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donny andi 17 September 2015 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11738635)
No. I think we have enough happiness in our lives for not to moan. We are pointing out the inconsistencies here with some evidence, not moaning.

Hello, btw. :)

How's Squirrel doing, Donny? :D

She's excellent thank you :thumb: , not bad to say I don't like cats :lol1:

ALi-B 18 September 2015 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Turbohot (Post 11738618)
Once again, I don't buy this stubborn attitude with " RTM if bothered" when moderation has a time to read and post on other threads. Once again, a thread titled as Grand Mosque- Saudi. Not good not being scanned by any moderator or the admin (even after sending him a pm about it) is appalling. Silence on matters like that can speak thousand words.

By the way, I don't like putting up pms for public knowledge, against my own rules. But as this one was just a 'one way wonder' and it's written by me to someone, I might as well stick it here.

Here we go. Sent on 13th Sept. @ 13:44 pm:

Now feel free to lock/delete this thread, as it usually happens. Anyone makes a valid point against the action (or the non-action, in this case), lock/delete their expression. But let the irrationals spit out their racial hatred all over, and give a blind eye to it. :)

Right, you sent out your concerns to Stu and it wasn't acted on, it is what it is, that's for him to answer. There is no need to make public that PM, but if it was a issue that moderators could act on then send it to us...thats what RTM does. I have email box there for even pops up on my mobile phone. Now that doesn't mean I'll get up at 3:00am and act upon it, but its there for me to read none the less when I do sit down at a computer and have a look - I don't moderate via smartphone, as its a pain in arse on a 3" screen and a foobared battery.

Anyhoo, the Mosque title..honestly it never even occured to me that the title would pose an issue that would require it looking into, as I said I never clicked into that thread. Now considering I'm usually a very cynical person at the best of times in the real world, I'm taken aback that I have not only missed this but now I have to specifically scan every thread title with the cynical intent that it is an invite for hatred, abuse or otherwise. Maybe I'm more nieve than I thought I was.

The Shelly thread caught my attention, not because of the title or I thought it'd be trouble, but I wondered moreso how a thread got to 9 pages so quickly, and even then I had to leave it in the evening in order to go to bed (not helped by my slow reading abilities) and read the rest and made the decision over breakfast the next morning.

I hope this kind of explains how this has come about; The title doesn't really mean much to me, indeed I only came across this thread as I "KNEW" that my action on the Shelly thread would cause a complaint by someone somewhere (as usualy these types of threads aren't in the correct place except for when I move it to where it should be...Policy) so I did a thread title search for "moderators" and "mods"...and here I am. It just happens to be at the top of NSR, but even then Lisa still beat me to it and I had no idea it'd be because I missed a unreported Mosque thread, who'd have thought it!? :freak3:

The only thing I can take away from this is that next time I scan a section, I have to think in advance that does the title act as a invitation for those that are going to cause problems. I think I'm going to need more paracetamol.......and growth hormones for Mini-Me.

Lisawrx 18 September 2015 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Blue by You (Post 11738466)
Lisa and Ali thanks for taking the trouble to reply.
It does seem unfortunate that the thread that history plainly indicates as being the most likely to degenerate into racism and insult, with a clue ('mosque') in the tile I might add, was completely ignored by all the moderators, not just the two who, to their credit, are probably the most vigilant. Whereas the more general one with more forum relevance in its content was promptly moderated as requested.
This is what I meannt by a lack of consistency

I totally see where you are coming from, and like I say, apologies for not having looked at it. Again, as said, I've spent limited time on here over the last few days, and as there was another reported problem I spent a little time trying to help with during my short bursts, I just didn't then spend the rest of my time really doing an awful lot of further, more in depth browsing. Not an excuse perhaps, but the reality of it.

It's not to say I hadn't seen the thread title, but the fact no RTMs had come through, and it hadn't gone on for a huge amount of pages, and given the actual event, perhaps wrongly as it turns out, it didn't grab me in the sense of needing to go and look. Usually on here, if a thread is problematic or an argument is kicking off, it's quickly into several pages, not just a couple.

