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Phil 12 October 2009 10:15 AM


You were obviously not paying attention at the driver briefings were you!!!

Answers on a post card what was Shaun doing SO WRONG?

Shaun 12 October 2009 10:53 AM

Thanks..... get your backside over to Snetterton. I think you would enjoy it! :)

Please enlighten me! :) As I am only novice and still learning. ;)

Phil 12 October 2009 11:01 AM



Ok we appreciate you can't stop a sneeky stop watch or even using a video as you have
but should marshalls see your video and post with the time. You stand a good chance of being refused at future events at that circuit

Track Days are for enjoyment

Testing Days are for Timing

Guess which are more expensive ;o)

Nice lap by the way ;)

Shaun 12 October 2009 11:31 AM

Behave and stop being so anal!! :p :D It was only after watching the video at home to put something up on YouTube that I "noticed" what the timeline was saying!

You ever thought of being a Traffic Warden! :D

Phil 12 October 2009 11:45 AM


Traffic Warden I wish ;)

Shaun 12 October 2009 09:41 PM

October 2009 - Redline Magazine PhotoShoot
It was quite a busy week last week, which finished off with a photoshoot by Redline Magazine.

I had spoken to the editor on the Monday and he was very eager to get a photoshoot completed and article written in readiness for the next deadline. I was quite surprised by the speed that Redline wished to proceed with the article, after first making them aware of the car on Monday. From what Davy (Editor) said, it was exactly the type of car they are looking for nowadays, being more of a road car than a balls out track car. The fact that it had recently started to show it's true potential against such track cars, made it a very interesting article. :) I have had several articles published on the car before and they have always taken a certain amount of time to organise and for the feature to be published. Having the whole thing take place so quickly was quite refreshing.

For anyone that has not been through this "event" before, it can take quite some time on the day. Unfortunately it is not just a couple of snaps and a quick chat. Previous photoshoots I have taken part in have taken most of the day....... you do tend to get a bit bored after a bit. After speaking to Davy he suggested it would start at 10am and probably finish at 4pm, so no surprise there then.

I remember Libby saying to me "Are you going to write a load of notes down, so you know what to say about the history etc?". I said "You're joking right?! I can say all that off the top of my head...... I have written enough about it". :D

A writer and "snapper" was organised and we met on Saturday. I suggested MacDonalds as the meeting place...... once a chav, always a chav. :D

As previously stated, I had spent a good few hours on the Friday making sure the car was spotless...... christ I HATE cleaning cars! :D I even had to polish the flaming thing! :cry:

I arrived at Maccy D's for 10am and had some chap come over to me.... he introduced himself as Andy from Redline, who was to be the writer. Andy explained that the "Snapper" (Mike) would be along shortly and asked me whether or not I knew any suitable places to use for the shoot. As soon as Mike appeared we had brief introductions and Mike suggested he went off and had a look for possible locations. After I suggested were the local trading estates were he shot off. In the meantime Andy and I had a bit of a chat about the car and myself, so he could get some background information.... at this stage he kept the notepad in his pocket, so we had quite an interesting dialogue. ;)

Within about 10mins Andy had a call from Mike and via Andy, Mike asked me if I knew where such and such a place was. We then left to find Mike. :)

Whilst I knew where this specific road was I had never been down there. I was quite surprised when I was confronted with some normal factory units and what looked like a water tower (of sorts). I immediately thought that would look great as a backdrop.... no doubt that is why Mike chose it.

So..... off we set with the photoshoot. Mike asked me to place the car in several different positions, whilst he set his gear up and did "his thing". In the meantime Andy got his notepad out and I started the "speech", detailing what had happened over the previous few years for context and then in detail what had happened over the past 12 months.

Andy was genuinely interested and amazed at how the car had changed from track to road bias and how the car had performed at recent events, against the very same type of car that the Spec C had previously moved it's direction from. He said the article should read very well and he understood why the Editor was eager to get this one published. :) Andy was very interested in the fact that the car had such "creature comforts" as a ICE system installed..... he made sure that Mike took a couple of pictures of the subs under the seats! :D

Half way through the shoot Mike showed us the images he had taken. I have got to be honest and say I thought the "moody" shots of the car looked amazing and were the best images I have ever seen of this car at a photoshoot. What some of these pro "snapper" guys can do, with remote flashes and lenses is truly unbelievable.

