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kenc 03 March 2015 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11637987)
You obviously dont know much about the history of Cheshire Performance do you?

So hopefully the OP, with more balls than you it seems not going after your £6K, manages to get his deposit back.

Wish him look and support the fight against outfits like Cheshire Performance instead of being a keyboard warrior.

Everything you are basing your opinion on is the reputation of this Business....

The fact is no matter what they have done in the past... Bares no relevance to the OP... They have done nothing wrong on him..

Do you really think that going to court and asking for his deposit back because the "boys on snet" told him to will bare any legal standing?????

People are misleading the OP, I've had a very similar experience with an engine builder that I payed 1k deposit to, then was told he was crap.... But I could not legally get my deposit back because someone told me he was crap.... I cancelled the bankers draft... Only for that I was either going to loose the 1k or have to proceed with build..

I strongly urge the OP to realise that there is 9 pages evidence here of him trying to get out of this and all because people said run a mile....

Get the car Inspected, if it's a good car buy it..

If the shoe was on the other foot and a guy gave you a deposit, then rang you back and said I want my deposit back because I've heard bad reports about you, and have started a thread on Snet go look at it.... Would you not tell them to jog on??
They have done no wrong directly to you.

mestonian 03 March 2015 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by kenc (Post 11638044)
Everything you are basing your opinion on is the reputation of this Business....

The fact is no matter what they have done in the past... Bares no relevance to the OP... They have done nothing wrong on him..

Do you really think that going to court and asking for his deposit back because the "boys on snet" told him to will bare any legal standing?????

People are misleading the OP, I've had a very similar experience with an engine builder that I payed 1k deposit to, then was told he was crap.... But I could not legally get my deposit back because someone told me he was crap.... I cancelled the bankers draft... Only for that I was either going to loose the 1k or have to proceed with build..

I strongly urge the OP to realise that there is 9 pages evidence here of him trying to get out of this and all because people said run a mile....

Get the car Inspected, if it's a good car buy it..

If the shoe was on the other foot and a guy gave you a deposit, then rang you back and said I want my deposit back because I've heard bad reports about you, and have started a thread on Snet go look at it.... Would you not tell them to jog on??
They have done no wrong directly to you.

No, he'd give them it back because he's such a nice honest upstanding fellow. :D

Ken, i wouldn't bother mate, you cant lower yourself to the stupidity of others giving the OP false hope and dud information.

No-one forced him to stick his card in the machine and type his pin code in did they, a mistake? Maybe. Their fault? No.

Some people just think they can back out of anything, on the basis of tinted lights (hilarious) - you'll always get them.

You're also absolutely correct, if this went to small claims a judge would laugh him out the door i'm afraid. Let him spend another chunk of cash going to court to try and get the £500 he willfully handed over back, then he'll be back on here complaining.

Either get the car inspected and if all is OK buy it, otherwise live, learn, chalk it up to experience and move on.

pflowers 03 March 2015 02:29 PM

Posts 271 and 272 sum it up, glad I'm not the only one whose head is on planet earth.


mestonian 03 March 2015 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by pflowers (Post 11638053)
Posts 271 and 272 sum it up, glad I'm not the only one whose head is on planet earth.



The only obligation CP have is morally. We all know that they have little in the way of morals, which rules that out.

In terms of legal obligation? None.

I genuinely do hope by some miracle the OP gets his cash returned, however the chances are slim and those advising him otherwise are clueless.

Maz 03 March 2015 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by pflowers (Post 11638030)
CP may have earned a (deserved or not) bad reputation but in this case they have done nothing wrong.

Ive been in business for almost 25 years and soon realised a fair proportion of the buying public are stupid. Other than a load of hot air being spouted on here, nothing has changed since he viewed, drove and fell in love with the car and subsequently put his card in their machine and a verbal contract was put in place to buy the car

Personally I would give the OP his money back if anything just to try and earn some brownie points, but they don't have to and shouldn't have to.