Just to quickly respond to TH regarding Stu. I obviously can't speak for him, but I am aware he's recently been on holiday, so perhaps your PM has been missed amongst all his catching up, here, other forums, work, home etc.

mrtheedge2u2 18 September 2015 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by bustaMOVEs (Post 11738691)
I ignore most of the threads as they all end up same, so I don't wish to waste my time or get angry by certain posters.
I come home to chill and read the good stuff I like, not a load of drivel and folk being petty acting on who's more clever, smarter, wiser, cockiest, toughest, trolliest and so on.
I'll only click on a thread if it suits me otherwise I'm wasting my evening.

Smartest thing said in a long time.

ALi-B 18 September 2015 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by mrtheedge2u2 (Post 11738808)
Smartest thing said in a long time.

+1 Although I dare say that some people appear to enjoy getting wound up in some threads.

jameswrx 18 September 2015 07:58 AM

Must admit I was a bit surprised the thread was locked.

It's like someone coming and ripping out the last chapter of a book you're reading!

There were plenty of unanswered questions and I think locking it has actually done more harm to the company than good. It has been left with no potential future or current customers of the company knowing if they should take their car there. If I was in two minds, I'd like to have known the outcome..

I think maybe it was locked a day or two early, should have at least awaited a reply with the disciplinary action taken and the final thoughts of the OP.

At the moment the thread is in full 'fu&k taking my car there mode'.

Blue by You 18 September 2015 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by jameswrx (Post 11738817)
Must admit I was a bit surprised the thread was locked.

It's like someone coming and ripping out the last chapter of a book you're reading!

There were plenty of unanswered questions and I think locking it has actually done more harm to the company than good. It has been left with no potential future or current customers of the company knowing if they should take their car there. If I was in two minds, I'd like to have known the outcome..

I think maybe it was locked a day or two early, should have at least awaited a reply with the disciplinary action taken and the final thoughts of the OP.

At the moment the thread is in full 'fu&k taking my car there mode'.

To be fair to Ali, although he has closed the thread he has left the proviso to reopen it if further information becomes available.
It just seems a shame that the thread appears to have been 'censored' because a business was involved.
The question now raised by that course of action is are we now to assume that any posts about adverse experiences with professional bodies will now be subject to veto by the company concerned if they choose to sign up and complain?
I don't see this kind of censorship happening on the TV with programmes like Watchdog and Don't get Done, etc. Can you imagine a dodgy buider telling the BBC they can't discuss a complaint made against him? ;)
Surely the dissemination of this kind of information for the benefit of the wider good is part of what this kind of forum exists for. You will always get the 'lunatic fringe' comments but they can be weeded out.

SwissTony 18 September 2015 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by jameswrx (Post 11738817)
It's like someone coming and ripping out the last chapter of a book you're reading!

Its not as bad as going on holiday with a nice book and then because it is so hot the glue on the binding melts and the first couple of chapters fall out. You then leave the book at the hotel for some other poor sod to come by and try and work out WTF is going on :lol:

BTW the mods do a sterling job on here , sure some are complete bell-ends (not mentioning anyone in particular ;) ) and I think there are enough :thumb:

hodgy0_2 18 September 2015 12:32 PM

personally I don't agree with deleting threads or posts

except under extreme circumstances - even then a place holder/stub post should be left in its place


"post deleted to racist comment"

"post deleted due to threat"

and off course

"post deleted due to poor spelling and grammar"

Turbohot 18 September 2015 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 11738784)
Right, you sent out your concerns to Stu and it wasn't acted on, it is what it is, that's for him to answer.

That's correct. I never asked you to answer it. Instead, I was answering your question that you raised in your #17.

Your 'It is what it is' is defensive and bears child-like irrational authority. Please, keep it adult here on this issue. Again, 'what it was' was realised without your assistance, thanks. You needn't patronise. You're not dealing with some unreasonable force here, so there's no need to use such disciplining language. A valid obesrvation has been made, taken further and being discused here, and righty so.

