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Tiny 16 August 2002 08:42 PM

thank god that we will not be able to hear tommy the DJ over the rumble of ALL THE SCOOBS!!!!

dalloyd 16 August 2002 10:49 PM

Just like That!
More e-mails coming through. Its going up :)
Dal. Tell Karen we have a bouncy Castle! She SHOULD be pleased! Ill ring you Sat.Eve!

JohnD 17 August 2002 10:37 AM

I've got a fez that Chris brought home from Eygpt - I think it might suit you!

dalloyd 19 August 2002 09:13 AM

Ill look forward to that John :)Bring it on Meet!
OK. Honda-R, Honda Enthusiast Club, Honda Prelude, Honda800, Isuzu Piazza, Mazda MX5 & 7, Mitsubishi FTO, Lancer, GTO,Starion,Sapporo,Nissan Turbo, Classic Z & ZX, Suzuki Cappuccino & Swift, Toyota MR" MK1&2, Enthusiasts, Sera, Supra, Jap Torque, 200+ and Group B Owners club contacted today!
When i hear ill let you all know!

dalloyd 20 August 2002 10:12 AM

Ive had 3 clubs reply to us and thery are arranging all as we speak.
Ive also had an e-mail from John (Cheers Guy!) about getting Dents sorted out on the day also! (Car park dents, not written off dents!)
John would also like to see some Ripspeed or Fast car girls there on the day also....... Any takers?

dalloyd 22 August 2002 08:17 PM

Other thread more popular now!
Still more peploe coming through. Near on 400 now ;)
its free for those that are non members. Its just a HUGE meet arranged for all Japanese Performance cars to meet before the Summer ends!

dalloyd 23 August 2002 02:10 PM

I need help now on this one!
My phone wont stop ringing!

dalloyd 24 August 2002 10:24 AM

If any companies that are Intrested to join us you are more than welcome!
We now have a Field for use as well!

Moles Dad 26 August 2002 05:29 PM

Why not invite Scoobysport to put a stall on for the day?

At least they are local :)

Please put me and the Mole down for this if thats ok.

rhybeck 27 August 2002 01:07 AM

excuse moles dad dal for he does not know i was there at the last meet nuff said i have talked to moles dad and he is definatly worthy of a space for his beast, f.m.i.c. and more

dalloyd 28 August 2002 02:08 PM

Scoobysport..............NUFF SAID!
Cheers Rybeck! Im sure we will have the best attendance on the day and we now have the field behind as well.
2 Comapanies are present so far. So if i can get others who are well known and trustworthy, i will!
Awaiting on a few, so i will post when i know.
Cheers Guys!

Moles Dad 28 August 2002 09:15 PM

Rhybeck, thanks for that (I think :))

Mr.Lloyd, I am a bit confused (quite common) re your "nuff said" comment about you have a problem with them? or have already spoken to them?

Do enlighten us :)

Phil 28 August 2002 10:17 PM

I think there is a fair bit of history there ;)

rhybeck 29 August 2002 12:29 AM

here i got a good one for you.
you say you got the field ?
maybe i could invite the people along that rebuild my engine
FIELD motor sport :D :D :D :D
please no boooo's

dalloyd 29 August 2002 10:09 AM

If FMS can attend that would be great! As i have said, they live opposite me, so if you can arrange something rybeck, please do mate :)
Regarding Scoobysport, there has been known to be problems! I can only advise or pass you on to members/ customers that have experianced these problems. We as a club and business will not get involved im afraid with Scoobysport due to these.
Anyway, post has now gone onto Jap. Meet web-site. Should get a few more now :)

TelBoy 29 August 2002 12:58 PM

I gotta be honest, i'm having my doubts about attending.

I mean, the Plough and Sail is simply not a big enough venue for this, especially if the other car clubs you've mentioned turn up.

I for one dont want to either park my car on the A130 half a mile down the road, or have it trapped at the back of the carpark where i can't get out, or risk door dents from other cars due to being parked too closely together to cram everyone in.

Can anybody assure me none of the above will happen?


dalloyd 29 August 2002 01:19 PM

Terry, my dear fellow!
We have the adjouning fields and half of the van site available next to pub as well mate, not just the car park!
We have spaces for at LEAST 1000 cars.
I for one would not arrange/attend a meet where i would have to park on the main road, or get any car park dents!
Rest assured no one will be in danger of dents/aggro at this meet.
Bolney was bad in that fact due to the location and also darren not knowing how many would attend, but i have planned for this JUST INCASE!
I hope this assures you.

TelBoy 29 August 2002 05:14 PM


I thought you said last meet that the adjoining fields were out of bounds. If that's now not the case, see you there..!! :D

dalloyd 31 August 2002 09:54 AM

They where out of bounds origianlly, but because of the turnout the landlord of the pub organised a bribe! Nice one :)
Just to clarify a few things, i am getting phone calls and e-mails from like minded folk to ask if attending is free. It is FREE to come along, all you will need is a few quid for food and beer!

Moles Dad 31 August 2002 09:37 PM

Thanks for the replies re my question, we can leave it there I think.

Looking forward to this one, lets just hope it stays fine :)

dalloyd 01 September 2002 05:28 AM

So do I :)
I can clarify a bit more on things on the day Moles dad! Be good to see you attend!

rhybeck 01 September 2002 03:09 PM

looking forward to it now hope we have good weather shame about the imposible to drink situation, other half cant drive yet and if she could she wound'nt be driving my scoob anyway nevermind i'sall just hit the redbulls see you all there.

rhybeck 01 September 2002 03:13 PM

mole dad is hol. going to make it do you know m8

dalloyd 02 September 2002 10:49 AM

phone calls galore! Wife getting hump now!!!!!!
plenty of EVOs coming...... New A130 me thinks ay Tinyo1 :)

Moles Dad 02 September 2002 08:14 PM

Cheers lads, hope to be there, my only concern is the bl00dy weather forecast :)

rhybeck, Hol doesn't think he can make it.

Phil 03 September 2002 12:58 AM

Just Realised

Its England V Portugal

I'll ring Sven and see if he can postpone the Game ;)


dalloyd 03 September 2002 09:22 AM

sven cant understand english can he? :)

Phil 03 September 2002 12:16 PM



dalloyd 03 September 2002 12:28 PM

I thought it was Ulrika ;)
Dent 1st is now certain of attending. So for those with them awfull car park dents, get these done on the day at a VERY good price!
(Courtesy of JD)

3times 03 September 2002 05:09 PM

due to the aforementioned footie i was thinking of making an appearance later...................... but this means i will not be able to park at the front!

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