's new URL if, as some would suggest, we post a new topic up with a link to the moved topic and then close this topic to prevent unnecessary posts to it. This may all be achieved through a web interface, but it does take a significant time to deal with each stage of this process... adding up to _at_least_ two or three minutes, generally a fair bit more if the bbs is in use at the time, spent moving each topic.

I spent some time today trying out the more active "rehousing" policy that's being suggested here. To be honest, I don't think I have the time it would take to rehouse every misplaced topic as it arrives whilst keeping an eye out for the genuinely inappropriate material that us moderators are, IMHO, here to spot.

I must point out that I am not paid to moderate this bbs, I do it voluntarily and have done so from the start of simon's version of scoobynet. (I wanted to make that clear before anyone jumps in with "you should make the time for moderating" type comments.)

Just some thoughts.


[This message has been edited by MorayMackenzie (edited 02 July 2001).]

GavinP 02 July 2001 08:11 PM

I'm all for it....

...and I've just been caught red-handed by Moray... Sorry MM

The trend seems to have been moving more and more to posting everything in "General" and it was growing ever bigger and bigger!

If it had carried on, it would have become very difficult to find topics of interest...



Dave T-S 02 July 2001 08:13 PM

In order to save time I have posted my response to your question directly in the Muppet forum...

chrisp 02 July 2001 08:14 PM

Moray as well as the other moderators I think you do a cracking job but it sounds like more moderators are required to lessen the burden. As you say it unpaid and done voluntary.

IMHO there seems very little moderation is done/required in anything other than the general section although I have seen Nimbus doing some in "WAS IT YOU" when required. Perhaps there needs to be some more moderators in the general section if this is the focal point to lighten the load a bit.

Just a thought


Dream Weaver 02 July 2001 08:16 PM

I have a few opinions on this:

1. People post in general because as everyone has said it gets a good response. It is annoying to post in Non-Scooby related and get no replies, or only get replies from the die-hards that are always in there.

2. The title for general states "Anything else that comes up". It doesn't say it has to be Scooby related. Maybe there is some overlap here with non-scooby related?

3. The only problem with moving will be re-educating people to look in different forums and some folk just dont have the time so may leave the BBS.

Just my thoughts, I agree in principle but think it may just cause havoc initially.


MorayMackenzie 02 July 2001 08:25 PM

Dave T-S,



All we need to do is to get posters to try and target their topics more accurately...

It's a circular problem summarised by the following:

"I'll post this in General rather than X because no-one looks in X."

"There's no point looking in X because everyone posts to General."

Surely there must be other options to encourage better posting practices than simply moving the misplaced ones and hoping that people will learn... after all, why would that actually encourage them to post elsewhere?

It's re/education rather than enforcement we need... any ideas guys?


[This message has been edited by MorayMackenzie (edited 02 July 2001).]

Colin Berry 02 July 2001 08:31 PM

Simon, Should this be in the Muppets section

chrisp 02 July 2001 08:33 PM

Thinking about it I agree make the other moderators work for a living and share the workload

Sorry I dont know the solution though

BTW does this mean the board is going through an evolution or revolution



Neil Smalley 02 July 2001 09:05 PM

It's a well known fact that posting over the limit kills threads.

It's not education that's required, it's enforcement and more enforcement.

Did you know that for every 5 posts in the wrong forum results in a 10% increase in posting in the muppet forum

Therefore it is in everyone's interest to stop excessive posting and therefore reduce needless and tragic muppeting.

SDB will soon be rolling out digital moderators, which will monitor posting and prosecute any excessive posting in the general forum.

These new 'Gassing And Twitterers Sod off' or G.A.T.S.O moderators are coming into force very soon. SDB has promised that GATSO moderators will only be used at posting blackspots, and not as a means of generating click through revenue.

Remember, posting over the limit kills thread

[This message has been edited by Neil Smalley (edited 02 July 2001).]

chrisp 02 July 2001 09:28 PM

Spot on Neil

I heard you may end up in a LIDAR bit of Truvelo if you post too much

sasim 02 July 2001 09:36 PM

I agree totally with the observations that we need to re-educate people to put their topics in the correct place.

As a current moderator I would happily spend some more time every day moving the topics to their correct places until people get it right.

SDB if you want me to do this just drop me a mail, and give me the required privelages on the forums you want me to help out with.

I must have too much spare time on my hands!!


Puff The Magic Wagon! 02 July 2001 09:45 PM

Had a post moved today

I'm not going to shout my corner, but put forward a question

What about posts that transgress both their forum & general & maybe another? IE it is in the "general" community interest to know that something is happening that may affect people on a number of fronts.

Do you just post in the PC forum or do you cross-post in the other forum it may affect (& risk bumping) or post a general topic with a brief pointer to the correct [sic] forum?

It's a hard life being a moderator with all that tricky balancing to do ( ) but I think every post that is up for bumping needs to be considered on its merits & the benefits to the "general" community & not the strict letter of the forum.

CLS 02 July 2001 11:03 PM

With you 100% on this...either you place posts in the correct place or just have one single general question forum and delete every other. Things have been messy recently and I'm never sure which forum I'm in..........Drink plays a part as

dba 02 July 2001 11:16 PM

what would you do if i posted the same thread in every forum at the same time?

The moderators would all die of brain failure

ps *if it aint broke* etc etc.Just my 2ps,fwiw.Great forum,nuff said.