There is no need to make public that PM,
My PM was made public to enlighten mainly you, upon your inquisity displayed in your #17, and of course, others. It was a one-way effort, no interaction was exposed because there wasn't one, so going against my own personal ethics didn't feel like any violation of any moral code I set for myself. I have now edited my post on my own accord.

but if it was a issue that moderators could act on then send it to us...thats what RTM does. I have email box there for even pops up on my mobile phone. Now that doesn't mean I'll get up at 3:00am and act upon it, but its there for me to read none the less when I do sit down at a computer and have a look - I don't moderate via smartphone, as its a pain in arse on a 3" screen and a foobared battery.
Again, why this defensive and patronising 'That's what RTM does...' language? Please don't dramatise the matter by constructing bizarre extremes. No one is expecting you to wake up at silly 3 pm and hoover up this place with your virtual Dyson. Please communicate like an adult on this issue with some due respect, and take the challenge on your chin. I've already made points in relation to the proactive moderation and RTM-ing etc. in my previous posts. Please feel free to read those posts again.

Anyhoo, the Mosque title..honestly it never even occured to me that the title would pose an issue that would require it looking into, as I said I never clicked into that thread. Now considering I'm usually a very cynical person at the best of times in the real world, I'm taken aback that I have not only missed this but now I have to specifically scan every thread title with the cynical intent that it is an invite for hatred, abuse or otherwise. Maybe I'm more nieve than I thought I was.

The Shelly thread caught my attention, not because of the title or I thought it'd be trouble, but I wondered moreso how a thread got to 9 pages so quickly, and even then I had to leave it in the evening in order to go to bed (not helped by my slow reading abilities) and read the rest and made the decision over breakfast the next morning.

I hope this kind of explains how this has come about; The title doesn't really mean much to me, indeed I only came across this thread as I "KNEW" that my action on the Shelly thread would cause a complaint by someone somewhere (as usualy these types of threads aren't in the correct place except for when I move it to where it should be...Policy) so I did a thread title search for "moderators" and "mods"...and here I am. It just happens to be at the top of NSR, but even then Lisa still beat me to it and I had no idea it'd be because I missed a unreported Mosque thread, who'd have thought it!? :freak3:
Come on, Al. Even a newbie here would be alarmed with a thread title bearing any word that relates to either Islam and/or foreighners. In addition, no one is asking just you and Lisa to be super-attentive and ultra vigilant. This place has a team of mods, some of them being quite mindful. Each and everyone of the mods should be able to keep an eye on a thread with an alarming title/nature, it's not a rocket science. I think DJ Dunk is a guy with pretty reasonable mindset. I've always experienced in past that Puff the Magic Wagon had a very good grip on diversity issues. You all have a collective responsibility to keep some consistency and fairness in this place, so this 'inconsistency in moderation' issue isn't just exclusively about you.

The only thing I can take away from this is that next time I scan a section, I have to think in advance that does the title act as a invitation for those that are going to cause problems. I think I'm going to need more paracetamol.......and growth hormones for Mini-Me.
Hope you're feeling better now.

Have a good day.

Just seen Lisa's mindful response in #33. It is contrary to yours; with a balanced and an understanding tone.

Lisa, many thanks for informing that the Admin was on holiday. I've heard back from him, now. Thanks, again. :)

Turbohot 18 September 2015 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11738900)
personally I don't agree with deleting threads or posts

except under extreme circumstances - even then a place holder/stub post should be left in its place


"post deleted to racist comment"

"post deleted due to threat"

and off course

"post deleted due to poor spelling and grammar"

Yes, that way, the creators and posters of such unsavoury material remain exposed to the readers. But as vaping and banning have been long used traditional methods for dealing with such material/material churners here, that's better than doing nothing at all about them imo.

LOL @ "post deleted due to poor spelling and grammar" :D

ALi-B 18 September 2015 01:29 PM

COB, TH. Will you please stop riping apart my posts in this cynical fashion. Quite frankly you've upset me with this; I anwsered honestly as what I thought was polite. If it wasn't, sorry, it wasn't meant to anything other than a explaination of what goes on here at SN. It wasn't a dig at anyone, it wasn't an attempt at being patronising, I'm not intentionally trying to use disaplinary language, I'm not attempting to dramatise it either.

It is what it is; I cannot give anwsers for other people's actions or inactions, thats all it I mean; This phrase or idiom is a sign of apathy, in that the moderators were limited in what they could do in respect that the message wasn't passed on. I meant nothing else by it, so sorry again.

I'm sorry if you don't belive me and think I am being like this intentionally. I'm also sorry that I (or we) appear to repeatedly fall below your standards and expectations.

Have a nice weekend.