When I first started working and dealing with customers, my erstwhile boss gave me two sage pieces of advice. One was that by and large the general public is thick and secondly as long as there are stupid people the clever people will never go hungry.
I'm not aiming this at anyone in the thread or at the op. I do agree with the advice I was given and with what you've stated above. Twenty five years later I've realised first hand how right my boss was.

Trinity 03 March 2015 02:48 PM

What a shame the minority don't want to support members against crooks who have stolen from other members.

May as well tell everyone to buy parts from AS World as well.

A sad day for Scoobynet based on the above users, ah well, onwards and upwards, takes all sorts I guess.

Looking forward to the small claims court proceedings OP, things will go well for you I am sure.:thumb:

Maz 03 March 2015 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638062)
What a shame the minority don't want to support members against crooks who have stolen from other members.

May as well tell everyone to buy parts from AS World as well.

A sad day for Scoobynet based on the above users, ah well, onwards and upwards, takes all sorts I guess.

Looking forward to the small claims court proceedings OP, things will go well for you I am sure.:thumb:

I think you're missing the point. I'm sure every member commenting has the utmost sympathy with the op. However you have to be pragmatic and look at the situation on it's relative merits. Under the circumstances the odds are stacked with CP. On this basis I agree that the op should go ahead with the sale post inspection. It's the only option in my opinion.

mestonian 03 March 2015 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638062)
What a shame the minority don't want to support members against crooks who have stolen from other members.

May as well tell everyone to buy parts from AS World as well.

A sad day for Scoobynet based on the above users, ah well, onwards and upwards, takes all sorts I guess.

Looking forward to the small claims court proceedings OP, things will go well for you I am sure.:thumb:

Oh dear.

Right, let me put this in plain English.

1. We DO support the OP.
2. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
3. We DO support the OP.
4. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
5. We DO support the OP.
6. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.

Are we there yet?

What are you going to do when the guy comes back and says he lost in small claims? Are you going to refund his court costs? Are you balls.

Stop spouting off about his legal standing when he has none, it's ridiculous and using the whole "not supporting members" is rubbish. If you come on here in a predicament people will support you to the fullest extent, however that doesnt mean we all have to lie to him and say "Don't worry mate, you did nothing wrong, you're fully entitled to your money back" because he isn't.

It really isn't that difficult is it.

His only two options at this point are to chalk it up to experience or get an independent inspection on the car to put his own mind at ease and proceed as he would have done prior to people giving him doubts. It galls me as much as anyone else how CP operate, but that doesn't mean this car isn't a good example.

He does indeed have a third option which individuals such as you are pushing him to do, in going the small claims court route, which he will lose and incur more costs. I can't wait to see what pearl of wisdom you come up with at that point when he returns saying he's another £300 down now.

f1_fan 03 March 2015 02:58 PM

What a surprise this thread has ended up here :Whatever_

Barry C 03 March 2015 03:02 PM

Taken a while to catch up :lol1: Not stepping on toes...

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 11638068)
I think you're missing the point. I'm sure every member commenting has the utmost sympathy with the op. However you have to be pragmatic and look at the situation on it's relative merits. Under the circumstances the odds are stacked with CP. On this basis I agree that the op should go ahead with the sale post inspection. It's the only option in my opinion.

Getting it expected wouldn't hurt if your already out of pocket and liked the ride.

I know CP famous with bad rep on here and I'm not defending them, but how often do people review a good service or only write/type bad ones.

I think RAC might even warrant there own checks, but don't quote me on that... So if the wheel did come off on way home (touch wood) you wouldn't have to show your face again on CP forecourt

Trinity - I'm not supporting just advising.

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11638070)
What a surprise this thread has ended up here :Whatever_

:D typical

jaygsi 03 March 2015 03:05 PM

I've had people claim back money on purchases etc even after providing proof of delivery etc

You can claim money back on anything. Credit cards are the best, as your covered for anything, worth a phone call.

pflowers 03 March 2015 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by mestonian (Post 11638069)
Oh dear.

Right, let me put this in plain English.

