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IntegraR 19 June 2001 03:57 PM

Ive found a distinct lack of speed camera's outside of schools, so find speeding down scool roads at around 3:15 is probably one of the safest places to speed.

medders 19 June 2001 04:01 PM

I can't recall ever seeing a speed camera on anything less than a 50mph limit?
Are there any?

jon hill 19 June 2001 04:04 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by medders:
<B>I can't recall ever seeing a speed camera on anything less than a 50mph limit?
Are there any?[/quote]

yeah - plenty in 30's. one of the villages on around the a272 / midhurst has one on teh way in, blackwall tunnel northbound has a 30 camera. Could start listing more, but it wont make the most exciting post

Murray53 19 June 2001 04:09 PM

In Aberdeen, on one of the the main roads out of town, there are a number of fixed cameras. These are sited in areas where the speed limit is 30, rises to 40, and back to 30. Ideal conditions for catching the unaware, the road is in a builtup area but is dual carriageway, not the most dangerous of road types, and to my knowledge, I could be wrong, no accident blackspots.


medders 19 June 2001 04:18 PM

christ, glad I don't live near u lot.
There aren't many cameras around Swindon. Probably wouldn't be any use tho because you can't get enough speed up between roundabouts!

polarbearit 19 June 2001 04:33 PM

The roundabouts are the best thing about swindon!!!

polarbearit 19 June 2001 04:40 PM

Medders there is a speed camera in Swindon in a 30 limit...

Dont know the name of the road, (but then I don't live here!) but not far off the 3rd Junction off the A419 there are 2 speed cameras as you head to swindon! Both in a 30 zone, but then that is about it for speed detection is Swindons (unless you are on the M4).


medders 19 June 2001 04:42 PM

apart from Motorola you mean PolarbearIT??

Murray53 19 June 2001 04:50 PM

Speed cameras in Swindon.

1524 Swindon A4259 Swindon A4259 - Queen's Drive ... speed camera in 40mph (dual carriageway) zone on approach to town centre
1412 Swindon A4312 A4312 Oxford Road in Swindon between Stratton and Green bridge. Camera faces outgoing of Swindon about 300 yards from mini roundabout, speed limit 30mph. 30
1525 Swindon A4323 Swindon A4323 - Oxford Road ... camera in 30mph zone , hatch markings on both sides of road.

Be careful out there.

medders 19 June 2001 04:54 PM

Arrrrrgh - Must be new P1 - It's soooo fast I'm not seeing the blessed things
Must remember to seal up my letterbox when i get home, so the NIP's can't be delivered!

Stevie 19 June 2001 04:58 PM

I agree that argueing and insulting Plod is not going to do any favours.

Been stopped 3 times within the last year, all for, in hindsight, stupid driving that warranted a good bollocking.

Let off on every occasion as I explained that I had absolutely no excuse for being a git, and was very sorry. The one occasion I overtook an unmarked Police car in a 30 zone!! They were doing 20 looking for somebody but I kinda distracted them a little.(Knackered old J reg 214 Rover, not a big shiny Omega) All fair police on each occasion. The roads were always generally quiet, and whilst exceeding the limits I knew I was in the wrong and admitted the same so they let me off.

The police can be fair, although if on any of the occasions I had been 17 and driving a knackered XR2 covered in stickers I am sure the outcome would have been very different.

Bottom line, as a lot have said, if you dont like the outcome dont speed. But if the outcome is a risk you ( and a lot of us ) are prepared to take, dont insult them straight away!!

Stevie 20 June 2001 12:03 AM

David Brown,

I agree with you totally. I think the police were a little more tolerant in the good old days, because:

1) Speeding was not so socially unacceptable, indeed anything to do with motoring these days is deemed socially unnacceptable


2) Police probably did not have targets of crimes reported and solved to justify their existence. I guess now they are performance related etc.

Great days, eh?

Jerome 20 June 2001 12:09 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by medders:
<B>I can't recall ever seeing a speed camera on anything less than a 50mph limit?
Are there any?[/quote]

Jeesus! I should move to Wiltshire.

You've obviously never been to London then. I do a journey once a week from Central London to Ewell in Surrey. I'm not exagerating when I say I must past about 25 30mph limit cameras.

Gettting back to the thread...

I have been stopped a couple of times when driving badly and by being polite, honest and, dare I say it, humble I have avoided some deserved points/prosecution and got a warning instead.

However I have also been caught in numerous speed traps on deserted roads, sometimes in the middle of the night, and got done for speeding every time. Each time the coppers weren't interested in lecturing me about my speed, just in collecting the tax. On each occasion, once I knew I was getting done, I started discussing, calmly and politely, my displeasure at their tactics. I aslo pointed out the bad driving I was seeing every day at the same roundabouts at the same time. They weren't interested. I eventually totted up 12 points within 3 years and had to endure a 6 month ban and all the added expense etc that that entailed.

