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gtr_man 04 July 2002 05:32 PM

druddle - If my child ruined 100 yards worth of expensive plants, as a responsible parent I'd disipline the child and make absoluely sure it didn't happen again. However, some pet owners don't see it that way. If a cat sits on the bonnet of your pride and joy and scratches the paintwork (before anyone says anything I have scratches on my bonnet where a cat has been) who's responsible? The owner of course. However some of them don't care. Prehaps putting a pellet in it's arse may make the owner (and the cat) think twice?

Bravo2zero_sps 04 July 2002 05:46 PM


Is this not the non-scooby related forum? Does that not mean it is the forum for everything and anything other than talk of Scoobies or subjects not covered by the other forums? I thought of it as a place for open debate on anything?


Cats are uncontrollable, cats roam all over this country uncontrolled, are you really serious that owners should lock these animals up or perhaps all cats should be destroyed as they can not be kept on leads or locked in gardens? I totally understand your concern for your daughter, I have young son who likes playing outside but whether there are cats about or not, surely it is your responsibility to make sure the ground is suitable for children to play on before they play? You can't tell me you live in an animal free zone where foxes/mice/birds don't cr@p on your garden, all of which carry nasty diseases and so if the cat wasn't there it would be totally safe? Shooting the creature is no answer and if you are serious about that comment and go through with it then I hope the law come down on you like a ton of bricks! I hope you are saying it out of anger/frustration rather than as a serious threat as what you have admitted to doing on a public forum is against the law and incriminating.

There is no excuse for shooting/deliberately harming pets or wild animals unless they are legally listed as vermin.

I am by no means some greenpeace activist but at the same time I do not condone the deliberate act of cruelty to animals which some people on this bbs think to be acceptable, light hearted jokes aside.

dsmith 04 July 2002 05:53 PM

As a vehment "cats should not wander loose" exponent in previous threads (not shoot them in the arse with a pellet I hasten to add) I have recently started to change my view. Since moving we have had one or two mouse problems. There is also a black cat wandering our drive/garage/garden at regular intervals. Recently I have spotted the cat playing with mice/shrews/other small rodents. Now as long as he continues taking gratuitous (sp?) pleasure from controlling any rodent near my house I'll tolerate his presence. (Mind you, I havent caught him on the bonnet yet......)


druddle 04 July 2002 05:54 PM

gtr_man - whilst i can see what your saying, I think that saying you would deliberately shoot to kill or harm an animal is way out of order. what you have said i agree with, you are basically saying you would do something in an attempt to make sure that the child does not do the same again. But how can you be 100% sure ?

If i saw my cat scratching a neighbours car, or one was seen scratching a neighbours car I would certainly offer to polish /t-cut out the scratches and if that didnt work then call dentmaster or similar, as thats what i would expect someone to do for me. But somehow I think I am in the minority.


Puff The Magic Wagon! 04 July 2002 05:58 PM

b20 etc

There is not real excuse (vermin or not) for harming any animal. What say do the vermin have in classifying whether they are vermin and deserving of extermination? :rolleyes: It is only us humans that have decided in our "wisdom" that they are vermin. To themselves, they are just doing what it is they do to survive & have evolved into so doing.

Still, if you are responsible for (ie own, care for etc) an animal, then you must take that responsibility seriously. Part of it is ensuring that animal is not allowed to damage another person's property by whatever means. Even if whatever the animal is doing is natural to itself, by your taking care of it, you are assuming responsibility for it.

Luke 04 July 2002 05:59 PM

First a horse.. then a mad this!!! These are the top posts for laughter

shunty 04 July 2002 06:01 PM

well I contributed to the last one, so I thought I better had on this one too.....
however we have digressed a little from the original post;)


Bravo2zero_sps 04 July 2002 06:04 PM


my comment about harming vermin was meant to allow for the humane killing of say a load of rats living say for example at the bottom of ones garden where the risk of disease from the aforementioned rodents would be high. I do not condone cruelty to vermin either, merely vermin are vermin because they carry disease and multiply rapidly and should be controlled humanely to reduce the risk of harm to humans.