After Mike had finished taking loads of static shots and I had finished spilling out my life story (again!), Mike said he wanted to do some action shots. He had already seen an island that he wanted to use, so off I went with him to do the action shots.

The time went really quickly and Mike was very very pleased with the images taken. He did say that white cars are normally difficult to capture right, because you tend to lose definition..... fortunately everything came out better than he had expected. :)

The aim is to get the feature in Novembers edition of Redline!

I certainly hope it all comes out and across OK.... I am sure it will! :)

Here are a few images I took...... don't worry, Mike's pictures were 1000000 times better! :D

I was also informed today that one of the supplying product manufacturers (from their UK Distributor) is interested in using images of the Spec C in their advertising literature, which would be quite cool if that comes to fruition.... will need to get some further decals on the car first though. :)

Well, with the shoot over with it was time to start looking forward to November. I have a nice long road trip in mind, with some track action thrown in for good measure. Nothing is needed to be done to the car, other than a good once over and the obligatory post trackday oil change.

Not many weeks to go now! :)

Shaun 24 October 2009 05:01 PM

November 2009
Well... I haven't used the car for a couple of weeks, but it was time to get some basic servicing out of the way since the last event at Snetterton.

It may appear that oil is being changed more often than the car spends time on the road, but as I have previously pointed out, I certainly don't like stretching how long oil can last and especially after completing 50 laps of Snetterton.

Talking of oil......

When I left Snetterton I double checked my oil levels, which were reading about 6mm's under F. Since setting off for Snetterton (110+miles) and completing 50+ laps, I had used about 300ml's. This was to be expected and was obviously checked after each session on track. Anyway, with the oil reading as it was when I left I knew the levels were fine. As soon as I got back home the day after, I immediately unloaded the car and had to give it a full valet, as the Redline photoshoot was the following day. Now the car had obviously stood still for a few hours on the drive and the oil had cooled down. My drive also has a slight slant on it, leaning away from the dipstick side. For obvious reasons I never check the oil on the drive because of this and only check it when the car is in the garage on a total level.

After pulling the car in the garage I double checked the oil level. I was quite dismayed when it read "just" on L. I thought "Where the hell has the oil gone!!!". Of course, I immediately thought something like a cracked ring!! I mean, the car had only done circa 110miles road miles since I checked it the previous day! Anyway, I then put in 500mls which should of taken it half way up the dipstick in theory. I did that and it certainly did take the level up that much immediately.

I have changed oils recently and now use a slightly thicker 15w as opposed to previously using 10w. I did start to wonder if the level showing was because the oil was thicker, the car had been stood on a slope and not everything had been drained back to the sump. So I decided to warm the oil up, whilst the car was in the garage. I got the oil to 80degs and checked the level again. It had now shot up to just under F!!! I know these subaru's are notorious for getting stable oil level readings, but this just seemed crazy.

I checked it again this morning (after the car had been standing for a couple of weeks) before setting off for Tracktive and again it was just under F. So.... that was 500ml of oil I wasted then, considering it was all about to be changed!!! :D

The Spec C is just coming up to 40k miles, so at the same time as having the oil changed I also decided to have the diff oil renewed. These diffs have quite a hard life, especially on a handling circuit and even more so when you are launching the car. Again, better to be safe then sorry as I normally change the diff oils every 10k miles, so this was certainly due.

With the engine and diff oils changed, the car was given a once over by Tracktive. Everything was fine.

Whilst I was up at Tracktive I wanted to sort a rubbing problem I have on the Turbosmart re-circulating dumpvalve. Since my manifold has been raised by means of manifold spacers, the extra height on the manifold causes the dumpvalve to catch and rub on underneath of the bonnet. It has gone straight through the heat guard, even though I tried attacking the underneath of the bonnet with a hammer last year!! :D Whilst this is not a major thing, it just annoys the hell out of me as it has started to wear the alloy down on the leading edge of the dumpvalve.

You can see the edge being worn here...

Tracktive had recently put some heat shrink around the dumpvalve, but unfortunately this was never going to stop the rub through, as it was not thick enough.

I had brought some silicon hose with me from home, which was actually off my old RS500. For starters it was blue and secondly it was very big in diameter. Still, I thought we could slice it and cut out whatever we didn't need. Richard had a look in the workshop and firstly found some black silicon hose, but also some that was smaller in diameter. Unfortunately it would never fit snuggly on, so he just cut it down the middle. Wrapped it round and zip tied it on! :)

That should take a bit longer to wear through!!