1. We DO support the OP.
2. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
3. We DO support the OP.
4. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
5. We DO support the OP.
6. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.

Are we there yet?

What are you going to do when the guy comes back and says he lost in small claims? Are you going to refund his court costs? Are you balls.

Stop spouting off about his legal standing when he has none, it's ridiculous and using the whole "not supporting members" is rubbish. If you come on here in a predicament people will support you to the fullest extent, however that doesnt mean we all have to lie to him and say "Don't worry mate, you did nothing wrong, you're fully entitled to your money back" because he isn't.

It really isn't that difficult is it.

His only two options at this point are to chalk it up to experience or get an independent inspection on the car to put his own mind at ease and proceed as he would have done prior to people giving him doubts. It galls me as much as anyone else how CP operate, but that doesn't mean this car isn't a good example.

He does indeed have a third option which individuals such as you are pushing him to do, in going the small claims court route, which he will lose and incur more costs. I can't wait to see what pearl of wisdom you come up with at that point when he returns saying he's another £300 down now.

It's a waste of time mate - I feel very sorry for the OP being misled in this way.

Trinity 03 March 2015 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by mestonian (Post 11638069)
Oh dear.

Right, let me put this in plain English.

1. We DO support the OP.
2. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
3. We DO support the OP.
4. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.
5. We DO support the OP.
6. Supporting someone doesn't mean giving them false hope, wrong information on their legal standing, and generally costing them more money advising them to go the SCC route.

Are we there yet?

What are you going to do when the guy comes back and says he lost in small claims? Are you going to refund his court costs? Are you balls.

Stop spouting off about his legal standing when he has none, it's ridiculous and using the whole "not supporting members" is rubbish. If you come on here in a predicament people will support you to the fullest extent, however that doesnt mean we all have to lie to him and say "Don't worry mate, you did nothing wrong, you're fully entitled to your money back" because he isn't.

It really isn't that difficult is it.

His only two options at this point are to chalk it up to experience or get an independent inspection on the car to put his own mind at ease and proceed as he would have done prior to people giving him doubts. It galls me as much as anyone else how CP operate, but that doesn't mean this car isn't a good example.

He does indeed have a third option which individuals such as you are pushing him to do, in going the small claims court route, which he will lose and incur more costs. I can't wait to see what pearl of wisdom you come up with at that point when he returns saying he's another £300 down now.

You mentioned earlier you where done and you where bored, but you felt the need to come back and type all of that waffle out? Very odd behaviour.

And just to educate you, if the small claims court proceedings are not found in his favour, he does not incur any addition charges apart from the original £50 to instigate the claim. Might want to check a few things before waffling.

In terms of the car, because you seem to misread the thread, the issue here is not solely on the car, but the company.

If you wish to support Cheshire Performance, then of course that is your perrogative.


kenc 03 March 2015 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638062)
What a shame the minority don't want to support members against crooks who have stolen from other members.

May as well tell everyone to buy parts from AS World as well.

A sad day for Scoobynet based on the above users, ah well, onwards and upwards, takes all sorts I guess.

Looking forward to the small claims court proceedings OP, things will go well for you I am sure.:thumb:

You really are a bit thick..
You want to mis guide the OP to on some way take the moral high ground and punish CP... You don't mind using the OP to do this and cost him money???
And you talk about supporting snet members... You have called people with a different opinion than you keyboard warriors.. You I'm afraid are a class A Keyboard bull****ter.

I could do like you and bull**** the Op, sit back and watch while it doesn't cost me a penny...
But I would prefer to try help the OP by not giving him sugar coated fairy tales and actually hopefully help him... A deposit is a deposit for God sake, if it was refundable for just any reason well there would be no real use for it in life now would there???10-11 pages now of B/s and the car could be perfect... Just the OP had been turned of by bad stories.... He has had no issue himself just hearing bad stories... Ffs.

fat-thomas 03 March 2015 03:12 PM

Have to say Trinity is spot on.
The reason the op wants out is because of the reputation of cp,like Jay says they are crooks.
I don't blame the op either as I wouldn't trust Cp as far as I could see them due to their deserved awful reputation.