Not, from what it seems u were suggesting, do I think its ok to hurt/be cruel to animals if they are classified as vermin

shunty 04 July 2002 06:04 PM

remember - what would life be like without opinons. We would all be driving round in fords;):D:D


jasey 04 July 2002 06:04 PM

What about seagulls - would borrow GTR's air rifle but the pellets would just bounce off your average Aberdeen $hithawk. And these cnuts do real damage to cars (Cr@pping all over them and attacking them) - much more damage than your average pussy can inflict ;)

gtr_man 04 July 2002 06:05 PM

Yes - ************** - that was a well thought out response!

Unlike you shunty - you gave a very convincing intellectual argument. Tell me, do your cats out-wit you on a regular basis?

shunty 04 July 2002 06:06 PM

Jasey - seagulls don't count as they don't have personalties;)
although they can sh1t for england


shunty 04 July 2002 06:10 PM

gtr man - your response about shooting cats is not exactly intellectual is it.??
I normally find those who would inflict harm to domestic animals & bragg about it are normally gutless people or are just stoopid.....lets hope you don't fall into either category.


jasey 04 July 2002 06:11 PM

No personality agree - but they've got plenty attitude up here :D

If your average "Hard Man" is looking for a better companion than a pit bull he should consider attempting to train an Aberdeen $hithawk - he'd get my respect :eek:

shunty 04 July 2002 06:12 PM

jasey - :D:D


gtr_man 04 July 2002 06:17 PM

************** - I've talked about shooting a neighbours cat. Wow! blow me down. It's not a criminal offence. Remember that's all I've done - talked about it!

Little Miss WRX 04 July 2002 06:24 PM

You know what, whilst I have been sitting here, reading these posts, I have had a fecking blue bottle flying around buzzing away [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Now they are annoying little feckers [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


shunty 04 July 2002 06:29 PM

so are we agreed now then - cats & dogs you CANT shoot
seagulls & blue-bottles you CAN shoot:D:D
gotta go now anyway


dsmith 04 July 2002 06:31 PM

anyone who can shoot a blue bottle (as in fly - you smartasses) with an air rifle gets my respect !

shunty 04 July 2002 06:31 PM



Little Miss WRX 04 July 2002 06:42 PM

I have an air pistol, will that count? ;)

shunty 04 July 2002 06:48 PM

youv'e got no chance anyway cos girls can't shoot (or throw)..but that's another story;):D


Little Miss WRX 04 July 2002 06:54 PM

Shunty, I shall count to three and you can run....we'll see how well I can shoot ;)

I used to do target practice down at our field at tin cans with my mum's old air rifle.

Now I just hang outta the bedroom window and shoot cans off the garden table :p ;)

shunty 04 July 2002 07:03 PM



jjones 04 July 2002 08:50 PM

my mate shot a slug with an air rifle once at point blank range. it blew a hole right through it - looked like something out of a cartoon.

cruel? maybe - but not as cruel as pouring salt on the feckers.

Puff The Magic Wagon! 04 July 2002 08:58 PM


Wasn't suggesting for 1 second that you would seek to exterminate vermin in a cruel & vicious way.

I was questioning really the rights of humans to classify an animal as a "vermin" and sanction its destruction or death "legally".

chuckster 05 July 2002 07:06 AM

b20 yes this is the non-scooby related forum, I don't see how that has any bearing on my arguement though, the users of this section are the same as those in the rest of the BBS.
If one of my pets dies, I'll cry on the shoulders of friends, not attempt to garner sympathy from the scoobynet collective - many of whom are major league a-holes hiding behind the computer screens. Most of the inflamtory comments made on posts here would never get uttered in a face to face confrontation, and thats why I find it all so laughable.
PS Scoobynet isn't real life!

jasey 05 July 2002 07:49 AM

Scoobynet isn't real life
You've just signed 14,000 death warrants :(

father_jack 05 July 2002 10:00 AM

A fluffy kitten spotted earlier today:

shunty 05 July 2002 10:55 AM

I'm glad I was at home when I opened that


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