In these circumstances I find it hard not to be jaded towards the Traffic Police. I still have an immense amount of respect for the Police as a whole and do not envy them their lot. I do however have a big issue about the revenue generation that seems to be order of the day at the moment. Hopefully David Blunkett will live up to his promise to do something about this.

Although the vast majority of traffic Police are good guys, it is obvious from threads like this, that there are a few bad apples. I would like to see something done by Police forces to weed out most of these bad apples. They are doing irrepairable damage to the reputation of the service as a whole, alienating the general public and making life harder for the good ones.

GazP 20 June 2001 12:15 AM

Like all walks of life and wherever you go, there are good people and bad people. In todays poilitical climate, where the politicians haven't got a clue, they are trying to force people off the road by imposing draconian fines and blanket policing. The police can't catch modern criminals, and when they do the courts let them off, the victim always comes out worse unfortunatley If people are speeding by schools and other places they deserve all that they get, they won't get any sympathy from me, but I think it's about time the speed limits are raised on dual carriageways and the motorways. Lok at where the speed cameras are these days. Are they all outside schools or in accident black spots or are they on straight dual carriageways hidden behind bushes? I would come to the conclusion that the crackdown is financially driven, the more motorists the police catch, the more money the police make, in turn the more money the government get to waste on crazy projects. I think it's about time this country woke up to itself and a proper revamp of our road netowrk and it's policing was put into place. Soon people will be taking all kinds of actions to avoid being caught, read into that how you will, and the only people who will be able to afford to drive on our roads will be the politicians or millionaires. No other country in the world has laws as bad as we do and such an anti motorist government. Wake up people and see what the bigger picture is. (sorry for sounding all parental but the attitude of this government towards car owners realy annoys me).

Rant over...

polarbearit 20 June 2001 12:43 AM

Agree with Gaz P!!

barge 20 June 2001 11:21 AM

The reason I got the hump is he told me he had been chasing me up the A20, I had only joind the A20 less than 2 miles previously, I had been on the M25, at 85 for a very long way, I was not out of control, dangerous or anything like that, 85 in a 20 year old fiat 126 yes I would have been on the limit of the car, but in a scooby & the A20 is basicaly a 2 lane motorway, 70 Limit, at 4am there was nothing else about, going down hill I could see for miles, I got stopped because nothing else was about.

I always say about people speeding in dangerous places, outside schools, housing estates etc etc deserve to have the book chucked at them, but these sort of places do not have a speed camera in site, but at 4am in the morning on a deserted raod, is as far as I'm conserned taking the mickey.

Yes I'm going to court if it gets processed, because I'm feed up with bing treated as a money cow as it was nicely put.

No I did not call him PC Pig to his face, I called him officer, I sure there are some very good coppers out there, but like all jobs there are some lazy gits who do anything for an easy life, & a lone car at 4am who was speeding is a very easy target for him to keep up his gotcha rates.

I also get the hump about Drug dealers, muggers etc etc being let off with a caution compared to the motorist who is nicked at the first oppotunity.


DavidBrown 20 June 2001 11:42 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Stevie:
<B>The police can be fair, although if on any of the occasions I had been 17 and driving a knackered XR2 covered in stickers I am sure the outcome would have been very different.[/quote]

Oh, I dunno.. In my youth (when the world was in black and white) I had two mates in my '68 MK1 Escort 1600 (a nice car in it's day) and I was acting a prat.. squealing tyres, going the wrong way around roundabouts, jumping red lights.. the police had been following me for 2-3 miles.

I was cr*pping myself when they finally pulled up behind me at my mates house (the police thought I'd stolen the car and had cornered me in a cul-de-sac.. I hadn't even seen them !)

They asked me what I thought of my driving, I said "Well.. I guess you could say I was driving without due care and attention" (thinking I could limit the damage by admitting that much).. the policeman said "No, I would say it was downright dangerous".. EEK.

The other policeman took my mates to one side and asked what they thought of my driving and whether they were worried.. like diamonds they said that they were relaxed and that I was a good driver (if they'd said I worried them, I'd have been in deep doo)

Eventually, they just ticked me off, and let me go. I could have kissed them.

I'm annoyed at today's society criticising the police for the work they do. I sure as hell wouldn't want to take the abuse they get every day, just for trying to protect us.

Sure, you get some who are having a bad day, but don't we all ? Even if they DO nab you, you've done wrong, it's not your right to be let off with a warning.

polarbearit 20 June 2001 12:53 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by medders:
<B>apart from Motorola you mean PolarbearIT??[/quote]

Well they have only shouted at me once or twice for speeding, as if I was doing 40 in the car park!!!

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