Turbohot 18 September 2015 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 11738920)
COB, TH. Will you please stop riping apart my posts in this cynical fashion. Quite frankly you've upset me with this; I anwsered honestly as what I thought was polite. If it wasn't, sorry, it wasn't meant to anything other than a explaination of what goes on here at SN. It wasn't a dig at anyone, it wasn't an attempt at being patronising, I'm not intentionally trying to use disaplinary language, I'm not attempting to dramatise it either.

It is what it is; I cannot give anwsers for other people's actions or inactions, thats all it I mean; This phrase or idiom is a sign of apathy, in that the moderators were limited in what they could do in respect that the message wasn't passed on. I meant nothing else by it, so sorry again.

I'm sorry if you don't belive me and think I am being like this intentionally. I'm also sorry that I (or we) appear to repeatedly fall below your standards and expectations.

Have a nice weekend.

Hey, Al. You well know that I know you on here for so many years, and how much I admire you for being so funny and playful. I value our interaction very much, and I would never want that to cease. I wouldn't want to upset you ever, if I don't have to. I stated some things, and I deeply regret if they have upset you so much. I'm really sorry.

I wouldn't ever want to fall out with anyone, and definitely not you, because you make everyone giggle so much, thus make them happy. Top man and all that. :thumb:

Come on, let's put it all behind us and move on. I've had my response from the Admin, and I am satisfied with that.

You are what you are, it is what it is and what you are is cool, man! Never you forget that. :thumb: :)

Once again, I'm really sorry, Al.

Shellyaj 29 September 2015 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by jameswrx (Post 11738817)
Must admit I was a bit surprised the thread was locked.

It's like someone coming and ripping out the last chapter of a book you're reading!

There were plenty of unanswered questions and I think locking it has actually done more harm to the company than good. It has been left with no potential future or current customers of the company knowing if they should take their car there. If I was in two minds, I'd like to have known the outcome..

I think maybe it was locked a day or two early, should have at least awaited a reply with the disciplinary action taken and the final thoughts of the OP.

At the moment the thread is in full 'fu&k taking my car there mode'.

Hi fella,

Cheers for the comments. I think the moderators did the right thing, I was certainly not going to defend myself anymore on there because the scoobynet was being lied to. Dead pan. With proof. Repeatedly. I am not one to cry foul (in particular when someone in my company so clearly was in the wrong) but I had enough of defending myself from what was not said (in particular the many comments from the OP himself).

Also, while the investigation has been concluded I cannot unfortunatly discuss anything to do with the result (yay for the UK HR Laws) but it has been dealt with and we are looking to placing steps (as were suggested on here) to ensure it doesnt happen again.

Be that as it may, i repeatedly put my personal details up on the SN to allow anyone to contact. i think that if you want to go to a Subaru main dealer I personally would chose the one that has the Owner saying "if you have any issues, call or come and see me"...

Anyway, hope all is well... Best of luck out there!!!

Blue by You 29 September 2015 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by Shellyaj (Post 11743076)
Hi fella,

Cheers for the comments. I think the moderators did the right thing, I was certainly not going to defend myself anymore on there because the scoobynet was being lied to. Dead pan. With proof. Repeatedly. I am not one to cry foul (in particular when someone in my company so clearly was in the wrong) but I had enough of defending myself from what was not said (in particular the many comments from the OP himself).

Also, while the investigation has been concluded I cannot unfortunatly discuss anything to do with the result (yay for the UK HR Laws) but it has been dealt with and we are looking to placing steps (as were suggested on here) to ensure it doesnt happen again.

Be that as it may, i repeatedly put my personal details up on the SN to allow anyone to contact. i think that if you want to go to a Subaru main dealer I personally would chose the one that has the Owner saying "if you have any issues, call or come and see me"...

Anyway, hope all is well... Best of luck out there!!!

Whilst it is always good to have a professional commenting on possible issues that concern their company this thread wasn't started as some obscure way to re-open the debate from the thread that raised questions about the service offered by Shelly Motors.

I think it's a bit rich that you appear satisfied that the thread concerned with your company was closed at your request, and yet take this opportunity to have your say on the matter when Ali-B plainly stated that if there was anything more to be said on that thread he would re-open it (presumably at your request).