Trinity 03 March 2015 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by kenc (Post 11638083)
You really are a bit thick..
You want to mis guide the OP to on some way take the moral high ground and punish CP... You don't mind using the OP to do this and cost him money???
And you talk about supporting snet members... You have called people with a different opinion than you keyboard warriors.. You I'm afraid are a class A Keyboard bull****ter.

I could do like you and bull**** the Op, sit back and watch while it doesn't cost me a penny...
But I would prefer to try help the OP by not giving him sugar coated fairy tales and actually hopefully help him... A deposit is a deposit for God sake, if it was refundable for just any reason well there would be no real use for it in life now would there???10-11 pages now of B/s and the car could be perfect... Just the OP had been turned of by bad stories.... He has had no issue himself just hearing bad stories... Ffs.


Trinity 03 March 2015 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by fat-thomas (Post 11638084)
Have to say Trinity is spot on.
The reason the op wants out is because of the reputation of cp,like Jay says they are crooks.
I don't blame the op either as I wouldn't trust Cp as far as I could see them due to their deserved awful reputation.


End of story really.

mestonian 03 March 2015 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638088)

End of story really.

End of story, because trinity says so. 😂

You really are a dickhead. I feel for the OP but genuinely cannot wait for the post saying he lost in court and your response.

Why don't you give us a little insight into what that may be? As for if he doesn't win he's only losing £50, only? Are you going to pay that for him then?

Waffling on? Lol - coming from the master bull****ter. Grow a pair little boy and admit when you're wrong, the guy hasn't got a leg to stand on, feel free to contact a solicitor, you might want to check.a few things before waffling on.

What a bell end lol

lcs_turbo 03 March 2015 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638088)

End of story really.

Ah ha ha ha! He doesn't even realise the only person "supporting" his argument is the resident troll!

Trinity 03 March 2015 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by mestonian (Post 11638095)
End of story, because trinity says so. 😂

You really are a dickhead. I feel for the OP but genuinely cannot wait for the post saying he lost in court and your response.

Why don't you give us a little insight into what that may be? As for if he doesn't win he's only losing £50, only? Are you going to pay that for him then?

Waffling on? Lol - coming from the master bull****ter. Grow a pair little boy and admit when you're wrong, the guy hasn't got a leg to stand on, feel free to contact a solicitor, you might want to check.a few things before waffling on.

What a bell end lol

Always the sign the debate is well and truly lost when one resorts to posts like that.

Its a shame the rare frequenters of Scoobynet act like this, puts a dark shadow on the forum but their words and actions do enough to show their true colours.

But the regular users have shown support the OP, so all is good.


bugeyejohn 03 March 2015 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638062)
What a shame the minority don't want to support members against crooks who have stolen from other members.

May as well tell everyone to buy parts from AS World as well.

A sad day for Scoobynet based on the above users, ah well, onwards and upwards, takes all sorts I guess.

Looking forward to the small claims court proceedings OP, things will go well for you I am sure.:thumb:

I wouldn't be so sure on that. If CP use this thread in court I would say the OP doesn't have a cat in hells chance.

The facts as a court will see it is the guy who was happy enough to buy a car including putting a deposit down. He then gets put off buying it by random people that haven't even seen the thing. They're hardly lightly to lose much sleep over the OP's £500 because in the eyes of the law CP have done nothing wrong.

Who knows perhaps they could have a change of heart and use giving the £500 back as a gesture of good will but I think we all know that's highly unlikely especially after losing a sale due to this thread.

Good luck to the OP whatever happens I wish him luck. :thumb:

Trinity 03 March 2015 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by bugeyejohn (Post 11638103)
I wouldn't be so sure on that. If CP use this thread in court I would say the OP doesn't have a cat in hells chance.

The facts as a court will see it is the guy who was happy enough to buy a car including putting a deposit down. He then gets put off buying it by random people that haven't even seen the thing. They're hardly lightly to lose much sleep over the OP's £500 because in the eyes of the law CP have done nothing wrong.