After some minor servicing and a quick tidy up the car was primed again for it's next jaunt. ;)

I had some other good news last week as I was informed that one of the Spec C's performance parts sponsor, is going to use images of the car in their National ad campaigns, brochures and website etc. That's quite cool. :)

I also spoke to an ICE installers last weekend and I am thinking of getting a properly sorted system installed. I have the headunit etc, but need some decent amps and proper speakers. Unfortunately this will mean I will have to add more weight to the car, what with amps and dynomat...... but it should make it even more interesting then for next years events! :cry: Most people are making their cars lighter.... I'm making it heavier! :D The sound system is pretty crap at the moment to be honest and the subs don't really give a good quality sound. It all needs ripping out and re-doing.

Apart from enchancing the "shopping ability" of the car ;) , I still have some serious decisions to make on the power side of things. That is for another day though as I have another project that has just kicked off, which will be taking up a lot of my time between now and April. ;) It will also give me the ability to compare how my current engine performs against another build and turbo set-up. :)

johnfelstead 24 October 2009 10:52 PM

The oil level should be set with the engine cold Shaun, it should be set to the F level. There is a notch in the side of the dipstick above the F hole, that is where the oil level should be when the oil is hot.

MartynJ 25 October 2009 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by johnfelstead (Post 9016188)
The oil level should be set with the engine cold Shaun, it should be set to the F level. There is a notch in the side of the dipstick above the F hole, that is where the oil level should be when the oil is hot.

AFAIK the knotch in the dipstick is a fill including oil filter indicator John for carrying out oil and filter changes. Fill to the knotch, fire up and allow to circulate and settle, recheck level and it should be on the F mark.

johnfelstead 25 October 2009 12:33 PM

No, it's not for that at all. You should be manually filling the filter before you fit it too.

From the workshop manual

1) Park the vehicle on a level surface.
2) Remove the oil level gauge and wipe it clean.
3) Reinsert the level gauge all the way. Be sure that
the level gauge is correctly inserted and in the
proper orientation.
4) Remove it again and note the reading. If the engine
oil level is below the “L” line, add oil to bring
the level up to the “F” line.
5) After turning off the engine, wait a few minutes
for the oil to drain back into oil pan before checking
the level.
6) Just after driving or while the engine is warm, engine
oil level may show in the range between the
“F” line and the notch mark. This is caused by thermal
expansion of the engine oil.

7) To prevent overfilling the engine oil, do not add
oil above the “F” line when the engine is cold.

Shaun 26 October 2009 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by johnfelstead (Post 9016188)
The oil level should be set with the engine cold Shaun, it should be set to the F level. There is a notch in the side of the dipstick above the F hole, that is where the oil level should be when the oil is hot.

Yeah.... I already appreciated that John. Just thought it very strange initially, that nearly 500ml's vanished and then reappeared! :D

johnfelstead 26 October 2009 11:17 AM

operator error. :D

rickya 27 October 2009 11:38 AM

Good news mate :)

ps me & you have a lot in common: we both have Litcho's Spec C's & both have verbal/writing diarrhea!!!!!!
I think you must be the only person on Scoobynet to have longer write ups than me!!!!!! :D

Shaun 27 October 2009 01:49 PM

Nothing to do with that and everything to it being Jap Crap! :D

Speak for yourself regarding the diarrhea!!! :cry:

evonorth 27 October 2009 06:52 PM

Do you keep a diary for everytime you go for a dump:thumb::D

Shaun 27 October 2009 07:33 PM

Yes.... but it's the only thing I have not signed up to publish as part any Sponsorship deal! :D :D

Since no one get's anything for nothing nowadays, do you want to throw me some cash and I can get you as the lead sponsor for my dump log! :D

evonorth 27 October 2009 08:32 PM

Nice 1:notworthy:D

Shaun 17 November 2009 02:26 PM

The article is now in the latest edition of Redline Magazine. :)

Nice 6 page article, minus a couple of editoral errors and some photoshopping of the ScoobySprint decals. :confused:

evonorth 17 November 2009 04:32 PM

Will take alook my friend
Get yourself on the cadwell trackday 19th dec

Shaun 17 November 2009 04:59 PM

Who is that through as it's not on MSV's website?

evonorth 17 November 2009 05:58 PM

Here you go mate > online booking for Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Oulton Park, Spa and many more

Shaun 18 November 2009 08:33 PM

November 2009 - Dyno Dynamics Comparison Run
Don't laugh..... I'm not going down the dyno queening route again! :D

Since seeing a few other turbos on ScoobyNet recently that have achieved good results, I thought it would be an idea to do one last comparison run of the current set-up...... but this time on a Dyno Dynamics RR. This made sense as this dyno set-up is the most commonly used and would be a better comparison against the other more recent runs by others.