RS_Matt 29 September 2015 07:28 PM

I see the racist Fat thomas is back and getting away with trolling once more.

Shellyaj 30 September 2015 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by Blue by You (Post 11743086)
Whilst it is always good to have a professional commenting on possible issues that concern their company this thread wasn't started as some obscure way to re-open the debate from the thread that raised questions about the service offered by Shelly Motors.

I think it's a bit rich that you appear satisfied that the thread concerned with your company was closed at your request, and yet take this opportunity to have your say on the matter when Ali-B plainly stated that if there was anything more to be said on that thread he would re-open it (presumably at your request).

Ahh, a true conspiaracy theorist...

For the record:

I didn't and never would ask for anything to be stopped or taken down. In fact I have repeatedly stated that this was a good forum as long as people were being honest. Which was not the case in that thread. In fact, while I thanked Ali for stoping the thread I have requested (even though it is based off more than a few "half truths") that it should remain up. If your theory was correct, I would have asked to have it removed, which I did not.

Ali has done nothing at my request (sorry to disapoint), and nor would I ever coerce someone into doing something against their conscience in any way. In fact, even when I repeatedly caught peoole in dishonest posting I have never requested anything be taken down.

Appear a bit rich? Sorry to disapoint you fella, none of what transpired, be it the actions of an employee, some of the comments, lies or the actions of Ali are really in a positive light in my opinion. Becasue of the actions of a few, an honest exchange of information and ideas was lost. Ali and the rest of the Mods were (again in my opinion) only defending us from ourselves...

Blue by You 30 September 2015 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Shellyaj (Post 11743402)
Ahh, a true conspiaracy theorist...

Laughable :lol:

Originally Posted by Shellyaj (Post 11743402)
For the record:
I didn't and never would ask for anything to be stopped or taken down.

Fair comment. That's my mistake and I apologise.

As for the rest of what I said I stand by it, especially the bit about welcoming comments by professionals involved in such threads.
This thread was not an attempt to circumvent SN's moderation of the 'Joy Ride) thread, but 'nuff said on the matter as it really wasn't my intention to perpetuate the negative manner in which your business has been portrayed.

For the record, I completely agree with your policy of non disclosure of your chosen course of action against the errant employee. You would open a fairly large can of worms if your employees thought they were going to be held to public account for any transgression they may commit in the course of their daily duties, we all make mistakes. Acknowledging the problem and committing to deal with it is sufficient in my book.

Shellyaj 30 September 2015 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by Blue by You (Post 11743446)
Laughable :lol:

Fair comment. That's my mistake and I apologise.

As for the rest of what I said I stand by it, especially the bit about welcoming comments by professionals involved in such threads.
This thread was not an attempt to circumvent SN's moderation of the 'Joy Ride) thread, but 'nuff said on the matter as it really wasn't my intention to perpetuate the negative manner in which your business has been portrayed.

For the record, I completely agree with your policy of non disclosure of your chosen course of action against the errant employee. You would open a fairly large can of worms if your employees thought they were going to be held to public account for any transgression they may commit in the course of their daily duties, we all make mistakes. Acknowledging the problem and committing to deal with it is sufficient in my book.

Thanks for the appology. As I mentioned there was nothing in the closing of the thread that came from me and it is assumptions like that which (if you read the previous thread about my company) in the end were ones that I couldn't stomach. People making broad brush statements and commenting to inflame does no one any good. I personlaly like to think that there were a lot of people out there that (when I joined and offered no excuse, no defence and an open apology) appreciated it so in fact I am not sure it was bad against me or my company.

Actions of one person should never be the measure of a single group. Thats bigotry and I don't agree with it. I would no more assume that all ScoobyNet bloggers are liars because of a select few. Fact is that I roundly criticised the treatment of the car while in my care, instataneously condemned the actions of the individual and began an investigation. If i were a betting man i would hazzard as to how many times people on ScoobyNet have seen that happen? Or how many times the owner has placed an open contact on the intertnet for that matter?

As I said, you can take your car anyware and get it fixed by anyone. we are in a competitive market and I hope that those out there who want personal attention from the owner of a Subaru Main Retailer do see the post, understand that I take all things seriously and come to use my facility.

Again, cheers for the input, I do apreciate it.

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