Who knows perhaps they could have a change of heart and use giving the £500 back as a gesture of good will but I think we all know that's highly unlikely especially after losing a sale due to this thread.

Good luck to the OP whatever happens I wish him luck. :thumb:

In the eyes of the law? wrongly advertised vehicle. Simples.Sales of Good Act, as even the CAB advised him on.

I agree this thread has become a bit of a battle ground and wont be of much use, but as we saw from the other threads that ended up in court against CP, it didnt really matter much and it was still awarded in the claimants favour.

Yes, good luck to the OP :thumb:

R8JimBob88 03 March 2015 03:41 PM

Well then, I dont think there is anything left to be said that hasn't already been said. I'm happy with the advice i've been given and welcome the support. Whether the support be in my favour or against it I appreciate that you've all taken the time to respond in one way or another.

I know what my options are and I know what I'm going to do next.

I'll certainly report back in due course with what has happened and even if I have lost £500 (plus whatever else it might cost me to peruse this then so be it) then I'll be the first to stand up, accept that I'm wrong and move on. I've no shame in what I have done, even if it does make me look like a **** in the first instance.

I bid you all a good day :)

mestonian 03 March 2015 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638101)
Always the sign the debate is well and truly lost when one resorts to posts like that.

Its a shame the rare frequenters of Scoobynet act like this, puts a dark shadow on the forum but their words and actions do enough to show their true colours.

But the regular users have shown support the OP, so all is good.


Lol, I've said it before, I'll say it again, bell. end.

Definitely dropped on your head as a baby. 😂

Trinity 03 March 2015 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by mestonian (Post 11638111)
Lol, I've said it before, I'll say it again, bell. end.

Definitely dropped on your head as a baby. 😂

What a lovely class of person we have frequenting the forum at the moment.

kenc 03 March 2015 03:58 PM

Op... Seriously consider getting the car Inspected!!!!

I'm interested to know with all this legal standing b/s being thrown around, when it comes to the crucial moment....
What is the reason the OP will give for demanding his refund back???

mestonian 03 March 2015 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638114)
What a lovely class of person we have frequenting the forum at the moment.

And still, with all the "regular users" and "at the moment" bull**** he hasn't realised I've been a member for 12 years 😂

Couldn't make it up.

OP - I wish you the best of luck with however you handle this, but if you take the advice of this gloyt you deserve to lose more money I'm afraid.

Let us know how it turns out.

Trinity 03 March 2015 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by mestonian (Post 11638126)
And still, with all the "regular users" and "at the moment" bull**** he hasn't realised I've been a member for 12 years 😂

Couldn't make it up.

OP - I wish you the best of luck with however you handle this, but if you take the advice of this gloyt you deserve to lose more money I'm afraid.

Let us know how it turns out.

We really do have to paint many things by numbers for you, don't we? Does worry me a little about the state of the country all in all.

So, just to explain, in very basic terms, being that you have been a member for twelve years , you have an extremely low post count, and by your own admission on your recent posts about being 'back' thus means you are not currently a regular user, and are 'frequenting' the forum at this present moment. You may become regular again, but at this point you are not.

Hope that is clear enough for you. I just asked my five year old niece, and she got it, so you should be all good.:thumb:

pflowers 03 March 2015 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by Trinity (Post 11638101)

Its a shame the rare frequenters of Scoobynet act like this, puts a dark shadow on the forum but their words and actions do enough to show their true colours.

But the regular users have shown support the OP, so all is good.


I prefer to post as and when I have something relevant to say, I also pay to use this site which puts me way ahead of you in credibility. :thumb:

Trinity 03 March 2015 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by pflowers (Post 11638129)
I prefer to post as and when I have something relevant to say, I also pay to use this site which puts me way ahead of you in credibility. :thumb:

I must of missed your relevance today :thumb:

Lol you pay to use this site? Its ok, I made that mistake for five years but eventually figured it out.

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