I have two local locations to me, which would be between Area52 and ScoobyClinic. Both were more than happy to run the car but since I had not seen Area52's new premises, together with the fact that they are closer, I decided to go to Area52. I was actually going to drive to ScoobyClinic straight after and try their's as well, but unfortunately I would of run out of time. Next time Kev! :D

I arrived at Area52 late morning.

Mike put the kettle on and showed me around the new workshop, which I hasten to add is still in the development phase! :D But as you can see, they are pretty busy with customer cars, so I suspect the "finishing off" of the workshop has to take a back seat.

Anyway, after a lenthy chat with Mike and Jase about "life", Jase got the Spec C on their Dyno Dynamics RR. Something else that needs to be finished is their dyno cell, but as you can see, the main enclosure is complete and looks a very impressive structure.

Their Dyno Dynamics Rolling Road uses the latest version of the DD software (Jase said it was updated again only a couple of weeks ago), as you will see a slight difference in graphing layout against a few other DD printouts you see on here.

I think it is worth saying that prior to the final of ScoobySprint (but after Round 4), Richard Bulmer (Tracktive) had reduced the boost slightly at my request. Nothing untoward, but I just wanted to be a bit more conservative on the boost side. With this in mind and the fact that the car was being run on a Dyno Dynamics RR (which I have found in the past to be a tad conservative on bhp readings), I was slightly negative on what the results would be. Jase also said that they have found that their DD rolling road tends to give lower figures than some other DD RR's. With the reduced boost and hearing that from Jase, I was thinking anything over 500bhp would be good! lol At the end of the day it was irrelevant, as this IS the spec it was running for the ScoobySprint Championship Final (which it won), albeit in the low boost setting.

After ensuring the Spec C was strapped down, Jase completed three power runs on high boost. I need not of worried as the three runs came in at 527, 528 & 529bhp! :) For an average comparison I took the middle 528bhp run as the one.

One thing that was a bit weird about the runs, was the fact that the curves were not very smooth and the boost was a bit lazy. It did what it did and it does look like boost was fluctuating on the dyno, which follows the power and torque curve shape. I will have to get the boost control double checked by Richard, as it appears something has gone for a burton recently. It is very strange though, as it does not appear to do this on the road as the spool is quick and power very smooth. :confused:

Here are the graphs:
Power / Torque (528.4bhp / 537lbft)



Charge Temp at throttle body shows how good the Hyperflow FMIC really is! ;)

All things considered the car put down good 500+bhp figures once again. Boost control issue aside, I was pleased with the results and at least it gives another dyno comparison. Again this on plain VPower, with a peak power boost of circa 1.75bar. :)

Many thanks to Area52 for their hospitality. :)

BIG FUD 18 November 2009 08:42 PM

Why not try it on full e85 see what it makes kidda them boost spikes and drops cant feel good ....

Seems very on and off like you stated.

Hammer man 18 November 2009 08:43 PM

Plenty of gee-gees and loads of torque to boot....:notworthy:thumb:

Shaun 18 November 2009 08:59 PM

You don't feel anything on the road, as it's really smooth, so it seems a bit weird. Will get Richard to have a butchers.

Hammer Man,

dynamix 18 November 2009 09:58 PM

Interesting graph Shaun. :thumb:

Are you sure you didn't take your crayons in ? ;)

Shaun 18 November 2009 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by dynamix (Post 9056899)
Are you sure you didn't take your crayons in ? ;)

You have lost me with that?

dynamix 18 November 2009 11:06 PM

The graph looks hand drawn :D

dc911 19 November 2009 11:40 AM

Nice figures Shaun, need to upgrade to one of them turbos!

dynamix 19 November 2009 12:04 PM

what gear was it in Shaun ? - it appears to have been blanked out

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