[This message has been edited by dba (edited 02 July 2001).]

ScooBabe 02 July 2001 11:55 PM


SDB 03 July 2001 12:12 AM

Hi All

some really interesting comments.

Moray's thread moving was just a test to see how doable it all is, not an indication that we have taken the decision to carry out the stricter moderating just yet.

I think it is dodgy ground, as I have always maintained a strict rule that we do NOT over-moderate, and everyone is in agreement with this.

So it might be best to do what we have been doing in the past and just move a whole shed load of them in one go when things get out of hand and then leave it to be self moderating.

The new BBS software will make it easier to move threads, but the more important point is the affect on the community and the potentially fealt insult of having your post moved.

I think we need to see the forums like this..

It's fine to post in general unless you subject is BLATANTLY and COMPLETELY under the heading of one of the other forums.

In other words "How does the impreza engine work?" should go in drivetrain, but "Has anyone else had this engine problem?" is borderline as it is a question about a problem which requires a varied range of answers, it just happens to be about engines.

does this sound about right?



PS. If we do moderate more strictly, it will be only on the BLATANTLY wrongly posted threads.

Jerome 03 July 2001 12:29 AM


Can you hear the sound of a nail being hit firmly on the head? Because I can.

Blow Dog 03 July 2001 12:49 AM

I have to say I agree with the general consencus that more thread relocating needs to occur.

We have used this board long enough now to leave judgement to its users. 99.99999999% of the users of this board are of the most responsible I have ever seen on a BBS, and I use a few. The fact that there <I>are</I> moderators at all, seems nothing more than protocol at times, the users are the people who decide how the board is run, something which I feel many people don't appreciate and thank Simon for. Does anybody remember Simon making a decision on the board without the consent of its users?

This has meant that there is never a regimist attitude here, which is why the board is popular. But by relocating <I>too</I> many threads, we run the risk of interupting the harmony here.

Time to time, I am asked by people to remove posts from the Muppet Forum, such as the 'Word or Number Assemly' threads. But when they are locked, people become upset and take this as personal, which is completely understandable. If I was to put a post up and have it locked/relocated, then I too would be offended.

We need to find a compromise between blatant misuse of the boards pre-determined forums and general announcement information.


Neil Smalley 03 July 2001 06:56 AM

Just an update on my previous post.

I've just read that a third of muppets are caused by exceeding the posting limits

Chris L 03 July 2001 09:37 AM

Neil you muppet

SDB - go for it - there have been recent examples of threads started in 'General' that clearly had no place here adn weren't moved for sometime. Stricter moderating gets my vote.


Stef 03 July 2001 10:58 AM

Most of you will have no doubt seen my "Perhaps this should be in the ... forum? " replies to a number of threads in general.
As I was a only a moderator for the Track Day Forum (which has never once needed moderating! ) it was the best I could do.
Things have changed now though and I'm back from The Ring. You have been warned!


Hyperex 03 July 2001 11:20 AM

Might as well educate me starting from now. Where should thread like "No.3 Big End" go to? Also where does "Rolling road results" belongs to? Just in case i need to search for this sort of threads.
Does engine mod threads belongs to drivetrain?


paulwadams_my99 03 July 2001 11:33 AM

Is there no way that some kind of automation can be set up so that you are forced to put in the keyword of the forum it belongs to and after 7 days or something of nil responses it is closed and automatically moved to that forum? That way everybody can see it if they like and searching for answers can be performed in the right sections. It does seem that people like to hang around in the general forum a lot more than the others.

Surely the above can't be impossible, email clients do it.

IWatkins 03 July 2001 01:41 PM

I run a tight ship down here is Suspension. Don't have any problems.

However, I think that General needs more work on a daily basis. Too many totally non-Scooby or even totally non-car releated posts in General. Moray should get a bigger stick or he should get a few helpers

Just MHO.



JoeyDeacon 03 July 2001 01:46 PM

I agree with the moving of threads but is there no way it can be moved so that it doesn't remain locked in the previous forum. I personally wouldn't have a problem with a post being moved it's just it remaining with a big bold message saying "this topic has been moved to the suspension forum" or whatever is like saying "this person is too stupid to put the topic in the right place so lets constantly remind them of it"

Nimbus 03 July 2001 02:00 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by chrisp:
<B>Thinking about it I agree make the other moderators work for a living...

What! You mean Simon is going to pay us!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by JoeyDeacon:
<B>"this person is too stupid to put the topic in the right place so lets constantly remind them of it"[/quote]


Personally, in the "Was it You?" I don't mind a bit of off topic posting. If it's a "Was it you?" turning into a "lets arrange a meet" I'll transfer it to the Meets section. Then there's the more muppet related stuff (you know who you are ). Makes for a bit more fun.. (just don't over do it).

The only thing I'm more strict on is the posting of too much detail of the spottered car.

I don't really have a problem with how the General is being moderated right now. If things get out of hand (RE: crash) it gets sorted....

GranTurismo 03 July 2001 09:36 PM


Yes and No, misplaced threads dont bother me but I may miss something good.

The main thing is how people TITLE the thread.

I often ignore a "Please Help" thread or a "Look at this" thread becuase they are often wasting time. However a well titled thread in a general areas is better than a poorly titled thread in the right section.

Also prehaps the sections need revising? some topics come may need thier own section where as others cold be combined.

Prehaps? (like a IT support section, a Games section etc........)

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